I thought that In lieu of the great Artificer's passing, and to stave boredom, I would write a one-piece and see how my grasp on English (my third language), still holds.
I turned out to be... still pretty immature. But here we go. A small piece about one of the oft forgotten background Apostles that has captivated our hearts with our mere presences.
Spiral Lord
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
The other monks don't get it. Snails... are simply fascinating. They live with little sustenance, and have their fancy shells as homes. Simplicity as they come. I was told to stop gazing at them so much, but what do they know? They are so buried in their books, and see too little.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
They also provide adequate nourishment, as I have found out. I prefer them with a little of spice. I have set apart a section of the garden to grow them.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
The other monks found about the farm. Apparently getting slime all over the glass-stained windows of the cloister does that. And speaking to the monks on kitchen duty. And keeping one of the little ones perched on my shoulders. I had been formally admonished as such.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I found an unusual gathering of snails around a rotten hole of one of the monastery's trees. Inside there was some sort... of egg with a mishappen face. It feels alive and unsettling, but it is a gift of the spiral ones, so I shall cherish it. Or is it a gift from the Lord?
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
A local lord has come to be a guest of the monastery. He seems to be quite the exquisite palate, and I am on kitchen duty. It seems the spiral ones' turn to shine has come. What a joyous day!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I was kicked out of the monastery. Why is everyone so mad at me? No matter, I shall be a prophet for those who cannot have a voice and dwell in shells.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I'm not an heretic! Snails are the single most perfect existence! It seems it will be my last entry on this journal. Inquisitors seem to be very throughout and I saw one knock a few teeth out of a prisoner with a bible. He had a funny hat. It seems the prior is going to administer me the last rites. Maybe he's feeling guilty.
Odd, I thought I had lost this egg-face thing some time ago...
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I have witnessed a miracle, and four angels granted me a new form, a new body. I am now an Apostle of Snailkind, the Spiral Lord. With a shell on my back, and legs to go faster than any snailkind. And I shall punish those who look down on the spiral ones by feasting on their flesh. Now, not unlike snails, I do not have a definite gender.
I think I lost bladder control and soiled my loincloth.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I met a fellow female Apostle who sent me longing gazes. I preached to her about the spiral ones. She just left. I think she muttered something like "smelly and slimy. Not a good snack."
How insulting!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I am honored to meet the Count. He seems an agreeable fellow. Slugs and snails should be allied forevermore, and I offered to conjugate.
On second thought, I was in the cups and that was a bad idea.
Sir Zondark's hammer really hurts.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
There's a big party because of an Eclipse. We are to welcome a new Angel it seems. It's going to be a great moment for me and the spiral ones.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
Why is everyone so fast!? I can't even get a decent bite. Everything seems to go to the new guy. Oh well, seems that big Borkoff let someone half eaten.
And then that son of a Slan on that bone horse attacked lord Void and took off with my morsel! This calls for a reckoning from the spiral ones!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
It seems that the plague is spreading. Good. More morsels for the spiral ones. I have not seen that Skull Knight, but when I do, my wrath will be boundless.
Is that big shadow a bir....
Cold...so cold. I see the souls of the damned come for me. I knew it... it is a spiral... so beatiful... My last words, these are...
The book still had traces of half-congealed fluids on it when it reached the Emperor's hands. The fierce owner of half of the world, and Demon Emperor Ganishka combed his magnificent beard upon being presented with the enigmatic diary.
"So... Grand Sorcerer Daiba, are you telling me this lesser apostle you fell with one of your Garudas had this book on him? It's full of nonsense."
"It seems so, your Majesty. Someone at the court thought it would be full of information about other apostles... I have relegated the impertinent one to Pisacha dung clearing duty."
"Hm. In the end, they are conceited fools because they only received the tiniest speck of evil. Trouble me no further with this, Daiba." The Demon Emperor raised his hand, dismissing the Grand Sorcerer from his presence.
His sight rested once again in the book, which he removed from his hands and tossed it in the nearest brazier.
"Spiral ones, huh. What nonsense." The Demon Emperor muttered to himself. There was much to do yet. So much to despoil and conquer.
