Mass Effect 3 [Spoilers]

I was never upset by the first cut and I liked what they added in the extended cut. Spoiler tag just in case:
The end wasn't changed, just as BW said it wouldn't be. Now maybe all this Indoctrination Theory bullshit will finally stop and people can start accepting the end for what it is.
Walter said:
It was an improvement
in the same breath that it was patronizing to everyone who complained. The tone throughout all the new ending narratives is a nauseating "Now class, what did we learn today?"

That's fair. Isn't that exactly what the crybabies wanted? To be tucked in and told it's all going to be okay? A big wet kiss from mommy to stop the tears? To have their asses shined and polished and told that they're a special, that they're unique snowflakes with their own personal ending written just for them?

Ok, I'm done. :troll:

Walter said:
No thanks. I'll just go on pretending the last 5 minutes of the game didn't happen, because honestly the original ending never truly made me hate it. It just wasn't complete. And I honestly wish people would forget about it and move on, because this is an utterly fantastic series hindered only by its final awkward moment.

I still don't quite understand all the ambivalence (or just don't remember why =), let alone the ensuing insanity over it. The ending was consistent with the writing of Mass Effect 2 onward for better or worse, it's just nobody complained until it was the last word. I think everyone had moved on too, which is why it's a shame they didn't just stick to their guns. Now we get to hear more from people that haven't/won't play the game or the series because they think they know better, are owed something, or are too good for it. Great. Other way around, champs.

Delta Phi Zeta said:
I was never upset by the first cut and I liked what they added in the extended cut. Spoiler tag just in case:
The end wasn't changed, just as BW said it wouldn't be. Now maybe all this Indoctrination Theory bullshit will finally stop and people can start accepting the end for what it is.

While I didn't buy it, it was fun and I liked the idea of it. Again, too bad they didn't just leave it be.

(Unless I like the new content, then it's a great move =)...
Griffith said:
I kind help but :schierke: at this, even the patronizing nods of approval. I haven't seen the new material yet, but I doubt it changes much, probably just "explains" things in the most fan friendly terms possible.

Well there's a huge difference between "Not bad" and "My complaints are now irrelevant. Thank you Bioware." :guts: To be fair my expectations were pretty low, and the content that's added probably should have been in their intended ending in the first damn place, but I give credit where its due. There are a horde of people ready to tell someone like me that I wouldn't be happy no matter what, as long as Shepard doesn't live happily ever with blue babies. Those people are completing misunderstanding where I come from, but that's okay. I understand that it's hard to care about the few rational people when they are lost in a sea of bandwagon whining. Anyway I recommend checking the endings out online, even just a skim. I'm curious to see what you think. Edit: Nevermind, just saw that you did :P

Griffith said:
The ending was consistent with the writing of Mass Effect 2 onward for better or worse, it's just nobody complained until it was the last word.

While I think you're right about this, it's worth noting how much an attitude changes from a Middle installment of a trilogy, to the conclusion. It was said a few times by Casey Hudson and co. that ME3 would have so much more freedom in the writing because they didn't have to worry about how it would affect a future installment. I believe a lot of fans gave ME2 a bit of a pass knowing this, expecting the third game to answer their questions.

There were a bunch of things I didn't like about ME2 storywise, but decided to hold off damning it until the series was finished. Now if you're criticizing people who think the entire trilogy is perfect until the very end, then yeah, I side with you there. I think I myself once said that Mass Effect 3 was nearly flawless until the ending, and some people pointed out how wrong I was. It just irks me a bit because some people did complain back during Mass Effect 2, but those people were promptly told to Shut up, This is a 10/10 game, Game of the Year, Streamlined, No flaws, Fuck you, etc. :azan:
Now all of a sudden it's acceptable to criticize Bioware and "This is the final straw!!!" Yeah, okay.
Saephon said:
Well there's a huge difference between "Not bad" and "My complaints are now irrelevant. Thank you Bioware." :guts: To be fair my expectations were pretty low, and the content that's added probably should have been in their intended ending in the first damn place, but I give credit where its due. There are a horde of people ready to tell someone like me that I wouldn't be happy no matter what, as long as Shepard doesn't live happily ever with blue babies. Those people are completing misunderstanding where I come from, but that's okay. I understand that it's hard to care about the few rational people when they are lost in a sea of bandwagon whining. Anyway I recommend checking the endings out online, even just a skim. I'm curious to see what you think. Edit: Nevermind, just saw that you did :P

