Griffith said:
This image is cooler than the game at this point, by far.
Groovy Metal Fist said:I recently got back to playing a few days ago and just finished Act I inferno last night. The game has its issues, but I'm still having a ton of fun.
Walter said:I haven't touched Diablo 3 in about a month. I feel completely done with the game, and I haven't even spent much time with alternate characters. I never had this problem with Diablo 2, and I think it comes down to the fact that my character doesn't feel unique. I can't spec for a Bone Necromancer or the equivalent. I didn't think that would bother me, but in the long term, I think it really did.
Groovy Metal Fist said:I can't remember the last time I was wearing an armor piece that I picked off the ground, and that takes away from most of the fun of seeing items drop in the game.
Saephon said:Well as long as someone else is gonna mention a Diablo-like game that isn't Diablo...
Check out Path of Exile. It's in closed beta right now, though if you donate 10 bucks you'll get automatic access. Most people I know who consider themselves hardcore D2 fans say they're enjoying PoE more than D3. I can't vouch for it myself, but I might go ahead and pay the ten dollars to try it myself. I like some of the features I've seen described, like randomized dungeons that are tied to "scrolls". In other words, high level dungeons are almost a commodity in and of themselves.
Wow! I had no idea you had a Lv 60 hardcore... Why not, uh roll with a different character for a while?Griffith said:I think enough time has passed for me to talk about this. A few weeks ago my level 60 (2) Hardcore character was killed... by AAZmodan!![]()
It was so sudden and unexpected that it didn't even hit me, whereas on occasions I'd survived my heart was pounding and I was ready to yell at the screen if I'd succumbed. I thought I'd just casually dispatch him, between walking the dog and showering, on my march to inevitable Hardcore Inferno victory, but I forgot he basically has a one hit kill power if you linger too far from him, and I was playing it safe, ironically. Oh well, I'll correct next time... oh wait, there is no next time for the dead.
I started a new HC Barb with the same name as my D2 barbarian, Tarhcon, as opposed to my normal Tarchon (get it). Strangely, it drove me back to D2 hardcore for a while, and now regular Diablo PSX on my phone (lvl 32 Hell difficulty, gonna max out EVERYTHING).
I know that feeling, i really enjoy D2 SP, i always quit but after a while i end up thinking of a strange build that i want to try out so i starrt farming for items/runes or leveling characters.Griffith said:I started a new HC Barb with the same name as my D2 barbarian, Tarhcon, as opposed to my normal Tarchon (get it). Strangely, it drove me back to D2 hardcore for a while, and now regular Diablo PSX on my phone (lvl 32 Hell difficulty, gonna max out EVERYTHING).
Griffith said:I think enough time has passed for me to talk about this. A few weeks ago my level 60 (2) Hardcore character was killed... by AAZmodan!![]()
Walter said:Wow! I had no idea you had a Lv 60 hardcore... Why not, uh roll with a different character for a while?
Walter said:And what'd you think of Path of Exile?
Joe Chip said:I know that feeling, i really enjoy D2 SP, i always quit but after a while i end up thinking of a strange build that i want to try out so i starrt farming for items/runes or leveling characters.
What kind of build are you trying Griff ?
Aazealh said:Your soul is miiiiiiine.
Sorry to hear about that though.
I had a ton of fun experimenting with the different classes in short bursts during the beta. Then the game came out and... welp. I made a boring Barb.Griffith said:As for other classes, logged 0 hours 0 minutes on them in D3, and I don't plan on screwing up the ratio. =)
Too bad. It's a fun little game. It didn't get its hooks in me too deep though. I spent maybe 2-3 days playing it in my spare time, but totally forgot about it until recently. "Oh yeah, that!"The name "Tarchon" was not available, so I didn't get off the beach...
BUT, I named my account Tarchon, so the lingering question, "Did using that as my account name bar me from using it as a character name because it was "already taken?" left me bitterly wondering if they were that stupid (it's not a common character name that's usually taken, but more so now...). Maybe I'll fire it up again. It looked pretty cool.
