JIN: Trollin' on SK

damn JIN. Such a freakin' nice STYLE!(sketchy, but at the same time neat/detailed)..

aw man! :zodd:

really n-i-c-e! .. How about putting in some more colors or even make a complete PS piece from scratch--dunno if you have a wacom--?
(btw we all know b/w is always stylish with this kind of drawingform).

*giggity giggity*
Walter said:
These are amazing. Love the SKnet one :badbone:

I had no idea your pixel art was this good. I'd be obliged if you had some time to make some more cute Emoticons for us! I'd love a laughing Ganishka. :guts:

:puck: Beat me on Rainbow Road 150CC and we'll talk. Just kiddin'..sounds cool..though..  :schierke:  its not just that I'm lazy Walter..I'm lazy and I'd have to use the computer. Confessed to say I've taken some baby steps in that direction.

yota821 said:
Keep it coming, I need more!! :guts:
CnC said:
You must keep doing these :)

Insatiable Fiends!  :troll:
Thx! Love posting doodles here..very positive vibe mon.

Rickert said:
damn JIN. Such a freakin' nice STYLE!(sketchy, but at the same time neat/detailed)..

really n-i-c-e! .. How about putting in some more colors or even make a complete PS piece from scratch--dunno if you have a wacom--?

:carcus: Style you say..? Ive named my style..side paper art (or Napkin Bankai =P). I'm a bit messy...old habits die hard. I still draw like I have to finish before class ends, and it shows.
Im PS inept btw... I admit it. I had to ask someone what a wacom was earlier today(no lie..sadly enough). Its medieval here at Casa de JIN.  :void:
JIN said:
:carcus: Style you say..? Ive named my style..side paper art (or Napkin Bankai =P). I'm a bit messy...old habits die hard. I still draw like I have to finish before class ends, and it shows.
Im PS inept btw... I admit it. I had to ask someone what a wacom was earlier today(no lie..sadly enough). Its medieval here at Casa de JIN. :void:

heheh. Well the whole doodle thing works big time on you. I'm also suprised sometimes when I sketch something (an orange lying on my desk for example) in a quarter in PS (a REAL quickie)
, and sometimes I'm far more happy with it in comparison to a finished painting (where I put in 6 hours).

Anyaway keep speedpainting and buy a wacom or something. ;)
Rickert said:
heheh. Well the whole doodle thing works big time on you.

That's because he's really talented. Plain and simple. He doesn't need a computer to draw, and when he spends time on something the result is way better than when he doesn't.
Amazing. Just, wow man. Your artwork completly blows me away! You are truely gifted. If I had skills like that, I'd be drawing 24/7 :serpico:

But really man, great work. IMO your skills are on par with.. dare I say it.. Miura himself! You should consider making your own manga series man, seriously. Or if not a series, atleast a Berserk fan-chapter :)
IsolatioN said:
If I had skills like that, I'd be drawing 24/7 :serpico:

Drawing 24/7 will give you skills like that. Keep drawing.

IsolatioN said:
But really man, great work. IMO your skills are on par with.. dare I say it.. Miura himself! You should consider making your own manga series man, seriously. Or if not a series, atleast a Berserk fan-chapter :)

Lets not get ahead of ourselves. I like his drawings too, but its not at that level yet.
Aazealh said:
That's because he's really talented. Plain and simple. He doesn't need a computer to draw, and when he spends time on something the result is way better than when he doesn't.

Yes, I see he is talented. I'm sorry if it seemed like I said he is 'just doodling and it works'.
My bad. what I really meant is that he's very good at sketching(even his doodles look great) and I would love to see him make some finished work in the nearby future (if thats' your plan JIN)...

No offence Aaz but; he doesn't need a computer to draw' ...a comp doesn't make drawing easier. The pencils are always the fundementals, also when looking at sketches you really see one's skills. Again, I didn't mean to say he just NEEDS to use PS/Painter (etc), that's his own choice, his work made me just curious how this would look if he DOES give it a try (I'm not implying that, it's only right path to follow or whatever because JIN knows that best for himself, also not saying that he SHOULD give it a try)...blablablalalalab (sorry for the big talk here, intension is good)
Rickert said:
No offence Aaz but; he doesn't need a computer to draw' ...a comp doesn't make drawing easier.

Yeah, thanks but I knew that already buddy. Doesn't change anything to what I said.
JIN, your artwork is absolutely great! *applause* Seriously, you do an awesome job. Also, those DS avatars for MK are crazy. I made one using a metroid icon(morph ball with an S overtop, for those familiar), and I had a guide when doing that, and it still took forever. I commend you for putting so much time into those. Keep up the great work on everything!
HitokiriNate85 said:
I commend you for putting so much time into those.

Actually, believe it or not but he does them in 5 minutes each while opening his mail... He's got some kind of natural gift I think, makes me wish he was more productive. :SK: