Mass Effect 3 [Spoilers]

I think the content coming will fall into 2 camps

#1 The content will expand the ending and epilogue
#2 The content will neither resolve the ending or epilogue and Bioware says thanks
for the cupcakes but we aren't changing anything which I think will be just hilarious.

* Imagines a legion of fan boys up in arms about cup cakes that they could have eaten had Bioware given them a choice'.
hellrasinbrasin said:
I figured at least Bioware would release an extended cut for the ending & epilogue.

That's what they just announced they would do... :schierke:

hellrasinbrasin said:
#2 The content will neither resolve the ending or epilogue and Bioware says thanks
for the cupcakes but we aren't changing anything which I think will be just hilarious.

For info, Bioware donated those cupcakes away, so you can stop using that joke. And I'm pretty sure what's been shown of the ending so far won't change a bit.
I imagine we'll have to see what these additions add up to in the overall scope of things for the Mass Effect series and Mass Effect 3 in general. So I would assume everyone is going to want to see that these additions deliver on what Bioware has promised before going off on a tangent again.
Slime_Beherit said:
Maybe even show a sinister smile from the Catalyst.
What? Why? The Catalyst was a pretty neutral character. Why would it be grinning like an evil bastard?
In other news, David Chase announced an extended Soprano's DVD where the ending will be spelled out with a wide shot and director commentary. :schierke:

Anyway, adopting the perception and language of an "extended cut" is about the smartest way to approach this, but if the reaction here is any indication then Bioware is wasting their time trying to please a fickle audience at the expense of their credibility. Most of the proposals for change range from unnecessary to stupid, frankly, and in my subsequent playthroughs of the climax to see the ending variations I've come to notice and appreciate just how much was actually geared toward it in the lead up and the thought put into it overall.

The more I look at it the more I find fault with the fans claiming they put so much into this that they deserve more, yet they obviously put little effort into appreciating the ending. Not that it's greatly satisfying, but it isn't the lazily tacked on mess people are claiming. I think what creates that perception is a combination of compromise on Bioware's part to serve many different complicated purposes in a single elegant fashion (which will only be harder the 2nd time around), and laziness on the fans' part to understand that and how it does work. Furthermore, it's not so easy to just "fix" by patching things on as people would like. There's a balance to these things, and adding or changing something you didn't like can also change the meaning of things you did unexpectedly. Bioware had their reasons for revealing what they did or didn't, and going forward the purity of that reasoning has obviously been compromised by irrational fan demand, and an irrational need to please by Bioware (well, at least they've got money at stake).

Like Aaz, I hope they don't outright change anything that would spoil what was left possible by the endings or try to spell too much out for the audience, specifically concerning the characters futures, the indoctrination theory, or lack of it, etc. This is only going to upset those that did find something to like about the ending, while likely nothing will satisfy the ending's most vocal detractors, who I suspect have found validation in this identity and would be more satisfied in hearing themselves echoed on blogs and in gaming articles, which are also going out of their way to please fans (several outlets and authors have egregiously flipflopped on the ending and the necessity to augment it once they saw which way the wind was blowing). My hope is that Bioware will somehow make the best of this and please everybody, but I fear it's more likely going to be a case of, "be careful what you wish for."
I'm actually not too worried about it. I think they'll do something close to what you wanted, Griff. Cutscenes showing your allies during the fight and after the conclusion (and by allies I mean the Turian, Krogan, Asari, etc. but maybe even your surviving ME2 buddies as well), and perhaps some vague hints at the political climate afterwards. If it means seeing the entire galaxy engaged in space battle against the Reapers for 5 minutes I'm mighty fine with it. :ubik:
Well, I'm not necessarily thrilled that they're putting their time and resources into padding out the ending for the Internet's loudest idiots when they could actually be adding actual new game content... like the Wrex DLC I'm holding a rally for. Details are TBD. :iva:

I think my favorite headline about all this is from TIME: said:
Bioware to Extend 'Mass Effect 3' Ending, Pacify the Mob

:ganishka: said:
Reaction to the announcement has been mixed. Of those who are upset with the game's ending, and are taking part in the various campaigns to let BioWare and EA know their unhappiness, some believe that the DLC is essentially a Band-Aid and not a true fix.

These people... it's like negotiating with terrorists. :daiba: said:
Meanwhile, those who never had a problem with the ending are bracing themselves from the eventual backlash towards the DLC as well. One prevailing attitude is how, no matter what, disgruntled "Mass Effect 3" players will not like anything that's served to them at this point.

In recent weeks there has also been a growing backlash aimed at the aforementioned vocal contingency and their continued attempts to be heard.

Unfortunately, these aren't the type to scream at the top of their lungs.

BTW, another strange thing I noticed about the ending in my replays was that the first time I chose the destroy ending with 5,000+ effective war assets (100% readiness) I still didn't get the Shepard lives scene. Needless to say, I was ready to sign the petition or court filing. Then, after getting From Ashes, I did get that ending. I feel like this is probably just a coincidence, but if From Ashes isn't necessary then there's another requirement to get that ending even besides the 5,000 effective war assets (leave it to me to discover this =).
Griffith said:
BTW, another strange thing I noticed about the ending in my replays was that the first time I chose the destroy ending with 5,000+ effective war assets (100% readiness) I still didn't get the Shepard lives scene. Needless to say, I was ready to sign the petition or court filing. Then, after getting From Ashes, I did get that ending. I feel like this is probably just a coincidence, but if From Ashes isn't necessary then there's another requirement to get that ending even besides the 5,000 effective war assets (leave it to me to discover this =).
Damn Griff... It's almost like your Sheppard and crew (or what's left of it) just flat out hate you :ganishka:. From what you've shared plus this? Have you considered just re-playing ME1-3? I think I already know the answer to this one, but I figured I'd ask.

At this point, I just don't pay attention to this whole ending ordeal anymore. Should they screw up in this DLC, I'll just delete it and done.
Griffith said:
These people... it's like negotiating with terrorists. :daiba:

Yeah, the idiots raising the biggest stink will definitely not be satisfied. But then again, they're idiots. I'm almost glad they hate the series now, one thing less we have in common.
I really really hope that the additional cinematic scenes are a 30 minute flashback of The Counselor Udina doing the most boring paperwork. He doesn't even talk; it's just the sound of a pen scratching. For 30 minutes straight.

I'm curious about the additional scenes, but I'm not excited about it. I beat the game already. In my head I'm done. It feels really really cheap that suddenly the "conclusion" I worked for wasn't the true conclusion. Whatever. I'll download it this summer and beat the game again.
The Extended Mass Effect 3 Ending Will Add Variations, Not Choices

The ending that you get in Mass Effect 3 will have a greater likelihood of varying from the one I get starting this summer, when the people making the game release the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut.

The free, downloadable add-on, which was revealed by the game's developers at BioWare on Thursday, will highlight the different decisions you've made during your adventure through new cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes. The new ending won't introduce new gameplay sequences, a spokesperson told us. The result? More player-specific endings.

"Much of the focus of the Extended Cut is to expand on the variety of consequences of player choices and degrees of success," the spokesperson said, "so, with the new content, the player's choices should result in a much more varied experience."

The new ending content will be woven into the game and should be accessible seamlessly. We were told that players "should be able to grab a save file before the endgame and experience the new content from there." (Keep a pre-endgame savefile, folks!)

BioWare's work on the Extended Cut is delaying other DLC content, but players who want non-ending content shouldn't fret too much. "The overall development of other DLC will shift," the spokesperson told us, "but several projects are underway and in various stages of development."

The game's creators have also promised that the Extended Cut will not introduce a different ending or add more endings. It will just provide more clarity and context for what was already on the game's disc.


-- Thank you. That's all I wanted to hear when this whole mess over the ending to Mass Effect 3 started. --
Sounds like they're doing the Fallout ending, after all.

Nomad said:
Damn Griff... It's almost like your Sheppard and crew (or what's left of it) just flat out hate you :ganishka:. From what you've shared plus this? Have you considered just re-playing ME1-3? I think I already know the answer to this one, but I figured I'd ask.

I'm a harsh, no-nonsense Commander, "If he dies... he dies." :badbone: Anyway, I'd definitely like to replay the series someday on some perfect run with my original Shepard or maybe a Vanguard. For one thing, I played all three games on a shitty Toshiba Satellite laptop on the minimum settings (which ME3 works surprisingly well on BTW, better than 2, and with virtually no load times by comparison). So, I'm already looking forward to playing the trilogy on max settings while micromanaging every little decision next time, whether that be saving everyone or killing everything. :griffnotevil: :femto:

If I ever have the time and inclination to really do it. =)

Aazealh said:
Yeah, the idiots raising the biggest stink will definitely not be satisfied. But then again, they're idiots. I'm almost glad they hate the series now, one thing less we have in common.

The worst part is they've really given the entire series a black eye with these antics. This is forever going to be in the first paragraph of Mass Effect's obituary, if not the first thing people think of.
Gobolatula said:
I really really hope that the additional cinematic scenes are a 30 minute flashback of The Counselor Udina doing the most boring paperwork. He doesn't even talk; it's just the sound of a pen scratching. For 30 minutes straight.
:ganishka: Best. Ending. Ever.


A new and (to my surprise) free DLC coming out on the 12 of this month for multiplayer. I've never been keen to shooters, above all multiplayers. But somehow I've been playing this one a lot. Looking forward on the Geth class.
I think their panel at PAX (thankfully) shot down that Indoctrination Theory for good. Ever since I first heard about it, I thought it was ridiculous that people were grasping at straws emergency induction ports to that extent. :iva:

I hope the DLC ends up being varied cutscenes that show how the final battle is affected, complete with a Dragon Age-esque slideshow at the end. Not "Liara, pregnant with blue babies, lived out the rest of her days doing blah blah", but just the aftermath of the battle at least.

Aazealh said:
Bioware's not going to show you the entirety of their lives until they die. At some point you're going to have to use your imagination to fill in the blanks. Might as well start now. :casca:

I am fine with that. I just hoped that point was going to start a bit later than when Harbinger shot his ray of happiness at me, or beyond seeing Joker and two others stumble upon the prequel of LOST. :troll:
Saephon said:
I think their panel at PAX (thankfully) shot down that Indoctrination Theory for good. Ever since I first heard about it, I thought it was ridiculous that people were grasping at straws emergency induction ports to that extent. :iva:
Their response didn't totally shut it down, but it was the kind of answer you'd give to someone you were trying really, really hard not to offend by calling them a dumb ass. I should know :void:
My thoughts haven't really changed, the tone of the ending seemed painfully literal and earnest to the point I couldn't believe people came up with such an alternative, but it sure is a lot more fun with that idea to play around with so I'm all for it (after all, I am the co-author of the Ultimate Strong One theory :zodd:). I remember when Aaz and I discussed how the indoctrination theory explained a lot of inconsistencies, but unfortunately that explanation probably doesn't boil down to subtext or subtle writing. Still, BioWare should totally embrace it.

Also, for those that felt they cheaped out with Harbinger, here's some real empirical evidence: it's not even Harbinger's specific body at the end, they just stuck his eyes on the front of the generic on-planet-Reaper model:

[video spoilers]
Griffith said:
they just stuck his eyes on the front of the generic on-planet-Reaper model:

[video spoilers]

Well that's kind of lame. Once again, Bioware reacts to an issue (Harbinger talking too much in ME2) with the completely opposite extreme. I really wish he had assumed control over The Illusive Man at the end and spoke directly to Shepard. Would have made TIM's disappointing end a little better, while having a decent parallel to Saren. I wouldn't mind the guy succumbing to indoctrination if it's at the hands of the Big Kahuna of Reapers. Also if he doesn't regress to "YOU'RE WRONG!"
Saephon said:
I really wish he had assumed control over The Illusive Man at the end and spoke directly to Shepard. Would have made TIM's disappointing end a little better, while having a decent parallel to Saren.

I disagree. It would have been even more of a weak copy of Saren's end. I for one am really glad they shelved the G-virus concept they had for him. And who knows, maybe we'll see more of him in the ending, getting blasted by the Destiny Ascencion or something. :void:
A question for anyone who played ME3 as Male Shepard: do you feel Mark Meer's voice acting improved? I converted over to FemShep early on in my Mass Effect career, but I'm very tempted to start the trilogy over as a male and romance Liara. :iva: Just wondering if he doesn't sound so....flat in the third game. Also, any Renegades here who can vouch for that side of the game? I got the impression Renegade Shepard just becomes more and more of an asshole. Some of the decisions and things he says seem unnecessarily mean.
Yeah he's actually improved a bit. He used to seem pretty flat and I feel there's a lot more personality in the 2nd and 3rd games.

I'm playing my renegade Femshep now that I can properly import her face. I'm very happy. I missed her.
Like I said on the podcast, I don't get the male "FemShep" players at all, let alone the seeming preponderance of them. Though, that's mostly due to my conservative sense of fidelity towards the character or characters in general (I'm suspicious of those that would not name Link, "Link" =). To me, not only is the character of Shepard Mark Vanderloo's face and Mark Meer's voice (BTW, John? How could they not make his official default name Mark!?), but he's a Soldier, an Earthborn orphan, and a sole survivor. That's Shepard. The customizable faces and other alternatives? That's just what they are, alternatives, and that includes FemShep. Still, she's way more legit than people's custom mutant Shepards with bad facial hair and bleached hair.

Anyway, from what I've heard of both voices, I don't think FemShep sounds objectively better (but then, I'm not objective =). I appreciate Meers' tone. He makes for a unique voice, certainly not a classic hero or gruff, but successfully running the gamut between sounding serious, humorous, enlightened, or like a jerk. Basically, an intelligent man of action that's smart but down to earth, tough but not a musclehead, and paragon or renegade besides. So, all things considered, I think the balance and versatility of Meers' performance is actually underrated. In any case, he always sounds like Shepard to me. =)
I don't have a problem with Mark Meer in Mass Effect. Sure he's not always perfect, but the same goes for Jennifer Hale. I've played as both and I don't find her acting to be superior.
I personally think Jennifer Hale is more convincing in Paragon/concerned lines, while Mark Meer sounds more believable when he's angry or doing Renegade dialogue. Didn't he say somewhere that when he plays the games he does it as Renegade? Anyway, Hale doesn't likely have overall more variance than Meer, but I remember finding her performance superior in certain key scenes, like the end of Overlord.

For the record, I've never done a lesbian or bi Shepard funny enough. It's fun to roleplay from the female side, and I've found that the only male love interest I can stand is Thane. Garrus just tries too hard :SK:
The Better Business Bureau Says Yes, Mass Effect 3 Was Falsely Advertised

Fans upset with the outcome of Mass Effect 3 have been crying "false advertising" since the get go, arguing that the ability to "completely shape" their experience as promised by EA and BioWare never materialized. According to the Better Business Bureau's Majorie Stephens, they were right.

In a posting on the consumer protection organization's Consumer News and Opinion Blog cloyingly titled "Mass Effect 3 is Having a ‘Mass Effect' on Its Consumers for Better or Worse", Stephens explains that technically yes, BioWare's marketing campaign for Mass Effect 3 does contain false advertising. It's a problem of absolutes, something that should be avoided at all cost in advertising circles.

The issue at stake here is, did Bio Ware falsely advertise? Technically, yes, they did. In the first bullet point, where it states "the decisions you make completely shape your experience", there is no indecision in that statement. It is an absolute.

Let's put this in context. If I were to tell you I make the very best lasagna in the entire world, that's an absolute. Worse, it's an absolute based on opinion, which would open me up even more. Is that false advertising? Yes, my lasagna sucks. It is, however, better a few days later with the addition of liberal amounts of shredded cheese.

Stephens also analyzes the statement "Along the way, your choices drive powerful outcomes, including relationships with key characters, the fate of entire civilizations, and even radically different ending scenarios." It's a statement that could indicate that the previous statement wasn't quite true, but a consumer would have to dig deep to come to that conclusion.

The lesson to be learned here is companies should give careful consideration to how they word their advertisements. Otherwise, there could be detrimental effects, especially in the era of social media and online forums.

If I ever form a game company, we're never saying anything. We'll just quietly slip our games under your door and run away.

Does this mean that BioWare is in some kind of trouble with the BBB? No, but its blogger agrees with the whole false advertising thing, which should make everyone feel a lot better about the whole thing.


And the Stupid keeps on coming

Thank God this nonsense didn't happen when Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty was released back in 01'.