The first line is the reference to Path of Exile (worth checking the lore btw!).
The eclipse.
The absence of meaning and mercy,
A house to death and decay,
Homage to pitiless angels,
Able to ruin everyone's fate.
Your story has hardly been grim
Before witnessing five godless angels above
On the tower of broken hopes and dreams
of millions, with one person in charge.
During the delirious feast of rebirth
Of that butcher as kin of the astral world.
Sacrificing all the precious things he has got -
His family, friends and ideals are now past -
For the only malicious dream of which he has thought
That is nothing, but based foolish lust
To, till the last drop of blood,
Let them be relieved of flesh and be torn apart,
Just saying two words - "I sacrifice",
Bestowing upon them the blackened fever of light.
A death they can never avoid, never escape
For being faithful, dependant, in love... all, in vain.
Their feet will never touch ground,
Nor will they savour the light.
Eternal shining turning black as mound
Angels - into death bringers, humans - into merciless device.
Far beyond muscle power and oath,
Beyond people's expectations and mind
Instruments of virtue always bring the painful fulfillment -
Called the "brand of sacrifice".
Engulfed by the vortex of hungry souls,
Delving into the very marrow of world's rotting root
You are to witness the true face of beloved one,
Whose true ideas you thought to have understood...