Moving it here:

Just watched some of it, and it looks like they did work in a version of the Fallout "where are they now" recaps as expected, and I'm assuming different depending on what you did/didn't do (so nutjobs can be have the illusion of a personalized ending). It's more imbalanced now though, suddenly the control option is way more attractive just because of the narrator. I still kind of like the simplicity of the old "perfect" destruction ending, where a breath was reward enough, and more prominent and meaningful than it is now (go for control =).

BTW, as for the actual new option... I KNEW IT! :ganishka:

Saephon said:
While I think you're right about this, it's worth noting how much an attitude changes from a Middle installment of a trilogy, to the conclusion. There were a bunch of things I didn't like about ME2 storywise, but decided to hold off damning it until the series was finished. Now if you're criticizing people who think the entire trilogy is perfect until the very end, then yeah, I side with you there. It irks me a bit because some people did complain back during Mass Effect 2, but those people were promptly told to Shut up, This is a 10/10 game, Game of the Year, Streamlined, No flaws, Fuck you, etc. :azan:
Now all of a sudden it's acceptable to criticize Bioware and "This is the final straw!!!" Yeah, okay.

Well, I'm right there with you on ME2, I guess I just didn't expect them to actually save it in the end (I was highly skeptical of ME3). I know what you mean though about giving it the benefit of the doubt in the meantime, a misstep in the middle isn't the same as one at the end; no chance for redemption. Though, everything that came before should rightfully be more important. We're too ending-centric in general, plus I feel like it's become popular to consider every ending a disappointment (nothing is good enough anymore). For instance, the end of Berserk is likely going to appear quite ordinary compared to the cumulative greatness of everything that came before it. It's just the way it is.

Of course, I don't really believe that. FUTURE. BEST. ENDING. EVER. :guts: (no pressure)

Saephon said:
Anyway, I'll see you guys over at the Berserk Anime thread, where we can tear apart something in unison!

What do you mean? It was AMAZING. Loved every second!
I love how Control basically became the best ending because of this DLC.
It's also hard to care as much about the story when you've been removed from it for months. Good effort, but this should have been in the ending from the start.

Thankfully it is over now, and hopefully we get ourselves a Garrus game!
Cronus said:
I love how Control basically became the best ending because of this DLC.

Better than
? :ganishka:

I was wondering why Walter bothered to single out the control one and then, "Oh." They basically needed to have the same narrator for each ending to avoid this, even if it was some meta from beyond the grave thing. Of course, that would have completely ruined the ending I originally liked most (unless they pulled a Kenny Powers and had it both ways =). I'm sure there are other unintended consequences we've yet to consider (the point of the "new world" crash landing seems totally muddled and useless now).

Cronus said:
It's also hard to care as much about the story when you've been removed from it for months.

Yeah, I can't even bring myself to watch the entire videos, I skip around (which is about the worst way to approach/experience this), let alone fire up the game again, and I've written like 10,000 words on this. Seriously, I don't remember my password. I'm not kidding.

Cronus said:
Good effort, but this should have been in the ending from the start.

Good job, good effort! Anyway, it's hard to argue against that even though I think the original endings were adequate, because for the most part these are improvements (I still have some reservations). Kind of a catch 22, undermining the original ending while trying to validate it; ultimately validating the benefit, if not necessity, of change. Again, a reason not to have done this at all if, like you said, not in the first place. I don't know, I'm leaning towards thinking they should have just left it be. These seem better, but might actually be worse. Oh well, what's done is done.
Surakemastura said:
So what are you guys' thoughts about
the refusal ending
I thought it was the worst one. Felt perfunctory, included because people complained.
I don't know... I guess if Bioware had given a little more info on how this new cycle beat the Reapers, we would have more to think about. I really don't know how to interpret what the woman says to the child at the end: 'They fought a terrible war so we wouldn't have to. '

Does that mean that the new civilization(s) didn't even fight a war to begin with? That they came across Liara's message before the Reapers actually invaded, and attacked them while they were still hibernating? I dunno, I tend to gravitate toward that kind of easy victory because the way I interpret her other line ('Without everything they accomplished, without the information they passed down, we too would be threatened.') is them not being threatened seriously or at all by the Reapers. Well, those 2 lines can be interpreted in a number of ways, really.

I'm not sure where I stand on this. I think this had the potential to be a pretty clean ending because it doesn't have the whole controversial element of 'Shepard decides the fate of trillions without them having a say in it', but in the way Bioware did it, I agree with you that it was perfunctory. Although Shepard's last words touched me a little. Some could say that was really what the fight was all about in all three games. Then again, it could be Bioware's way of mocking the crybabies that didn't want to make a choice :iva: But personally I like the Synthesis ending far more than the other three.

Or maybe events went full circle, with the new civilizations' HERO(!) being offered by the kid the 3 same options as Shepard, only instead the new one actually makes a choice. Which would make this a pretty pointless... and by far, the WORST ending. :guts:

Edit: Sorry... forgot to add spoiler tags.
I think it was my favorite addition because it was just a big direct FU to the whole thing. "Don't like these choices? SO BE IT! YOU LOSE! ASSHOLE!" *cut to Shepard looking like a dog busted for leaving a deuce on the rug*

But what about the lifetime supply of chocolate you promised us, Bioware? :judo:
I liked the
Refusal Ending
if for no other reason and I believe Griffith called it when he described it as a big Troll to the Mass Effect community heckling Bioware over the initial color system endings. But beyond that I think that the only expanded Ending(s) I really dug were Control and Synthesis as I thought that they were the only 2 that actually brought something to the table.
Surakemastura said:
So what are you guys' thoughts about
the refusal ending

I thought it was
absolutely hilarious. And such a missed opportunity to make the EMS value truly matter. If Shep had basically walked back out there and continued fighting until he/she died because of that choice, I think it would have been perfectly acceptable.

The Control ending
became the best for the obvious reason that Shep is now lord of the reapers. I'm imagining Reaper-shep barking out orders to Harbinger while he kicks it in his hammock and sipping lemonade. It's against everything you fought for really, but the monologue was pretty good I think.

I also really liked
EDI's monologue during Synthesis. The rest of the thing is stupid and a waste, but EDI's perspective lifted it up.

Also, the bit where
Shep calls the Normandy to take your squadmates before going to the end was hilarious. Harbinger is mowing down everyone on the way, but pretty much spaces out when a massive war frigate shows up to pick them up. THIS HURTS ME.

I'm pretty much a whore for this series though and am still looking forward to a couple of good DLC, like Aria taking back Omega and this supposed
Reaper named Leviathan that defects to the organics' side of things.

Still my favorite series in recent memory in terms of characters, regardless of the endings.
Cronus said:
I thought it was
absolutely hilarious. And such a missed opportunity to make the EMS value truly matter. If Shep had basically walked back out there and continued fighting until he/she died because of that choice, I think it would have been perfectly acceptable.

Hey, that would have been pretty cool! Though, my only real gripe with this ending is why did the voice change back for the last line on the Citadel? That was the voice I wanted that character to have in the first place, and I wanted more of it, not an immediate walk back. A whole new conversation tree at that point wouldn't have been a bad idea. Though what would have made it cool is the same reason it didn't happen, it would have required some hard answers.

Cronus said:
The Control ending
became the best for the obvious reason that Shep is now lord of the reapers. I'm imagining Reaper-shep barking out orders to Harbinger while he kicks it in his hammock and sipping lemonade. It's against everything you fought for really, but the monologue was pretty good I think.

Nice reference. Speaking of which, they basically depicted that very image, I think I even spotted a blue-eyed
next to the Citadel. Anyway, I don't quite like it precisely for the reason you mentioned: it's totally counter-intuitive, and basically this big awkward sell about the virtues of what you were basically fighting against. That ending actually seemed a little more palatable to me before when it left more to your imagination, and I still like the original perfect destruction ending best of all (it actually makes more natural sense than any of this shit).

