Diablo 3!

Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
Sweet! That's enough time for me to beat the last two Diablo games.

What? They are soo old! I beat them years ago. Feels like lifetimes ago. Diablo was a big part of my childhood. Can't wait for this.
The websites are making my browser crash for some reason... Anyway, they sure took their time. I only ask that the game be as good/entertaining as the first 2 were, then I'll be happy.
Gameplay Video (Youtube):

Part 1
Part 2

An oldschool Barbarian and a Necro-Druid, sorry, a Witchdoctor...
Looking nice so far! I like how the creatures climb up the wall out of nowhere or the trees turning into
Gnarled Walkers, so not all monsters are on a camping trip in the wilderness. I also wonder if all
classes are going to be able to break walls, or if this is melee-exclusive. Being able to "curse" your own minions for additional damage is a nice touch, but I doubt that this "locus swarm" skill will be
strong enough for higher levels, well I'll see.
Nevertheless, zombie-wall  :badbone:

Oburi said:
They are soo old! I beat them years ago.
We all did, but beating them again with a different class or different skills is still fun, for me that is.  :guts:
(Not to forget the different patches added also new gameplay features - like the transformed Druid
being able to cast Armageddon )

However, I already see me playing this game the first time and skilling my character the wrong way
(Curse You LoD and Your damn physical resistance).
Well I'm afraid it's looking a bit too much like the new warcraft. I'm not too fond of the lighter graphics but I suppose it's not that bad. Watching the gameplay video, it felt like a next generation Diablo game however I'm not too thrilled with the direction their taking. I can only hope they don't butcher the storyline. One thing of note is that at least we know the game most likely won't be about the sin wars. And instead we will get a continuation of the D2 LoD storyline. If they include all the old characters, especially the Paladin and Amazon, I'll be happy. The Witch Doctor kinda bugs me though.

I did like how the game is more ... 3 dimensional now, the enemies were crawling up the walls and stuff. The game is still bloody but that was never too important. I didn't watch the entire gameplay video so I didn't see what the outside environment is like. However the inside environments are pretty damn cool. Overall it will probably be a game that people will either love or hate.

P.S I'm worried about the drop system.

EDIT Thanks Royoak for the links!
Thanks for the vids, royoak. I think the game looks cool so far. I like the music too, which is a big plus as far as I'm concerned (I really like Diablo's OST). I was never a crazy fan of those games (I didn't even play D2's extension), but they were pretty cool in their own right and it'll be nice to play a new one.
Awesome, it's not as though no one expected a third title to be made though :guts:

Coincidentally, I just bought the Diablo II expansion today since I saw it was on sale for $6 at a local store. Great game. Soulless and addictive, but there were some fun times to be had for sure. This is looking good, really good actually. I dig the graphics, and it's about what I expected of the third title. I guess Im just hoping itll have some small-scale MMO elements to beef-up the experience a bit. I remember how boring the single-player campaign got after 1-2 times through it... Online was always where the fun was to be had.

PS: Deckard Cain is back again, hahaha. They should get Connery to do his voice for the fourth game =).
Wow, I can't wait! I'm definitely going to try out the witchdoctor first. The locust swarm and zombie wall spells were crazy, haha. The enemies too... And that demon summoning spell in the second video... Those were pretty cool looking. I can't wait to see the other classes the game will have.
I really like what Blizz has done with Diablo 3, much more so than their efforts with Star Craft 2. It still looks like the original 2 games but it looks like they really wanted to make the experience fresh. I love the physics and interactive enviroments as well as the detail Blizz is putting into everything. Its not just random monsters wandering around enviroments, tree's come to life, monsters climb up from the depths, and so on. I cant wait! In fact I may play Diablo 2 later today.
... Wow, this has really made me want to go back and continue my Diablo II campaigns.

It's great to see that the creators have stuck with the classic third-person perspective for this game, though. I was worried that they would try for the first-person view, which would've really taken away from the experience for me.

I'm also very happy to hear that a choice of gender will be available within each class. I kinda got tired of having manjunk in DI and II. :judo:
I'm surprised the general consensus here is that the game looks good or that it looks like the previous games. After having some time to digest what I've seen, I'm not impressed. It looks like a warcraft game. That gameplay footage is supposed to take place in the Tristram cathedral. What happened to all the bones and dirt? Did Cain hire a whole bunch of janitors to clean the place out? The game looks far too clean for a Diablo game. I'm waiting for Blizzard to release more screenshots but so far, it's pretty bad. I just recently did almost a hundred Mephisto runs. So after running through the Durance of Hate, yes.. the new game looks like a clean, polished, fairy tale. With it's current look, I'm just not interested in playing the game.

P.s. wtf is up with the comet? Did the burning legions make a wrong turn or what?
Grail said:
I was worried that they would try for the first-person view, which would've really taken away from the experience for me.

Really? Why would they do that? Might as well call the game Heretic III if that were the case, because it just wouldn't be the same thing anymore.

Ramen4ever said:
I'm surprised the general consensus here is that the game looks good or that it looks like the previous games. After having some time to digest what I've seen, I'm not impressed. It looks like a warcraft game. That gameplay footage is supposed to take place in the Tristram cathedral. What happened to all the bones and dirt? Did Cain hire a whole bunch of janitors to clean the place out? The game looks far too clean for a Diablo game. I'm waiting for Blizzard to release more screenshots but so far, it's pretty bad. I just recently did almost a hundred Mephisto runs. So after running through the Durance of Hate, yes.. the new game looks like a clean, polished, fairy tale. With it's current look, I'm just not interested in playing the game.

Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit over this (especially since it's just a demo, maybe they're not even done polishing the levels)? Not enough dirt on the floor? Is this truly what made the first two games good for you?
I really like what I'm seeing and hearing. The art style and it's cohesiveness - and the music, seem great to me (The gameplay you say? You're talking to the wrong person! I missed the D1(?)/2 bandwagons completely).
Aazealh said:
Don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit over this (especially since it's just a demo, maybe they're not even done polishing the levels)

Yes, I know it's not done yet. I'm just saying that at it's current stage I'm not impressed. I won't make final judgment on the game till after I play a demo. I'm simply voicing my concerns and doubts.

Aazealh said:
Not enough dirt on the floor? Is this truly what made the first two games good for you?

Yes the environments were a key part of my enjoyment for the first two games. Seeing dead rogues in the monastery catacombs and the torture devices in the jails beneath the barracks, added to the atmosphere of the game. Everything from the dead trying to crawl out of the river of fire to the frozen barbarians in the icy cellar. They all added to my enjoyment of the game. I don't think I'll ever forget the Durance of Hate, that place was just disturbing. Piles and piles of the dead and pools of blood. I can honestly say that the first time through the game, I was NOT looking forward to fighting the demon that resided in such a place. Seeing a nice polished floor while there are cultists and zombies running around.. especially in the Tristram Cathedral just doesn't seem right. That's my main concern with D3. The gameplay looks amazing, the characters are quiet decent. The monster and demons are quite good as well. My main problem with the game is that the environments don't look like they are in Sanctuary. The place looks far too much like Azeroth.
[quote author=IGN]
The barbarian, for instance, is the same barbarian from Diablo II but 20 years older, and so Blizzard went about deciding what happened to him over the course of that time period. "[These characters] are not generic. They're not an empty void in the middle of a story," said Boyarsky. Players will find the barbarian looks worn in Diablo III and bears multiple battle scars, supposed evidence of his hardships during the time gap.[/quote]
Superficial, but awesome.

IGN's article on it: http://pc.ign.com/articles/885/885169p1.html

"We could have a skill where you do one extra percent of critical damage it's like, oh that's not very exciting…if that's what you're defining your character by, well that's not a really awesome character. But if we say 'oh well he hits the ground so hard that everything in front of him gets completely crushed by the seismic force,' that's pretty awesome."
Hahaha, now this is my kind of action RPG :ganishka:
Walter said:
Superficial, but awesome.

IGN's article on it: http://pc.ign.com/articles/885/885169p1.html
Hahaha, now this is my kind of action RPG :ganishka:

Thx for the article Walter. I'm really liking that "same Barbarian but 20 years later" thing as well. But it kinda makes me sad as well. Because if you read everything on the Diablo III site or maybe it was another interview. It's stated somewhere that most of the original hero's died, went insane, or couldn't face the horrors of what they had witnessed. So I guess it's safe to say that most of the characters from d2 will not be playable. Well.. whatever, here's to new creative characters!! :guts:
This is too good to be true! Even after Blizzard North's crew bombed with Hell Gate London?
Okin said:
This is too good to be true! Even after Blizzard North's crew bombed with Hell Gate London?

I'm pretty sure it was ex-employees that made Hell gate London. Here a quote.
"This game is made by the same group of people that created the Diablo series who used to work for Blizzard Entertainment, but had separated from them" ... yea I doubt they have any real connection with the new Diablo.

And speaking of the new Diablo, after reading Cain's journal, watching the artwork trailer and looking at the world map a bit. I can honestly say that I do think this game has plenty of potential. I give up, I don't even care about the look of the environments. The music, the feel of the game, everything is really quite good. I guess I just had to get over how great Diablo II and LoD were and open up for something new. :serpico:
Looks very cool, I agree that the surroundings should be more decrepit, and what's up with that girl at the end of the teaser saying, "I don't think it's safe here." She almost looks more modern rather then medieval, and that line is just cheesy.. I'm not really too worried though, the art alone is mind blowing thus far. I can't even believe how cool the barbarian full-armor concept is.
Walter said:
Superficial, but awesome.

IGN's article on it: http://pc.ign.com/articles/885/885169p1.html

Yeah, I've got to admit that's a really nice touch. Makes me anticipate the game a whole lot more. I guess the female versions are the characters' wives or something then. :ganishka:

Ramen4ever said:
Thx for the article Walter. I'm really liking that "same Barbarian but 20 years later" thing as well. But it kinda makes me sad as well. Because if you read everything on the Diablo III site or maybe it was another interview. It's stated somewhere that most of the original hero's died, went insane, or couldn't face the horrors of what they had witnessed. So I guess it's safe to say that most of the characters from d2 will not be playable. Well.. whatever, here's to new creative characters!! :guts:

Awww, my old Necro didn't make it? :judo:

Ramen4ever said:
I'm pretty sure it was ex-employees that made Hell gate London. Here a quote.
"This game is made by the same group of people that created the Diablo series who used to work for Blizzard Entertainment, but had separated from them" ... yea I doubt they have any real connection with the new Diablo.

Yeah, it's from people that made the first Diablo games, but they're not part of Blizzard anymore and aren't working on this one.

Ramen4ever said:
And speaking of the new Diablo, after reading Cain's journal, watching the artwork trailer and looking at the world map a bit. I can honestly say that I do think this game has plenty of potential. I give up, I don't even care about the look of the environments. The music, the feel of the game, everything is really quite good. I guess I just had to get over how great Diablo II and LoD were and open up for something new. :serpico:

Good, because the continuous Warcraft comparisons were getting tiresome to be honest. Just take it for what it is, and who knows, maybe you'll be happily surprised when you get to see all the "wicked" environments. :void: