Hey berserkers! Pardon me if this seems like sort of a random inquiry but this is a pretty erudite bunch of Berserk scholars here so I figured there was noplace better to ask. I was wondering, does anyone have access to this paper:
It was from a Tolkien conference in 2021, which I didnt attend, and I have not been able to find recordings of the talk on Youtube or anyplace else. Might anyone here have access to the paper? If not I wonder if I should contact the author and see if they might be able to grace me. Thanks for your time!
It was from a Tolkien conference in 2021, which I didnt attend, and I have not been able to find recordings of the talk on Youtube or anyplace else. Might anyone here have access to the paper? If not I wonder if I should contact the author and see if they might be able to grace me. Thanks for your time!