Cronus said:
Also, the bit where
Shep calls the Normandy to take your squadmates before going to the end was hilarious. Harbinger is mowing down everyone on the way, but pretty much spaces out when a massive war frigate shows up to pick them up. THIS HURTS ME.

Yeah, an obvious example of making something worse trying to make it better, though I'm starting to think it applies to the whole thing. For what was gained in nuance or clarity was lost in wonder and emotional impact. I don't think I'd feel the same way about the end of the game, good and bad, if these were the original endings. They're more detached and analytical, and I think I'd feel the same way; I mean, it is literally like the annotated edition. Then again, maybe I just feel this way because this is how I feel now anyway, I'm certainly not experiencing them in the moment (when my main complaint was basically the lack of what these provide =).

I don't know, in retrospect the original endings were kind of a big deal; they elicited such crazy passion they practically made the Internet explode, whereas these revisions are landing with a whimper because nobody really cares at this point. In the big scheme of things, the passion surrounding the controversy was far more significant, and complimentary in a way, than the golf claps they're receiving now. Like I said before, they were lucky to have an ending that could even be called controversial or considered significant.
Anyway, how's that revision(ist history) on my part working for everybody? There's wisdom in control. :troll:

Cronus said:
I'm pretty much a whore for this series though and am still looking forward to a couple of good DLC, like Aria taking back Omega and this supposed
Reaper named Leviathan that defects to the organics' side of things.

Still my favorite series in recent memory in terms of characters, regardless of the endings.

Same here, and that second DLC does sound interesting. Appropriate name, will it be the Thomas Hobbes of Reapers (or is that Shepard)?
ME3's Leviathan DLC announced:

The original Mass Effect writer, Drew Karpyshyn, would have done the ending quite a bit differently.

[quote author=Eurogamer]
One possible ending concerned the spread of Dark Energy - a force used for mass effect fields and biotic powers. It goes that Reapers were created to stop the spread of Dark Energy, which would ultimately destroy everything. That's why Reapers, every 50,000 years or so, processed (turned into a Reaper) an entire species - to slow the spread of Dark Energy. The Human Reaper was to be the last throw of the dice for the Reapers. The ending of Mass Effect 3 would be you deciding whether to sacrifice the entire human race, and create a Human Reaper, or take your chances that humanity could come up with another alternative.
While I like the concept of this ending better than what we were given, I wouldn't say it's worlds better or anything.
It certainly validates and justifies the Reapers existence more than what they cobbled together in the final moments of ME3. But if you've read the Mass Effect books, and I unfortunately have, you probably already know the caliber of writer this Karpyshyn character is. So I already am wary of anything he is at the helm of. Which is a longer way of saying I'm glad he wasn't at the helm of ME3.
Walter said:
While I like the concept of this ending better than what we were given, I wouldn't say it's worlds better or anything.

I don't think it's even better than what we were given. Seems rather hacky to me.
Stop Dark Energy? Why not just destroy the relays then? It sounds preposterous to me.
Interesting, but like Aaz said, it's not any less flawed than what we got. I would have liked any scenario though if the series had been allowed to end with quiet dignity. Oh well.

In any case, the original ultimate destroy ending is still more satisfying than anything reverse-nitpicked since. Well, I do like that the Refuse ending basically confirms the former's validity. =)

So has anybody played any of the DLC or extra stuff they made available? I decided to replay ME3 since i never played after initially beating it. I never played the directors cut version of the ending or any DLC so I bought all that stuff and started a new game. I guess it's a little late to ask but is any of it good? The Omega dlc sounded cool at least.
I've only played the Leviathan dlc. While a bit short it was kind of nice since it gives a bit more background to the Reapers. Haven't played or seen any of Omega or Citadel, but I've heard the later is really good and gave a lot of fans the closure (read: not a different ending) they wanted.
Oburi said:
So has anybody played any of the DLC or extra stuff they made available? I decided to replay ME3 since i never played after initially beating it. I never played the directors cut version of the ending or any DLC so I bought all that stuff and started a new game. I guess it's a little late to ask but is any of it good? The Omega dlc sounded cool at least.
I haven't played any of it, but I know quite a bit about all of them:

Omega: Skip. It's the least consequential.
Leviathan: Key lore information is revealed. So much so that fans were pretty pissed that it was tucked away in a paid-only DLC.
Citadel: Universally praised for its closure to the series.
Walter said:
Omega: Skip. It's the least consequential.
Leviathan: Key lore information is revealed. So much so that fans were pretty pissed that it was tucked away in a paid-only DLC.
Citadel: Universally praised for its closure to the series.

