Groovy Metal Fist said:
Damn, they STILL make those.
Do you mean WW2 games, or Nazi Germans?

Well it works for both, think there must be something in the water in east germany, former DDR. Not sure if the NSU neo-nazi terror cell killings were a big thing in the international press
Oh well, guess i killed the mood a little bit. Let's just say, there are places in the eastern part of the county where i just wouldn't go at night. But then again, the same goes for any other area with social problems and high youth unemployment rate in other countries.
Back to topic, i have one question, especially for the PS3 users. How is the performance of the game?
I do not use my gaming console that often, just for exclusive titles, so i'm not an expert for the PS3 but i know that some games, especially the newer titles, do have frame rate drops here and there, i think the first time i saw this in FF13, and then sometimes in some beat'em'up games at my friend. Sometimes it's in games, where big explosions fill the screen, obviously a memory problem, i mean the PS3 really is an old piece of junk now, it's 7 years old hardware. So i was wondering, how it works for GTA V ? Everything running smoothly? Even in large fights with the Cops? Or did you guys discover any performance issues?