Lith's colors & tutorials

I´ve now checked every single coloring you´ve done and I am astonished by your shading skills. :isidro:

If you consider coloring a Berserk page again , I would absolutely love to see your take on the Apostle Fight from Pandaemonium.

I think it is one of my favorite panels because it shows how terrified Rickert is of Apostles (wich I kinda missed the first time he saw one) , and since he wasnt attending the Eclipse , he got a pretty good glimpse of what could have happened.

Oh and ~ Happy New Year !
A quick one!


Che, I know I saw someone color a panel from Pandemonium but I can't find it for the life of me now. Hm.
Thanks for the kind words!
That's SO cool Lith! Looking at it in color ... the sky and background are mesmerizing, caught myself staring at it for more than just a few seconds (luckily the phone rang).
looks pretty amazing for "A quick one!" You're my inspiration when it comes to painting on Photoshop! hopefully one day ill reach that level of greatness
Thanks guys! ApostleBob, yeah, a bunch at

I just got the chance to do some proper scans so here's Rickert again super huge.

The ruins remind me a great deal of the Temple of Poseidon in Paestum.
One million years later

They have arrived at Skellig


Full huge res here:
Geez Lith, that's amazing. I absolutely love it.

Probably a huge project but have you ever thought of doing a Patreon to color the full manga? I bet you'd get a ton of donors.
Thanks guys! :serpico: Nothing was particularly hard, I just took absolutely forever cause of how i wanted to treat the grass lineart/shading and it didn't really turn out how I meant anyway but still it worked out overall. Also I decided to put a little hilite in literally all of the lil spirals but that was more meditative than hard as such! Tried a different technique on the party as well, a blue/white tone layer for the whole group with a flat color adjustment thrown on top. Then last of all an instagram style filter to bring it together and to mask how simple the color treatment was in general. Cleaning up the halftone to fill the dialog bubble and the page seam took forever cause I want things to be unnecessarily perfect.

Patreon colors would be fun but yes legally unsound. There are a few manga-coloring patreons out there, which seem to work on the basis of, "I am coloring this for you, the client, what you do with it after that is your business." I'm not really sure for myself, I mean, just more splash panels like I do would probably not bother me, they're not really any more infringey than the unliscenced casts/art that go around, but "whole chapters" would necessarily mean illegally distributing the manga.
Lithrael said:
Patreon colors would be fun but yes legally unsound. There are a few manga-coloring patreons out there, which seem to work on the basis of, "I am coloring this for you, the client, what you do with it after that is your business." I'm not really sure for myself, I mean, just more splash panels like I do would probably not bother me, they're not really any more infringey than the unliscenced casts/art that go around, but "whole chapters" would necessarily mean illegally distributing the manga.

That's a shame, because of all the attempts I've seen at coloring Berserk, you're stuff is top notch. I would love to see all of Berserk interpreted with your color pallet. But the legal issues certainly are there, and getting paid for it makes it especially visible. I doubt there's a way to make it a non-infringement issue. Not unless Hakusensha wants to hire you on.
Nice work as always, Lith. Love what you did with the grass and sky.

IncantatioN said:
love how the tombstones and the sky came out.

Those aren't tombstones.

ApostleBob said:
Probably a huge project but have you ever thought of doing a Patreon to color the full manga?

I wish people would stop trying to get this done. Beyond the fact it's illegal, Berserk is being drawn in black and white, not in color. That fact impacts all of the artwork from its inception, meaning that it's how it's meant to be read.
Aazealh said:
Beyond the fact it's illegal, Berserk is being drawn in black and white, not in color. That fact impacts all of the artwork from its inception, meaning that it's how it's meant to be read.

I'm not especially for (or against) coloring and I understand your perspective, but I always thought mangas were in black and white because of the release schedule being tight, don't you think that if Miura could color it he would do it? (just a mere question, in black and white it suits me fine)
Lith, this might just be one of my favorites from you! I love how the colors are so vibrant and yet there's a softness to the entire thing. Gorgeous!
DAT GRASS ! This is great, dude. Really enhances the scene. Gives a good impression of the sheer scope and magnitude that arriving to this point on the Skellig has. Also it really makes you appreciate the diversity and size that Guts' group has grown to. I mean we see them all the time and we know them all so well but these group shots, especially highlighted by the colors and textures here are just so flat out cool and wonderful. They really are a great group of colorful and well drawn characters. I can always stop and appreciate that.

If I had never heard of Berserk and had no knowledge of it's existence and I saw just this shot, I'd immediately be interested and want to know more. That's pretty much Miura's genius, where every page, every panel evokes that.
Oburi: yaaaas omg yes his splash panels are so enthralling and enticing and epic, aaahhh

Ahhh thanks for the kind words you guys. :guts: Yeah I'm not 100% settled on how bright the grass is, but I have to figure out how to bring it down without making it too dull in comparison to the bright sky which I really like. I might have a remix later.

foolpuck said:
I always thought mangas were in black and white because of the release schedule being tight, don't you think that if Miura could color it he would do it?

That's not exactly what he means. Most published black and white manga itself is composed for and meant to be in black and white. Any art Miura intends to be in color will have different techniques, rules of composition etc, from all the way back in the sketch phase that work intended to be in black and white. Coloring any black & white manga by a good artist who did not intend to leave some of the visual work to a colorist, is more for fun and to see what you can do than ever an improvement on it.

For a counter-example, you can really do great stuff with black and white Mœbius art because most of it was composed with the idea in mind of maybe going back and doing watercolors later.