GTA V Official Thread

Rendarg said:
Did you play GTA 4, Walter? Or any other game of the series
Yes, but never got beyond a few hours. Found it quite boring. Enjoyed GTA 1 in its heyday, and GTA 3, but I feel like I've already played this new game.

If it comes to PC ill probably buy it. I'm just not dying to play it.
Hm, ok now that's really surprising. Played almost all the games since 1997 and i was going to say that you can't walk an inch in GTA 4 without stumbling upon some parody of western culture. The whole city, the whole game world is a bittersweet satire of the real world. I spent half an hour just watching the different ingame TV shows in my apartment, from a parody documentation about the foundation of New York, then a mocking version of reality tv shows, and of course this hillarious cartoon show about US space rangers or something, shooting everyone and everything. And that was just the damn tv shows. There was something funny and hillarious around every corner. This together with the lovely characters was just awesome in my opinion.
GTA 4 was so much more than just an interactive-gangster-story. At least thats what i think.

Walter said:
I'm just not dying to play it.
Well ok, me neither, i can wait. I don't have time for it now anyway. But i'm pretty sure its worth it
Let's hope some major bug that fucks the game up to the point of being unplayable doesn't crop up within the next couple of weeks. Reviewers sometimes miss mistakes of that magnitude.
GTAV made $800M worldwide on day one.
Rendarg said:
Hm, ok now that's really surprising. Played almost all the games since 1997 and i was going to say that you can't walk an inch in GTA 4 without stumbling upon some parody of western culture.

That said, is it that surprising to think they're repetitive? That brief description still sums up almost all the games since 1997. =) I mean, that can get old too and become self-parody.

And I think Walter is underselling his overall GTA play time too, because I have fond memories of us exchanging wavs of GTAIII and Vice City radio send ups on IM for more time than I think either of us would care to reveal. For me personally, GTAIII was practically more than a game it was so good, it was like a new hobby altogether, but, despite improvements and innovations, and San Andreas taking place in my home state (like my dream game/life simulator, right down to stealing airliners =), each subsequent installment has become incrementally less vital to me, until I didn't even bother with IV. Now, that doesn't mean I take for granted how good Rock Star, seemingly always, is. I think it was Aaz that said they truly live up to their name. So, with that in mind, and again, because of the LA connection, I'm sure a lot more interested in V than I otherwise would be (plus, they seem to be trying really hard with this and GTA Online, which is a scary good thing for a developer with their reputation). Anyway, the lack of a PC port at this time is disappointing (Red Dead Redemption all over again), but if it gets cheap enough now (already $20 on steam) maybe I'll give IV a try while I wait for a PC port of V. I don't know if it's original, but I'm sure it'll be good.
Griffith said:
And I think Walter is underselling his overall GTA play time too, because I have fond memories of us exchanging wavs of GTAIII and Vice City radio send ups on IM for more time than I think either of us would care to reveal.
Indeed, I played GTA3 on PC for probably the better part of a year, and I never even beat it. PC mods for it at the time were pretty fucking amazing (car physics become pinball, everything bounces around the city until the engine freaks out and throws everything in the city into the sky). Vice City less so, because already the formula was wearing thin for me. I also bought Chinatown Wars for DS and played it until it got boring to me (2-3 hours).

Now, that doesn't mean I take for granted how good Rock Star, seemingly always, is. I think it was Aaz that said they truly live up to their name.
There's no mistaking the fact that they make top-quality games, and it's a result of the directors/producers obviously having extremely high standards for what they create. I'm just not interested in this particular franchise anymore. At this point I've watched about 2.5 hours of the game through Giant Bomb. Looks fun, just not my thing really.
Griffith said:
and San Andreas taking place in my home state (like my dream game/life simulator, right down to stealing airliners =)

I always wondered how it must feel like for you guys in the US to play a game, that actually takes place in your country, your own state, be it new york in liberty city, or california in san andreas.
The only way i can experience a game taking place in Germany is... by playing a world war 2 game, and well... shooting Germans :schnoz: .............................. :ganishka:

Griffith said:
but if it gets cheap enough now (already $20 on steam) maybe I'll give IV a try while I wait for a PC port of V. I don't know if it's original, but I'm sure it'll be good.

100 hours overall gameplay, i played the whole thing twice, it really was worth it. Got it cheap on steam 3 years ago, winter sale, 10-15€ i think, which... yeah which is pretty much 20 dollars
Rendarg said:
I always wondered how it must feel like for you guys in the US to play a game, that actually takes place in your country, your own state, be it new york in liberty city, or california in san andreas.

It only makes a difference if it's a neighborhood I'm familiar with. I love seeing familiar landmarks and designs for places close to home, but other than that, it's not different from playing a game in a foreign country. U.S.towns and cities are so varied in design and geography that merely being in the same country is not going to make the game feel like a pleasantly familiar shoutout. On top of that video games are far removed from reality to begin with, so playing a game in modern day New York feels no more alien to me than playing a game in 12th century Damascus.

Rendarg said:
The only way i can experience a game taking place in Germany is... by playing a world war 2 game, and well... shooting Germans :schnoz: .............................. :ganishka:

Damn, they STILL make those.
Groovy Metal Fist said:
Damn, they STILL make those.

