Anyway, it's not classic RE2 done right, but I believe it does it justice for being a really good game in its own right, while still reaffirming the primacy of the original in a weird way.
Yeah, it's a good game in its own right, but as someone who experienced the original RE2 on launch day, I can't help but be critical when it falls short of its stated goal. Thinking back, Nintendo was clever with Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS), because it's kind of an alternate take on Zelda 3 but they never called it's a remake, even though large swaths of the games are similar.
I think the answer is they're either going to be releasing half a dozen of these over a decade or more, or they're going to seriously compromise whatever the big crazy idea was and hem closer to the original, or, worst case scenario, go the Capcom route and cut it down into something else entirely ala RE3make. Which, not coincidentally, came out a year after the original and it's looking like Capcom will have RE4 out too before the next FF7R installment.
Yep. I honestly don't have high hopes for the FF7R project. I figure they'll compress it down to three games, with their weird multiverse scenario taking up more space as time goes by. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to redeem Sephiroth in the end either. Eh, I guess we'll see. I did "platinum" the game so I hope they prove me wrong and every sequel gets better than the last.
Case in point, and it's like giving us the opposite of anticipation: we're actually scared of being disappointed with something we already love!
You know, I've already seen people clamoring for them to remake RE5, and.... Why? Then how about a RE7 remake? Mind-boggling stuff. I'd rather have them bring back DEEP DOWN! Hell, even a new Dragon's Dogma, why not.

Yeah, and I remember being really impressed with how fleshed out Dead Space was upon release. It may have just been good marketing but it felt like they immediately had supplementary videos and media with backstory, lore, etc. I just saw it all at a friend's house and was like, "where'd all this come from?" And the game was great and warranted it!
Yeah it was great for the time, definitely picked up the torch while RE and SH were stumbling.