I thought that In lieu of the great Artificer's passing, and to stave boredom, I would write a one-piece and see how my grasp on English (my third language), still holds.
I turned out to be... still pretty immature. But here we go. A small piece about one of the oft forgotten background Apostles that has captivated our hearts with our mere presences.
Spiral Lord
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
The other monks don't get it. Snails... are simply fascinating. They live with little sustenance, and have their fancy shells as homes. Simplicity as they come. I was told to stop gazing at them so much, but what do they know? They are so buried in their books, and see too little.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
They also provide adequate nourishment, as I have found out. I prefer them with a little of spice. I have set apart a section of the garden to grow them.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
The other monks found about the farm. Apparently getting slime all over the glass-stained windows of the cloister does that. And speaking to the monks on kitchen duty. And keeping one of the little ones perched on my shoulders. I had been formally admonished as such.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I found an unusual gathering of snails around a rotten hole of one of the monastery's trees. Inside there was some sort... of egg with a mishappen face. It feels alive and unsettling, but it is a gift of the spiral ones, so I shall cherish it. Or is it a gift from the Lord?
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
A local lord has come to be a guest of the monastery. He seems to be quite the exquisite palate, and I am on kitchen duty. It seems the spiral ones' turn to shine has come. What a joyous day!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I was kicked out of the monastery. Why is everyone so mad at me? No matter, I shall be a prophet for those who cannot have a voice and dwell in shells.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I'm not an heretic! Snails are the single most perfect existence! It seems it will be my last entry on this journal. Inquisitors seem to be very throughout and I saw one knock a few teeth out of a prisoner with a bible. He had a funny hat. It seems the prior is going to administer me the last rites. Maybe he's feeling guilty.
Odd, I thought I had lost this egg-face thing some time ago...
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I have witnessed a miracle, and four angels granted me a new form, a new body. I am now an Apostle of Snailkind, the Spiral Lord. With a shell on my back, and legs to go faster than any snailkind. And I shall punish those who look down on the spiral ones by feasting on their flesh. Now, not unlike snails, I do not have a definite gender.
I think I lost bladder control and soiled my loincloth.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I met a fellow female Apostle who sent me longing gazes. I preached to her about the spiral ones. She just left. I think she muttered something like "smelly and slimy. Not a good snack."
How insulting!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
I am honored to meet the Count. He seems an agreeable fellow. Slugs and snails should be allied forevermore, and I offered to conjugate.
On second thought, I was in the cups and that was a bad idea.
Sir Zondark's hammer really hurts.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
There's a big party because of an Eclipse. We are to welcome a new Angel it seems. It's going to be a great moment for me and the spiral ones.
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
Why is everyone so fast!? I can't even get a decent bite. Everything seems to go to the new guy. Oh well, seems that big Borkoff let someone half eaten.
And then that son of a Slan on that bone horse attacked lord Void and took off with my morsel! This calls for a reckoning from the spiral ones!
Day X Month Y Year XXXX
It seems that the plague is spreading. Good. More morsels for the spiral ones. I have not seen that Skull Knight, but when I do, my wrath will be boundless.
Is that big shadow a bir....
Cold...so cold. I see the souls of the damned come for me. I knew it... it is a spiral... so beatiful... My last words, these are...
The book still had traces of half-congealed fluids on it when it reached the Emperor's hands. The fierce owner of half of the world, and Demon Emperor Ganishka combed his magnificent beard upon being presented with the enigmatic diary.
"So... Grand Sorcerer Daiba, are you telling me this lesser apostle you fell with one of your Garudas had this book on him? It's full of nonsense."
"It seems so, your Majesty. Someone at the court thought it would be full of information about other apostles... I have relegated the impertinent one to Pisacha dung clearing duty."
"Hm. In the end, they are conceited fools because they only received the tiniest speck of evil. Trouble me no further with this, Daiba." The Demon Emperor raised his hand, dismissing the Grand Sorcerer from his presence.
His sight rested once again in the book, which he removed from his hands and tossed it in the nearest brazier.
"Spiral ones, huh. What nonsense." The Demon Emperor muttered to himself. There was much to do yet. So much to despoil and conquer.
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