GTA V Official Thread

Past GTA and RDR features. Max Payne 3 gunplay. Midnight Club style driving. Tennis from Table Tennis. It's like the best features from each of Rockstar's games in one game.
Landscape graphics look really good. GTA always seems to expand in size and content. I really hope the 3 man heist aspect steals the show.
Looks ambitious, but the gameplay in GTA games always got boring for me a few hours in. Hopefully not the case in this one since it looks quite diverse.

The online preview was the most exciting part of the demo.
GTA V definetly looks amazing. And lots of content. It really seems that they have taken best of all their games and mashed it all together and added evwn more new great things. Pre-ordered SE for X360 ,I hope multiplayer will be amazing.
Access to Grand Theft Auto Online is free with every retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V and launches on October 1st.
I think that I will be buying this game. :beast:

I found it funny that they'd think people would be interested in doing "activities" like hang gliding or playing golf together online, when they could be dogfighting around a skyscraper in bi-planes.
I thought i was done with GTA after the snooze-fest that was GTA IV. But that online just looks plain.. FUN. I'll definitely be buying it, i just hope the single player story doesn't give me boredom headaches like the last one.
Here's an interview with r* north President Leslie Benzies.
A lot of good stuff there. Also GTA Online will be available October 1st so people could get a hang of game first in sp. It will be available without aby fee to those with retail GTA V.
It looks really good. Rockstar might have outdone themselves this time.
I like GTA, but story wise I think 4 was lacking. I thought GTA:VC and SA had phenomenal stories. Beyond that, the GTA series is always a fun. As I hear some refer to it as a "sand box" game.
Is this supposed to be already on the disc or is it going to be a huge-ass download?

But yeah, since Just Cause 2 didn't have multiplayer (aside from mods) and GTAIV's multiplayer was a shitstorm through a woodchipper, this is looking to be a must-purchase. New Official trailer ,this will also air on sundays ep. of Breaking Bad(in a commercial brake possibly)
Rendarg said:
...note to myself to never again read any yt comments.

You want this:
The game looked and felt more like San Andreas from the reveal two years ago, so it was better than IV in every conceivable way from the get-go.
Very excited. 98% 97%

I will only get my copy Thursday ;( ,also there's small problem regarding xbox version - DO NOT INSTALL 2nd DISC on HDD as you will encounter texture pop ups a lot. Or you can install 2nd dvd on high speed usb drive.
Reviews are stellar, as expected.

I just realized though that I'm not excited at all for this game unless there's more to it than "interactive gangster story."
Walter said:
Reviews are stellar, as expected.

I just realized though that I'm not excited at all for this game unless there's more to it than "interactive gangster story."

Pretty much why I never could get into any of the games in the GTA series.
Well i could, i'm on PSN, but i rather wait for the PC release. I only use my console when i absolutely have to, exclusive releases like metal gear, final fantasy and so on