Favorite Video Games (Series)

What are your favorite games among these top sellers?

  • Mario

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • Pokémon

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Call of Duty

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Grand Theft Auto

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • The Sims

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Need for Speed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Super Mario Kart

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Madden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assassin's Creed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sonic the Hedgehog

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • The Legend of Zelda

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Resident Evil

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Gran Turismo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Halo

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Dragon Quest

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Tomb Raider

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • The Elder Scrolls

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Metal Gear

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Street Fighter

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Super Smash Bros.

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Diablo

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Mega Man

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Fallout

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Souls

    Votes: 18 50.0%
  • Castlevania

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Metroid

    Votes: 5 13.9%

  • Total voters
Griffith said:
Yeah, from one of SNES' rare treasures to a game that if you don't own multiple bad ports of... congrats! Chrono Trigger is kind of a sneaky series given it technically has 3 games to its name counting Radical Dreamers (and the original has been ported so much it just FEELS like it's bigger =).

Does that mean it qualifies to be in the poll? :carcus:

Griffith said:
Speaking of which, I also think it's unlikely we WON'T ever get another one given how much the game's reputation and name has endured. They'll go back to that well sooner or later, for better or worse. I don't know if it'll be a AAA modern treatment like FFXV, or my preference... get the old band back together and make a smaller direct sequel, Chrono Trigger 2, in the style of the original, as if it came out in 1999 or something. :guts:

I'd definitely get any new game in the series, so I for sure hope you're right. I think your idea would be the best for me as well (something in the same vein as Mega Man 9 and 10, right?)

Walter said:
Because my favorite games of all time either aren't in series (Infinite Space, Shadow of the Colossus), or are parts of series that are so mired in other shit that it's hard for me to vote for the whole group of them (Final Fantasy, Front Mission).

I've heard nothing but good things about Infinite Space but I just couldn't finish it. :judo: When I bought it a few years ago I played for a little over twenty hours, but since then I've simply had no interest in continuing. I think the biggest problem with the game for me is the battle system which I found absolutely horrible; fighting was basically a chore. And don't get me started on those melee fights...
My personal top 5 favourites are Dragon Age, Battlefield, Civilization, AOE, and Dirt(Colin McRae Rally). There's an extra I wanna include but it's not a franchise; it's called Battle Mages, a Russian RTS Classic, played it a lot during the middle school years.
Griffith said:
Which Final Fantasy's are your favorite? Which turn you off so much you feel you have to exclude it (I'm in the same boat)?

Final Fantasy 6 is still probably my favorite game. I can't escape it. I thought it was just nostalgia, but I replayed it around the time my son was born (5 years ago), and reaffirmed my opinion of it. It's got almost everything I want in a game. As for least favorite? I don't have many positive things to say about the games after 6, but 10 was the one I had the LEAST amount of fun with.

You could also say you like the Team Ico, or Fumito Ueda's, games, even if Colossus towers above the rest, or a disclaimer why you don't actually feel that way about the rest, etc.

Well in retrospect, it belongs in that list of favorite series for me, but I was initially excluding it because I don't think of Ico-SotC-Last Guardian as a real "series." They're loosely connected, but you know, so is the fucking Final Fantasy series. So sure, why not?

Actually, my biggest question is has Souls fallen off so much for you it's not even among your favorite individual titles anymore (play DS3 :iva:), or does it simply go without saying?

With Souls it's pretty simple: I think Dark Souls did everything I needed that franchise to do for me, and the experiences I've had with the other games fell short. As for DS3 specifically, I did play about 20h of it, but started getting diminishing returns the further I got, and I just didn't want to ruin it by going further than my gut wanted me to. I played Dark Souls 1 for more than 500 hours. It was a huge, amazing experience. But I've kind of had my fill, and From Soft's apparent lack of desire to innovate on that front has just left me feeling even worse about the franchise.

I actually feel that way with SotC these days. I loved it like everyone else, played it on (your) PS2 and more on my PC in HD, but without compelling reason or opportunity to go back to it my feelings for it haven't endured and yet it's still so popularly revered, "games as art!" that it's almost like I look at it with suspicion now, if that makes sense? Like my response to your listing it was like, "really?," except I shouldn't be surprised as it's been one of my favorite games too (I also expect you to have played way more than me). I guess I just need to replay it in order to know again for myself.

This is funny because I'm pretty sure we had this same conversation when I was convincing you to play the game the first time, 13 years ago :badbone: I mean, the game kind of talks for itself. It's an incredible experience that feels like a storybook coming to life. The feeling of seeing the winged guy soar towards you, and then you hop on his wing and the music kicks in? No game captures quite that experience. It's one of those moments that's "bigger than games" for me.