This is FANTASTIC news. I knew it'd be a game he'd enjoy if he gave it a shot, him being a fan of old school stuff. Made my day.BTW, I may be a lost cause, but you'll be glad to know I persuded my dad to pick up Dark Souls and he's already got an NG+ level 100-something character.
Walter said:I had a ton of fun experimenting with the different classes in short bursts during the beta. Then the game came out and... welp. I made a boring Barb.
Walter said:Too bad. It's a fun little game. It didn't get its hooks in me too deep though. I spent maybe 2-3 days playing it in my spare time, but totally forgot about it until recently. "Oh yeah, that!"
Walter said:This is FANTASTIC news. I knew it'd be a game he'd enjoy if he gave it a shot, him being a fan of old school stuff. Made my day.
Man, i really hate the third Act... I really like Act 2 and 4Griffith said:That's why I went back to D2 and my hardcore guy there (my lvl 70 softcore guy I only play with a bud). Anyway, he was only in Act II and I got him to III and lost interest again (fucking Kurast and the jungle, Christ). So I'm on my D1 guy now.
It's a really good game, give it another try. A buddy of mine is having a great time. I tried playing it but my Laptop can't really handle it, it gets really hot after a while. I am currently looking to buy a new Desktop PC.Griffith said:Maybe I'll fire it up again. It looked pretty cool.
Your Dad is really cool, my dad recently went into retirement and he is bored out of his mind. I wish i could get him into gaming, i am constantly trying to keep him occupied =).Griffith said:BTW, I may be a lost cause, but you'll be glad to know I persuded my dad to pick up Dark Souls and he's already got an NG+ level 100-something character.
Sounds like fun ! I like barbarian builds, the WW barb was my fastest killing build. I have to admit that my favorite character is the melee Paladin, Zeal is just ridiculous. Oh yeah, sry to hear about the death of your char, it has happened to me a few times as well, i hate the feelingGriffith said:Totally boring ones out of D2 101, a softcore IK WW barb and an extra defensive conc barb in HC. I'm trying these because I never played any dedicaded archtype builds back in the day, just stuck points wherever on my starting character and whatever he turned into, he was my guy. I could melt mobs in solo Hell though thanks to my elite lance (I'm fond of recounting that I was offered $20 for it irl =). That character got nerfed sometime after the expansion came out and it became literal and figurative trench warefare for my whirly lancer. My dream is to basically recreate that old barb, but first I'm building the IK one, trying to get the set for fun, and of course placing the points as efficiently as possible. Later I may try to rune up a super lance and totally make him over, but it'll be harder being non-ladder at this point.
Have you tried Torchlight 2 ? It's a really good game, i had lots of fun playing it.Griffith said:Yeah, any of these Diablo-style dungeon crawlers are a double-edged sword. They're all fun, but they're all fleeting. Also, I go back and play Diablo II and I admire it not only for what it has but for some of the modern "advancements" it DOESN'T. It's still one of the best of its kind, which is a good feat for a game almost 15 years old, but also a pretty sad fact for the genre.
Joe Chip said:Man, i really hate the third Act... I really like Act 2 and 4
Joe Chip said:It's a really good game, give it another try. A buddy of mine is having a great time. I tried playing it but my Laptop can't really handle it, it gets really hot after a while. I am currently looking to buy a new Desktop PC.
Joe Chip said:Your Dad is really cool, my dad recently went into retirement and he is bored out of his mind. I wish i could get him into gaming, i am constantly trying to keep him occupied =).
Joe Chip said:Sounds like fun ! I like barbarian builds, the WW barb was my fastest killing build. I have to admit that my favorite character is the melee Paladin, Zeal is just ridiculous. Oh yeah, sry to hear about the death of your char, it has happened to me a few times as well, i hate the feeling![]()
Joe Chip said:Have you tried Torchlight 2 ? It's a really good game, i had lots of fun playing it.