Games to look forward to!

There may be some more big names on there soon, as they just bought Bethesda parent company ZeniMax for 7.5 bil.

My first reaction in reading the tweet/announcement was “there’s no way this can be real??” It seems like MS is finally interested in using their buying power again to secure big exclusives. I know they already have with smaller studios. But this is another level. It’s still early to say what this means for Sony and Nintendo. But at least it seems like MS won’t be impacting the PC market at all with this acquisition.
It’s still early to say what this means for Sony and Nintendo.

Probably just means timed exclusives in Xbox's favor.

But at least it seems like MS won’t be impacting the PC market at all with this acquisition.

Given how Microsoft puts all their first-party games on Game Pass, I think it progressively makes their service an incredible deal, and that influences all the different ecosystems/platforms on PC.
Probably just means timed exclusives in Xbox's favor.

True. But the ball is in MS’ court. I know they usually “share the wealth” so to speak. Especially with games like Minecraft. But I’m still dubious that we will see games like demons souls or even the final fantasy 7 remake on another console besides PC within the next couple years. I would love to be proven wrong. I know those are two different cases. But Microsoft can easily do the same. We shall see. I agree they won’t be aiming to lose any money from the deal.

Reminder that 98% of all PC gaming occurs on Microsoft Windows.

Yes. That was a captain obvious statement on my part. MS will never sacrifice their PC market because they have nothing to lose. They better be careful about that 2% though. I heard Gabe Newell is a big Linux fan
They better be careful about that 2% though. I heard Gabe Newell is a big Linux fan :azan:

Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about that. Valve has tried as hard as it can to push Linux for years and it's had some pretty limited success, mostly because it's not worthwhile for developers. Valve is a strange company to be honest, and of all their side projects, none has really borne fruit. Steam Machines, Steam controller, Steam Link, and even more recently the Valve Index... All were commercial failures.
Valve is a strange company to be honest, and of all their side projects, none has really borne fruit. Steam Machines, Steam controller, Steam Link, and even more recently the Valve Index... All were commercial failures.

If Microsoft is above trying to make money at this point (after losing this console generation they'll just buy PlayStation :ganishka:) then Valve is actively trying to waste it on what amount to corporate hobbies. I actually like the Steam controller though for all the unique features and customizations, it was my main PC controller for years despite it's shortcomings (no right stick or d-pad, but that's the charm =).

Back to MS though, some interesting possibilities now that ZeniMax is out of the picture, like Carmack has already expressed willingness to return to the fold in some form, and Bethesda and Obsidian are now under the same roof New Vegas fans. People are even joking about Doomguy vs Master Chief being a real possibility now. Aaz, how's the relationship between Microsoft and Oculus these days? "Doom 3 VRemastered, only on the Rift-X!" :daiba:
Aaz, how's the relationship between Microsoft and Oculus these days? "Doom 3 VRemastered, only on the Rift-X!" :daiba:

Xbox and Facebook actually have a strong partnership around streaming. Microsoft abandoned Mixer in favor of Facebook Gaming a couple of months ago, and there are more business ties behind that. With Microsoft having all but dropped development on their VR technology, it's been thought by experts (myself included of course :badbone:) that it would make sense for them to partner with Oculus. It would allow them to have something to show against Sony, who after Facebook is the company that's invested most in VR so far.

There are two roadblocks for a deal like that: internal politics at Microsoft (I doubt Alex Kipman is very favorable to it), and revenue splitdown between the two platforms. That said, the Oculus Quest 2 is so good that it might just tip the scales. The last puzzle piece is wireless tethering to a PC (or in this case an Xbox). Microsoft expressed in the past that they felt this was necessary in order to bring VR to Xbox because it's a much better experience. Facebook is definitely working on that for the Quest 2 and I would guess it will either be announced during Facebook F8 in May 2021 or at worse during Facebook Connect next year (September 2021). Once that's available, a partnership between the two companies might follow.

Seeing even farther than that, Microsoft's cloud gaming service could one day be applied to the Oculus ecosystem as well, and I'm sure there are discussions to that effect between the two. As for Carmack himself, he's been a huge proponent of bringing Minecraft to VR in the past and has single-handedly managed to get it done for Rift (well, Zuckerberg did have to personally strike a deal with Nadella). And I'm sure he'd love to be able to collaborate with Id again to bring some of their titles to VR. The Zenimax situation was always outrageous, honestly they're about as bad as Oracle. I really hope Microsoft gets rid of their entire executive team.
Microsoft making things harder for me ... I'm fan of both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. Hyped for PS5 and remake of Demon's Souls but Bethesda under Microsoft is really really tempting me to buy Xbox.
Microsoft making things harder for me ... I'm fan of both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. Hyped for PS5 and remake of Demon's Souls but Bethesda under Microsoft is really really tempting me to buy Xbox.

Buy a PS5, play the Bethesda games on PC. Problem solved.
With the rise of streaming PC will finally win the console war! :ganishka:

Anyway, there currently aren't any new mainline Elder Scrolls or Fallout games slated for release, so nobody is under pressure to buy a system for them. Plus, one can just play Demon's Souls on PS3, a more authentic experience anyway, and double the savings! I'm considering the latter option myself, or maybe upscaled on PC; best of both worlds! I mean, did you see those updated monster designs? It looks more like Doom Eternal than anything by FromSoftware. They simply got no... :SK:

...Soul. :badbone:

I think there's a chance I could get Aaz to play this for that special guest star! :guts:

Though I'm otherwise not too excited about it since there's still no Reptile, and when I DMed Ed Boon to ask where he was I was told:

I think there's a chance I could get Aaz to play this for that special guest star! :guts:

:ganishka: What the fuck, I laughed out loud during the reveal. I was expecting the Predator, but this... Wow. They're clearly leaning as hard as they can into the cheesiness of it.