On this note, I think that's what hurts Final Fantasy: Everyone has at least one that meant A LOT to them at one time, but probably not anymore, and if one listed it as one of their favorite games it's probably more because of how much they know it meant to them than it does now. BTW, where would Zelda be in this thread without BotW? Probably closer to that Final Fantasy zone.

Naaaah, even the worst of the Zelda games (cd-i doesn't count!) are better and more ambitious than trash like FFII-III. The only difference is that without BotW, with Skyward Sword being the "freshest" big Zelda experience, I might have to consider whether it fits on my list or not, instead of immediately conclude. :guts:

m said:
I've heard nothing but good things about Infinite Space but I just couldn't finish it. :judo: When I bought it a few years ago I played for a little over twenty hours, but since then I've simply had no interest in continuing. I think the biggest problem with the game for me is the battle system which I found absolutely horrible; fighting was basically a chore. And don't get me started on those melee fights...

I think combat was pretty boring in Infinite Space for a good portion of the game, until they start changing up the fundamentals in the battles. For example, they change the number of ships you can have in your fleet (at first 1, then 3 and finally 5), adding fighters (small spacecraft that can swarm ships) and special attacks that require you to be positioned in a certain range from the enemy. By about the halfway point, I was really enjoying it. Particularly, I found amassing a RIDICULOUSLY powerful fleet to be incredibly satisfying. The ship that Valantin makes his big entrance in, The Corsair, it's a huge moment in the game because you witness the firepower in this sick-ass, huge ship, that obliterates anything you've seen heretofore. Yeah, you can eventually get five of those (It took me a long time). :ganishka: And the Corsair isn't even in the top 3 of the best ships in the game.

Anyway, Infinite Space is filled with little problems like that (the slow/meandering pacing in the beginning, melee feeling a bit like shitty paper-rock-scissors, the tutorial being buried, most planets involve just 2 locations: a bar and a spaceport). And none of those things matter a damn in consideration of the full package it provides. Truly, it's the story and the characters that utterly floored me in that game. It's been about 8 years since I first played it, and I still think about it all the time. It does things with a game story that I've never seen others pull off (even if done similarly, not as well), including things I've always WANTED games to do. Layer all of that on top of a decent sci-fi story that never really slows down once it gets started, it's a classic.
Walter said:
I think combat was pretty boring in Infinite Space for a good portion of the game, until they start changing up the fundamentals in the battles. For example, they change the number of ships you can have in your fleet (at first 1, then 3 and finally 5), adding fighters (small spacecraft that can swarm ships) and special attacks that require you to be positioned in a certain range from the enemy. By about the halfway point, I was really enjoying it. Particularly, I found amassing a RIDICULOUSLY powerful fleet to be incredibly satisfying. The ship that Valantin makes his big entrance in, The Corsair, it's a huge moment in the game because you witness the firepower in this sick-ass, huge ship, that obliterates anything you've seen heretofore. Yeah, you can eventually get five of those (It took me a long time). :ganishka: And the Corsair isn't even in the top 3 of the best ships in the game.

When I stopped playing I had three ships, I could use fighters and I also had ranged attacks, but that didn’t make things better for me at all; I still found combat quite tedious. :sad:

Walter said:
Anyway, Infinite Space is filled with little problems like that (the slow/meandering pacing in the beginning, melee feeling a bit like shitty paper-rock-scissors, the tutorial being buried, most planets involve just 2 locations: a bar and a spaceport). And none of those things matter a damn in consideration of the full package it provides. Truly, it's the story and the characters that utterly floored me in that game. It's been about 8 years since I first played it, and I still think about it all the time. It does things with a game story that I've never seen others pull off (even if done similarly, not as well), including things I've always WANTED games to do. Layer all of that on top of a decent sci-fi story that never really slows down once it gets started, it's a classic.

This kind of review is what got me to buy the game to begin with, and I seem to remember you suggesting me to stick with it once upon a time, but I just couldn’t. I think I should give it another shot, because I’m really curious to see what comes next, and to see if things will finally click for me.
Eluvei said:
Voted for Metal Gear because I like all of them except for 4, but I sort of like that 4 exists because it's insane. MGS 1-3 are my favorite games I think. Also voted for Mega Man, played most of them and they range from alright to great, the only one that was total shit was X7. I loved the Zero series when I was in high school.


Eluvei said:
I enjoy Mario but only played up to the 16 bit ones.

Hey, those are pretty good though! And not even Mario 64? You should get on your own list of missed classics like Rhombaad.

