Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)

I ordered my from and used the in-store pick up, and I don't I will be using that service again. I was busy yesterday so I went to gamestop this morning, after trying Best Buy and Target as I knew about the shipment error, I ask about ordering it from there site. They look a little confused as to how I ordered it and then said "well we got an extra copy in just today...did you call earlier?" I had not. "Oh ok then you can take this one then" I think someone was about to pick up my copy if I hadn't shown up when I did :T

Hey this is my first FE, I've decided to go classic after and will try not to restart a mission if one of my mates die. I only one question, is the easiest setting right for me or is it too easy?
Slime_Beherit said:
I ordered my from and used the in-store pick up, and I don't I will be using that service again. I was busy yesterday so I went to gamestop this morning, after trying Best Buy and Target as I knew about the shipment error, I ask about ordering it from there site. They look a little confused as to how I ordered it and then said "well we got an extra copy in just today...did you call earlier?" I had not. "Oh ok then you can take this one then" I think someone was about to pick up my copy if I hadn't shown up when I did :T

Hey this is my first FE, I've decided to go classic after and will try not to restart a mission if one of my mates die. I only one question, is the easiest setting right for me or is it too easy?
For the demo, I found Normal a little too easy, personally. My recommendation would be to play on Normal for the first chapter or two and see if you can tolerate it. If not, you can quickly restart the game, and skip through cutscenes to catch up to where you left off.

My game is currently downloading onto my 3DS, will post impressions as I get them. Psyched!
Playing Normal and Classic mode, I'm now at Chapter 5. Game is going along very nicely. I did lose Chrom in the Chapter 4 battle, mostly due to underestimating the range of an enemy's movements. But it wasn't a big deal. Just restarted (losing him is an instant game over).

Does anyone else feel like Frederick is too powerful? Maybe he'll balance out but geez, it seems like he's able to one-shot just about anyone I've come across in the game so far. I'm trying to level up all my guys, and Freddy steps up and mops up the entire floor. I'll have to start keeping him in the back.

A small tip: disable the character voices. Those chirpy: "Well..." "Ah...?" "Oh..." "No..." canned voices really grated on my nerves after a few scenes. Sounds very unnatural. Thankfully the game gives you a plethora of options (including enabling Japanese vocals, wow). With them turned off, it's quite a bit more pleasing to my ears.
Walter said:
Does anyone else feel like Frederick is too powerful? Maybe he'll balance out but geez, it seems like he's able to one-shot just about anyone I've come across in the game so far. I'm trying to level up all my guys, and Freddy steps up and mops up the entire floor. I'll have to start keeping him in the back.

I haven't had a chance to play Awakening yet of course(NO 3DS :mozgus: ) but that's somewhat of a traditional Fire Emblem character staple. The older/more experienced character who you have with you at the beginning that can just tear through everything like paper but that has shitty stat scaling. It's better to keep those types in the back and let others get experience as they'll end up a lot more powerful than him later. This is just from the past FE games though, so take it as you will.
Dar Klink said:
I haven't had a chance to play Awakening yet of course(NO 3DS :mozgus: ) but that's somewhat of a traditional Fire Emblem character staple. The older/more experienced character who you have with you at the beginning that can just tear through everything like paper but that has shitty stat scaling. It's better to keep those types in the back and let others get experience as they'll end up a lot more powerful than him later. This is just from the past FE games though, so take it as you will.

This holds true in Awakening as well. Frederick is good in the beginning, but will most likely not cut it for you in the end. I highly recommend you avoid using those early juicy characters at all costs. Your time will be much better spent on leveling less experienced basic characters.

tama chan said:
For those who have played the others, is this one considered one of the best in the series?

Not sure about best but... its very polished, and very fun =/

Walter said:
A small tip: disable the character voices. Those chirpy: "Well..." "Ah...?" "Oh..." "No..." canned voices really grated on my nerves after a few scenes. Sounds very unnatural. Thankfully the game gives you a plethora of options (including enabling Japanese vocals, wow). With them turned off, it's quite a bit more pleasing to my ears.

Yeah those are really distracting.

If you've got the game, make sure you snag the DLC (available after CH4) that remains free until 3/6.
frankencowx said:
If you've got the game, make sure you snag the DLC (available after CH4) that remains free until 3/6.
Yep, the DLC is pretty neat. You get to play against/with the heroes from all previous Fire Emblem games. Total fan service nonsense, but enjoyable nonetheless.

I'm at Chapter 7 now. Man, keeping everyone alive is beginning to be difficult... I had to replay the Chapter 6 battle about three times. I've got 3 characters above Lv 10 now, just waiting for the chance to advance their classes.
Walter said:
I'm at Chapter 7 now. Man, keeping everyone alive is beginning to be difficult... I had to replay the Chapter 6 battle about three times. I've got 3 characters above Lv 10 now, just waiting for the chance to advance their classes.

Buy every Second Seal and Master Seal you can from that shop lady who randomly pops up on the map so you can start snagging skills from other classes early.
frankencowx said:
Buy every Second Seal and Master Seal you can from that shop lady who randomly pops up on the map so you can start snagging skills from other classes early.
Thanks, the game hasn't explained that system yet. I had read elsewhere that after Lv 10 you can begin to advance them...

Question about the game's mechanics... what defense is there against enemies ganging up on 1 person all in a single round? A number of times, three enemies will decide to pick on one character, and of course he can't sustain three attacks in a single turn. It boiled down to luck for one battle, though I defended against it by lining up my guys in a single file, so as not to make one character stick out from the pack too much. Ideas?

Also, can myrmidions use standard swords, or are they fixed on katanas?
Walter said:
Thanks, the game hasn't explained that system yet. I had read elsewhere that after Lv 10 you can begin to advance them...