Do you mean WW2 games, or Nazi Germans? :ganishka:
Well it works for both, think there must be something in the water in east germany, former DDR. Not sure if the NSU neo-nazi terror cell killings were a big thing in the international press

Oh well, guess i killed the mood a little bit. Let's just say, there are places in the eastern part of the county where i just wouldn't go at night. But then again, the same goes for any other area with social problems and high youth unemployment rate in other countries.

Back to topic, i have one question, especially for the PS3 users. How is the performance of the game?
I do not use my gaming console that often, just for exclusive titles, so i'm not an expert for the PS3 but i know that some games, especially the newer titles, do have frame rate drops here and there, i think the first time i saw this in FF13, and then sometimes in some beat'em'up games at my friend. Sometimes it's in games, where big explosions fill the screen, obviously a memory problem, i mean the PS3 really is an old piece of junk now, it's 7 years old hardware. So i was wondering, how it works for GTA V ? Everything running smoothly? Even in large fights with the Cops? Or did you guys discover any performance issues?
Rendarg said:
How is the performance of the game? So i was wondering, how it works for GTA V ? Everything running smoothly? Even in large fights with the Cops? Or did you guys discover any performance issues?
I just bought it but I didn't realize you HAD to install the first disk, which is 8gigs that I don't have (i have an older xbox). SOoooo... guess I won't be playing it.
Oburi said:
I just bought it but I didn't realize you HAD to install the first disk, which is 8gigs that I don't have (i have an older xbox). SOoooo... guess I won't be playing it.

Get a bigger HDD?
Oburi said:
I just bought it but I didn't realize you HAD to install the first disk, which is 8gigs that I don't have (i have an older xbox). SOoooo... guess I won't be playing it.
You can just get 16GB usb stick,format it for xbox use and install 1dvd on it.

p.s. I've been playing game for last 2 days (13h gameplay so far). It's definitely beautiful ,immersive,a lot of side activities. Since I have unlocked all 3 characters for switching ,it has been crazy ,hard to decide what to do ,which mission do first with witch character etc. Handling and shooting is fun and works really well. I haven't really experienced fps drops ,only in one mission with Trevor ,I had to blow stuff up with grenade launcher and with all that happened it dropped a bit. Tons of cars ,customization (Characters,cars,weapons). Story is quite fun and has a fantastic cast of characters,voice acting. They also have taken a note from Max Payne 3,yes,no loading screens,basically ,you walk in to mission marker and it seemlessly switches to cut scene and goes out of it. Only loading screen you will see is when booting up game. Cops are a lot smarter and it's harder to get rid of 'em . Also ,only minus so far for me ,a bug when garages doesn't save my cars ...having only 700k and then buying car for 200k + 100k for customization and then seeing empty garage when booting up game next time ,that wasn't nice. Overall ,its been worth every penny and with Online upcoming ...
A friend showed me 5 minutes of gameplay yesterday before we went to see a movie. I was wondering about this multiple-character system. How "realistic" is it? Are there really 3 characters walking around Los Santos at the same time? Can you use Franklin and just walk over to Michael's house, and he will be sitting there, watching tv or something? Or you meet Franklin while he's going for a walk with his dog. When my friend switched to Franklin, he had just finished doing some fitness training at the beach and he said if he would switch back to Michael, he could just be coming home from a bycicle tour with his son or stuff like that. So i was wondering, are they really in the game, doing this kind of activities, while you play the other character, or is it just a simple but clever illusion
Rendarg said:
A friend showed me 5 minutes of gameplay yesterday before we went to see a movie. I was wondering about this multiple-character system. How "realistic" is it? Are there really 3 characters walking around Los Santos at the same time? Can you use Franklin and just walk over to Michael's house, and he will be sitting there, watching tv or something? Or you meet Franklin while he's going for a walk with his dog. When my friend switched to Franklin, he had just finished doing some fitness training at the beach and he said if he would switch back to Michael, he could just be coming home from a bycicle tour with his son or stuff like that. So i was wondering, are they really in the game, doing this kind of activities, while you play the other character, or is it just a simple but clever illusion
Yes ,you can actually meet them in Los Santos,driving around,in a strip club etc. For example I was playing with Franklin and switched to Michael who was just sleeping on his cars steering wheel in an alley (or other time ,near ferris wheel starring into see and cursing his son) and then to Trevor who just came out of strip club(or other time he was drinking on a rooftop on a random shop). You can call them to hang out. While you play as one of them ,the other two will keep on living their daily lives. So far after every switch I haven't seen same situation they were doing,all has been unique so far. Only the load times are a bit slower than in Gameplay trailer and it looks a bit different too,SWITCH times differ based on how far they are from each other,but longest one for me has been like 15sec ,nothing too tragic.
But wouldn't that technically allow you to run them over with your car in the game world, make them killable? Sorry but thats typically me, i don't even have the game but i already want to mess with the mechanics. I just imagine a situation, where you drive a burning car at full speed down the road, jump out, immidiatly switch characters, just in time to get killed by our own car because you were going for a walk at the end of that road.