Eluvei said:
Almost voted for Souls but the truth is, even though Demon's and Dark 1 are two of my favorite games, I felt the others were just okayish.
tom said:
Votes for Souls, though I did not find 3 enjoyable at all - 1 and 2 were just that good, though.

Interesting takes on Souls, which continues to dominate despite it being like the same game made over and over again. YMMV.

tom said:
I like that you put Sims in there, I might have voted for that one if not Souls.

Well, you still can, you get 5 votes.

m said:
Does that mean it qualifies to be in the poll? :carcus:

Nope... well, maybe. =)

m said:
I'd definitely get any new game in the series, so I for sure hope you're right. I think your idea would be the best for me as well (something in the same vein as Mega Man 9 and 10, right?)

Yep! As I've said, I loved that, and I feel like we reached an interesting plateau with gaming where, while graphics are still improving all the time, the advances were becoming more subtle and refined to the point I could play Red Dead now and it doesn't feel too far removed from GTAV, plus indie titles being more creative than technically impressive with their graphical choices. Basically graphics reached a place where, when not going for as photo-realistic as technically possible, one could make them stylized in semi-timeless fashion without breaking the bank. Plus, even going back to 8-bit and Mega-Man as a prime example, good graphics can simply come down to art design, no matter technical limitations you're working with. We just more readily recognize and acknowledge that now.

Walter said:
Final Fantasy 6 is still probably my favorite game. I can't escape it. I thought it was just nostalgia, but I replayed it around the time my son was born (5 years ago), and reaffirmed my opinion of it. It's got almost everything I want in a game. As for least favorite? I don't have many positive things to say about the games after 6, but 10 was the one I had the LEAST amount of fun with.

I'd probably feel the same if I replayed VI, though I doubt I'd feel the same way about FFVII. Talk about soiled ground.

Walter said:
With Souls it's pretty simple: I think Dark Souls did everything I needed that franchise to do for me, and the experiences I've had with the other games fell short. As for DS3 specifically, I did play about 20h of it, but started getting diminishing returns the further I got, and I just didn't want to ruin it by going further than my gut wanted me to. I played Dark Souls 1 for more than 500 hours. It was a huge, amazing experience. But I've kind of had my fill, and From Soft's apparent lack of desire to innovate on that front has just left me feeling even worse about the franchise.

Ouch, but I can't really blame you because it sounds like your particular experience with the first Dark Souls is impossible to replicate; you already got more than your fill as you said, and combined with the letdown of DS2 I can see how you're pretty much over it and III is even more derivative of the original Dark Souls than DS2. I was fortunate that by the time I got into Dark Souls in earnest there was already so much material available I *only* put 200 hours into the original and was still hungry for the rest (plus I started banging my head against the wall with 2, so it only kept getting better after that =). You and your gut, though, "Well, I've played this game to 90% completion... but I think they've lost me. *Jerry Seinfeld voice* I choose not to play!" :guts:

Walter said:
This is funny because I'm pretty sure we had this same conversation when I was convincing you to play the game the first time, 13 years ago :badbone: I mean, the game kind of talks for itself. It's an incredible experience that feels like a storybook coming to life. The feeling of seeing the winged guy soar towards you, and then you hop on his wing and the music kicks in? No game captures quite that experience. It's one of those moments that's "bigger than games" for me.

Yeah, that game gave a sense of genuine awe throughout, not just moments, the whole world. Though the flyers are still special even among the rest, jumping and hanging on that bird is probably one of the grandest moments one can experience in any media, and the flying sand worn is similar when you realize you gotta ride up to and jump on it from your horse! Did I take that much convincing though? I can't remember, but it was pretty damn prominent at the time. I think you had to talk me more into MGS3.

Walter said:
Naaaah, even the worst of the Zelda games (cd-i doesn't count!) are better and more ambitious than trash like FFII-III. The only difference is that without BotW, with Skyward Sword being the "freshest" big Zelda experience, I might have to consider whether it fits on my list or not, instead of immediately conclude. :guts:

Well, that's what I mean, it can be pretty fluid, and before BotW all we did was bitch about the latest Zelda(s) being too derivative, repetitive, and easy while still sort of acknowledging they're among the best games out there, "But I expected more!" :ganishka:

Walter said:
Anyway, Infinite Space is filled with little problems like that (the slow/meandering pacing in the beginning, melee feeling a bit like shitty paper-rock-scissors, the tutorial being buried, most planets involve just 2 locations: a bar and a spaceport). And none of those things matter a damn in consideration of the full package it provides. Truly, it's the story and the characters that utterly floored me in that game. It's been about 8 years since I first played it, and I still think about it all the time. It does things with a game story that I've never seen others pull off (even if done similarly, not as well), including things I've always WANTED games to do. Layer all of that on top of a decent sci-fi story that never really slows down once it gets started, it's a classic.

