Adventures in YouTube

The is about the best argument for Star Wars over Star Trek I've ever heard, clearly delivered without cue cards and at least partly improvised, besides, "it's more visceral," which pretty much amounts to the same. Also, it's the only time I recall a genuine compliment from Conan and a peek at their true rapport.
So I recently found this channel out and like it was fate, it pumps out a Berserk video.

I found the approach to the underlying themes of conciousness and form quite spot-on, even though the whole shebang with the Idea of Evil is likely not getting adressed, at least not directly.
Sygorian said:
So I recently found this channel out and like it was fate, it pumps out a Berserk video.

I found the approach to the underlying themes of conciousness and form quite spot-on, even though the whole shebang with the Idea of Evil is likely not getting adressed, at least not directly.

I just watched it and I can't say that it is very good. There are several misconceptions throughout the video (including what the word "Idea" refers to in "Idea of Evil") and the author doesn't even seem to consider that some the concepts at play might come from Asia (they do).
I think i found the worst review on youtube Don´t make a review when you have nothing to say.
Sygorian said:
So I recently found this channel out and like it was fate, it pumps out a Berserk video.

I found the approach to the underlying themes of conciousness and form quite spot-on, even though the whole shebang with the Idea of Evil is likely not getting adressed, at least not directly.

I think it's a pretty complicated topic to dive head-first into like this, so I admire the approach. And I think they do a serviceable job addressing the Plato connection, but there are still things left on the table (kind of hard not to with this topic, its tendrils are everywhere). Still ... it's much better than most of the Berserk "lore" videos on YouTube, and we certainly aren't making these videos, so props to her for that.
Walter said:
Still ... it's much better than most of the Berserk "lore" videos on YouTube, and we certainly aren't making these videos, so props to her for that.

Yea that's basically why it drew my attention, there's only a handful attempts like this and it felt refreshing, albeit incomplete in some respects.
Can someone explain to me what's happening.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Walter said:
Can someone explain to me what's happening.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Seems like somebody hijacked a popular meme within manga reading circles and decided to throw it into a shitty youtube rap video?
For fans of cheesy, awesome, face melting heavy metal, there you go :
A friend sent me this channel a couple of months ago and it's fascinating. The vlogger takes a material and makes the sharpest version of a knife with it. He's done this with pasta, chocolate, rice, cloth, etc.

Check this out -
John Carpenter - The Shape Returns from the Halloween (2018) soundtrack.

Good preview since it contains parts of the main theme and other examples of what to expect from the score (it'll be interesting to see how they'll use those weird clicks and snaps and if it's effective). I can't lie though, I was hoping to hear the new version of the classic theme since I expect that they really blew it out. There's a video of the credits that contains part of it and it sounds like they go relatively big with the guitars and shit (but not where it sounds like some cheese rock =). Speaking of which, for reference here's the version from Carpenter's Anthology album, which is less atmospheric and more propulsive than the original since it's showcasing it as a composition rather than using it to set a mood:
Here's an awesome rendering of Flora's mansion in Unreal 4's engine:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Woke up the other day to this video, and I was pretty intrigued. I found most of this to be pretty horrible analysis, but nonetheless I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thus why I'm sharing it here, any thoughts?
ZachieChan said:

Woke up the other day to this video, and I was pretty intrigued. I found most of this to be pretty horrible analysis, but nonetheless I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Thus why I'm sharing it here, any thoughts?

Not clever, not funny, not intelligent. Just a lazy git ranting about a single episode of an anime made 20 years ago, and who can't be bothered to fully read the actual source material.
So this video came out recently :
Quite an interesting channel overall for this kind of thing and the ideas/parallels presented here are rather compact and fitting.

Garbage day :guts:

I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

(Teach me how to insert youtube videos properly!)