Question about the game's mechanics... what defense is there against enemies ganging up on 1 person all in a single round? A number of times, three enemies will decide to pick on one character, and of course he can't sustain three attacks in a single turn. It boiled down to luck for one battle, though I defended against it by lining up my guys in a single file, so as not to make one character stick out from the pack too much. Ideas?

Also, can myrmidions use standard swords, or are they fixed on katanas?

Myrmidons can use standard swords. By Katana do you mean killing edge??

As for the mechanics, that's pretty much the AI's one priority. Single out the weakest character and send everything within range at him/her. You can deal with it a couple of different ways, keep your weaker guys in the back, or cluster your units together so that the weaker character cannot be surrounded on all fronts, or even pair the weak character up with a stronger one and switch the weakling in the back.

Do you play with the enemy range map on?? That helps for keeping your weak guys out of harms way, so you can go in for the kill later.

Are you pairing up characters to boost their support? That will work wonders for when you're ganged up on.
frankencowx said:
Myrmidons can use standard swords. By Katana do you mean killing edge??
Well, Lon Qu comes preequipped with a katana called "Killing Edge", and I just assumed that as a new class, his was one of a new class of swords that I would later be able to purchase (like in FFT). But Killing Edge now has a durability of 11, so Im looking to replace it soon...

As for the mechanics, that's pretty much the AI's one priority. Single out the weakest character and send everything within range at him/her. You can deal with it a couple of different ways, keep your weaker guys in the back, or cluster your units together so that the weaker character cannot be surrounded on all fronts, or even pair the weak character up with a stronger one and switch the weakling in the back.
But even a character with high HP can get ganged up on and ruined in a turn. I had a character with 35 HP, and when 4 enemies do 9 damage per turn, he's toast before I can move him to the back.

Are you pairing up characters to boost their support? That will work wonders for when you're ganged up on.
I am, but I'm still learning how the mechanic works. If I move CharA next to CharB and then choose Pair up, who becomes the main unit? A or B? I wouldn't want to accidentally make a healer the primary unit for that square, for example.
Walter said:
Well, Lon Qu comes preequipped with a katana called "Killing Edge", and I just assumed that as a new class, his was one of a new class of swords that I would later be able to purchase (like in FFT). But Killing Edge now has a durability of 11, so Im looking to replace it soon...

Killing edge is just a sword with high crit rate. Hang onto it if you want, but you will find and buy more later. (You will also find killing bows, axes, etc)

But even a character with high HP can get ganged up on and ruined in a turn. I had a character with 35 HP, and when 4 enemies do 9 damage per turn, he's toast before I can move him to the back.

Sounds like a bad situation/positioning. Try not to end your turn with a unit vulnerable to an attack from 4 different positions. Watch the enemy threat map and plan accordingly. Hang out just outside their threat range. Sometimes you have to let them come to you then pick them off. Was this 4 lance knights?

I am, but I'm still learning how the mechanic works. If I move CharA next to CharB and then choose Pair up, who becomes the main unit? A or B? I wouldn't want to accidentally make a healer the primary unit for that square, for example.

If you move CharA on to CharB, A will remain in the back while B will be the current. If B hasn't moved, then you can move A even further with B as a pair. You can switch who is the current character that turn or any subsequent turn if they're not grayed out. When they pair, you'll get various stat boosts and boons, depending on their support level. This helps in a whole bunch of ways. Sometimes you'll get extra attacks, or your background character will block an attack and take 0 damage for you. You dramatically increase your support levels when you attack as a pair. Also pair characters to move further across deserts that normally hamper movement.
frankencowx said:
Sounds like a bad situation/positioning. Try not to end your turn with a unit vulnerable to an attack from 4 different positions. Watch the enemy threat map and plan accordingly. Hang out just outside their threat range. Sometimes you have to let them come to you then pick them off. Was this 4 lance knights?
Nope, it was a mix of axe guys and mages attacking my axe guy.

If you move CharA on to CharB, A will remain in the back while B will be the current. If B hasn't moved, then you can move A even further with B as a pair. You can switch who is the current character that turn or any subsequent turn if they're not grayed out. When they pair, you'll get various stat boosts and boons, depending on their support level. This helps in a whole bunch of ways. Sometimes you'll get extra attacks, or your background character will block an attack and take 0 damage for you. You dramatically increase your support levels when you attack as a pair. Also pair characters to move further across deserts that normally hamper movement.
Thanks! I'll start using it more now that it's been explained.

Just listened to the newest 8-4 Play podcast and they revealed that they were the team that localized it, which is pretty awesome. It is indeed a great localization. Dialogue sounds totally natural, and there's a lot of comedy in there that doesn't feel forced. Given the genre, that's a huge accomplishment.
I finally beat it tonight, after making it to the area of the final chapter and then grinding away pointlessly for a few days in some of the side story stuff (there's a lot to do by the end of the game). The ending is very detailed, and has something for all of your favorite characters, but didn't move me in any way. I'm not sure what I really expected though, since the story was sort of dead on arrival for me anyway.

I did expect more from this game. Part of me kept hoping for a story or characters that would rival Final Fantasy Tactics, but it doesn't even attempt to be that large-scale or complex. Really, I could summarize every major plot point in the game in a sentence or two. But if you don't care about such things, and are only interested in amusing characters and leveling up and class changing, then this is the game for you. It was a very polished experience in that regard.

However, it's not quite as great as it was made out to be by many reviewers. It currently sits at a 92 metacritic score, which is about ten points higher than I'd personally rate it. Still, if you're into "strategy" RPGs, and you own a 3DS, you ... well, at that point you probably already own this given its prestige. Still, I invested 30 hours into the game and I don't really regret it. I just wished it was a grander, more ambitious setting.