Though I'm otherwise not too excited about it since there's still no Reptile, and when I DMed Ed Boon to ask where he was I was told:

Hahaha, yeah it's too bad they haven't brought him back yet so far. He was my favorite in MK3!
:ganishka: What the fuck, I laughed out loud during the reveal. I was expecting the Predator, but this... Wow. They're clearly leaning as hard as they can into the cheesiness of it.

Yeah, that net trap made me think of the Predator too, but he was actually in the last game along with the xenomorph, so little chance of that again. But then, who would have predicted Robocop, the Terminator, and Rambo? It gets crazier too, Ash from Evil Dead was supposed to be in it already but got tied up in red tape over money (and all due respect to Bruce Campbell, but getting Stallone as a replacement is like when The Simpsons were turned down by George Takei for the Monorail episode and got Leonard Nimoy instead). Frankly they should complete the 80s action theme and come full circle with their own history by bringing in JCVD, the original would-be star of MK and inspiration for Johnny Cage, as the final character. This idea makes too much sense though so it absolutely won't happen.

Hahaha, yeah it's too bad they haven't brought him back yet so far. He was my favorite in MK3!

He's been my main since MKII, so I'm kind of bummed he's not getting the legacy treatment of a character technically dating back to the original game. I'd love to see him reinvented in MK11 too because I like its style so much. Oh well, I guess there's always MKX for that (and I'm better with Shang Tsung anyway). I'm probably not playing again though until that Reptile skin drops and I see what I have to do to earn it in Kombat League, but I really don't dig Scorpion though so it's not likely leading to some triumphant return on my part.
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Frankly they should complete the 80s action theme and come full circle with their own history by bringing in JCVD, the original would-be star of MK and inspiration for Johnny Cage, as the final character. This idea makes too much sense though so it absolutely won't happen.

That would be completely surreal.

I'm so genuinly excited for this. A new Suikoden game (in spirit) by the original director of the first two games and many of the same creative team members. Apparently this is the third highest funded game in kickstarter history. Hopefully it won't disappoint.

That does seem promising. The team looks reliable. Their release goal is stated to be 2022, so if all goes well it should be out by late 2023. Let's just hope it's good. I was ultimately disappointed by Bloodstained.
That does seem promising. The team looks reliable. Their release goal is stated to be 2022, so if all goes well it should be out by late 2023. Let's just hope it's good. I was ultimately disappointed by Bloodstained.

I also felt bloodstained was a bit underwhelming. Considering it came from Iga himself. I’ve yet to see a kickstarter I’m interested in follow through. Maybe my expectations are too high? I think it shows that even though Konami wasn’t a great company toward the end of their AAA days they at least held people accountable with deadlines. As long as the suikoden kickstar doesn’t become another unsung story (ff tactics failed Kickstarter), than it should be interesting.
another unsung story (ff tactics failed Kickstarter)

That one was fishy from the beginning. I backed it immediately when it was launched, then when I more carefully read up on who was involved and in what capacity, it became clear some unknown, shady company was trying to cash in on Matsuno's name and so I canceled my pledge. I fully expect the project to go nowhere and it did.

Rain looks wet, but that not needing Reptile crack is salt in the wound (final Kombat Pack better be a missing ninja special including Reptile, Ermac, and Smoke =). But, here's what the non-MK nerds really want to see:

Rambo looks pretty cool, more pwning, less zoning. Unless it freezes your opponent or is armored I'm skeptical of that marine crawl though. Fatality is relatively underwhelming too; I know he impales the guy and then tears out his throat with his bare hand, but people get like turned inside-out in this game.

Otherwise, my current future wish list:

Cyberpunk 2077
Demon's Souls
(PS4/PC =)
Bloodborne Remaster (if real)
Elden Ring
Resident Evil VIIIage

Uh... BotW 2?

I feel like I'm missing something.
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Well, Cyberpunk 2077 just got delayed again to December 10th. Despite having gone gold! Sigh. Oh well, means I just have more time to decide on what upgrades to get for my computer and don't need to feel as rushed.

Aside from that, I'm also looking forward to Baldur's Gate III. Even though it honestly shouldn't be called that since it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the original Baldur's Gate series aside from taking place in the same world...and that the BG story came to a definitive end with Throne of Bhaal and this game is not continuing it at all...and that it doesn't play at all like BG and if anything looks like Divinity: Original Sin with a D&D filter applied to it. But, eh, whatever, it still looks solid.

There's also Monster Hunter Rise, which might very well be what convinces me to get a Switch.
Well, Cyberpunk 2077 just got delayed again to December 10th. Despite having gone gold! Sigh.
Damn, after the Doom Eternal DLC that's all I have to look forward to the rest of the year barring a surprise Demon's Souls announcement.
The newest gameplay trailer makes me really think whether I should get Demon's Souls for PS5 or not. I think I'll check out Bloodborne first, as it comes for free with the PS5, and then decide whether Souls games are something I like or not as I never played any of them.
The newest gameplay trailer makes me really think whether I should get Demon's Souls for PS5 or not. I think I'll check out Bloodborne first, as it comes for free with the PS5, and then decide whether Souls games are something I like or not as I never played any of them.

My advice as someone who enjoys those games without being a rabid fan: play Demon's Souls, if you like it then play Dark Souls, and if you still want more, Bloodborne.