I'm proud and somewhat amazed I was about to get into and through Infinite Space on your and Aaz's recommendation because it is so incredibly long, involved and intricate when you get into the nitty gritty (being on DS helped since I could play in bed at night). I even convinced my dad to play it through. Great game on many levels.
Griffith said:
I'm proud and somewhat amazed I was about to get into and through Infinite Space on your and Aaz's recommendation because it is so incredibly long, involved and intricate when you get into the nitty gritty (being on DS helped since I could play in bed at night). I even convinced my dad to play it through. Great game on many levels.

No game has ever been more deserving of a remake.
Hey all, my first post here. :farnese:

I would have to rank my top 5 from this (in no particular order):

Halo (I played this games multiplayer at a fairly high level, probably the only FPS I ever truly enjoyed)

Grand Turismo (Tons of hours in this game, I really like it because it doesn't really require a lot of commitment)

Diablo (Diablo 2 was a great game, though I would rank some of Blizzards other games higher if they were listed)

Elder Scrolls (I am a recovering RPG addict)

Super Smash bros (Beer Smash was a drinking game me and some room mates invented which can get pretty competitive)
Faded said:
Diablo (Diablo 2 was a great game, though I would rank some of Blizzards other games higher if they were listed)

Rock n' Roll Racing remains the best thing they've done. :badbone:
Aazealh said:
Rock n' Roll Racing remains the best thing they've done. :badbone:

Ahahaha, I was more of a Warcraft 3 / Vanilla World of Warcraft guy. Though I quit all my RPG's around 2013 because I just couldn't put the kind of hours in that you need to stay at the highest tier.

Between WoW and GuildWars I lost probably 7 years of my life I will never get back. I wouldn't trade the memories for the world though, I met some absolutely stellar people through MMO's like that.
Griffith said:
Hey, those are pretty good though! And not even Mario 64? You should get on your own list of missed classics like Rhombaad.

I'm sort of going through a list like Rhombaad's but I dunno if I can justify spending dozens of hours with Charles Martinet at this point in my life.
Eluvei said:
I'm sort of going through a list like Rhombaad's but I dunno if I can justify spending dozens of hours with Charles Martinet at this point in my life.

Mario 64 invented modern 3D platforming. Hugely influential game and still one of the best platformers of all time.
Aazealh said:
No game has ever been more deserving of a remake.

Zelda 1? Or would you count every Zelda made since? =)

Eluvei said:
I'm sort of going through a list like Rhombaad's but I dunno if I can justify spending dozens of hours with Charles Martinet at this point in my life.

If I can literally spend dozens of hours watching all of Twin Peaks you can spend a few, it doesn't take that long to collect the requisite stars, on the grandfather of modern gaming. You might like it more than you'd think, it's got this unpolished, simulator quality to it that kind of adds some weird weight and realism you don't get in more streamlined, hand-holdy, Nintendo products (like GTA or BotW the funnest part of the game is fucking around with it). Like how Texas Chainsaw Massacre is shot like some sort of high school science film and that somehow enhances it.

Aazealh said:
Mario 64 invented modern 3D platforming. Hugely influential game and still one of the best platformers of all time.

Well, it's like the tech demo for it, the simultaneously co-developed Zelda 64 is the finished product we're all still playing today in some form or another! :guts:
Griffith said:
Zelda 1? Or would you count every Zelda made since? =)

Haha, yeah Zelda 1 has inspired enough "variations" let's say, and besides it's timeless, as perfect today as it was then. :badbone:

Griffith said:
Well, it's like the tech demo for it, the simultaneously co-developed Zelda 64 is the finished product we're all still playing today in some form or another! :guts:

Aww, come on, I love Zelda 64 but Mario 64's great too! So much good stuff in there, and I really enjoyed replaying it on the NDS when they ported it.
With Souls it's pretty simple: I think Dark Souls did everything I needed that franchise to do for me, and the experiences I've had with the other games fell short. As for DS3 specifically, I did play about 20h of it, but started getting diminishing returns the further I got, and I just didn't want to ruin it by going further than my gut wanted me to. I played Dark Souls 1 for more than 500 hours. It was a huge, amazing experience. But I've kind of had my fill, and From Soft's apparent lack of desire to innovate on that front has just left me feeling even worse about the franchise.

Have you tried Bloodborne? It's much better than Dark Souls franchise. It has more consistent atmosphere and world, combat is faster and more exciting and rewarding.

My favorite series/games are pretty much: God of War, Uncharted, The Elder Scrolls, Persona, Souls ( including Bloodborne ), The Witcher, Grand Theft Auto.