I've played them all and none of them are a waste.

As Walter said, Omega is the least consequential, however it's BIG in scope. A much larger campaign than the final assault on the Illusive Man's base or even the final Earth campaign. You team up with Aria and a female Turian, and it's a very dark battle in the underworld for control of the Omega station. Cerberus is doing some nasty experiments there and there are some very dark renegade choices that can be made. It's worth playing, but it's separate from your regular crew and really feels like one battle in a larger war.

Citidel is great. It's all character based and is full of personality. Some really unique environments and interactions. The mission is fairly short, but pretty memorable. A very satisfying bit of DLC, but it doesn't add a ton to the overall story, but the character stuff is both humorous and poignant.

Leviathan, in my opinion, is the best. A series of missions, all very distinct from one another, and they all have the feel of an investigation into something very old and very dark. A very nice balance of combat and mythos. It's very moody and has a lot of weight to it even though it's shorter than DLCs like omega. Most of all, it gives a lot of context to the ending of the series. I played my first run though with this integrated into the end of my campaign and it was the perfect foreshadowing for the conclusion.

Great series BTW, probably my favorite.
I might be a little late here, i guess. Like over a year late. But i just finished the game for the first time last month, so in my case it's pretty fresh.
Loved the whole Mass Effect series, but when i heard about this whole ending controversy last year, it kind of kept me from even touching the game. Fortunately i kept myself from getting spoilered, all i heard was, that something had really gone wrong at the end of the game.
Well i guess that was one reason, the other might have been, that i learned a little too late, through my friends, that you get a freaking Prothean with the pre-order. That was also a bit of a downer, especially since i heard how essential it is, to have him with you, all the stuff you would miss without him. Of course it was possible to buy him later as a dlc, which i did, but didn't know that one year ago. So i was like "oh great, so the ending seems to be disappointing, and i missed the chance to have a living part of mass effect history as a crewmember". Well, but anyway, as i said i was now finally able to do the whole thing last month.

And now i get it. I thought this whole controversy would have been about, maybe not having a happy ending, Shepard dying or something like that. But i would have never imagined this.
So there is this translucent Child, telling me he is the Catalyst. Well, i dislike important characters being introduced in the last minute of a game or movie (and i especially dislike children in movies or games), but that's ok, i get this amazing room with a panorama window of the whole battle for the fate of the galaxy, awesome stuff. So let's see. Oh, the big plan is revealed.

So, you are telling me you invented the cycle, killing advanced organic species, in order to save organic life, because organic life will always at some point create synthetics, and it's an unbreakable law of the universe, that synthetics will always try to kill organics
Are you kidding me? That's it? In all those millions of years, while you were doing your awesome solution, did you never come up with the idea to, i don't know, maybe talk to one the species and their synthetics? Let me tell you a funny story, i was just on Rannoch and ended a 300 year war between synthetics and their makers, and i didn't even need giant genocide machines. Actually i even had to kill one, because it was rallying the synthetics to kill their makers. Oh right, the one thing you always want to prevent.
Look out of the damn window! What do you see? The Geth fleet AND the Quarian fleet, synthetics AND makers, working together, fighting for their lives, against you and your brilliant "solution".

You are no solution. You are the fucking problem!
Unavoidable synthetics vs. organics war? Hell, my pilot is dating a robot! Maybe, i say maybe the problem you described, existed once in one of your cycles a million years ago. But as you can pretty damn well see, you just have to look out of the window, we can solve this "problem", even without galactic genocide. Or did i waste 4 hours of my life on Rannoch? A synthetic even died there, to make peace between his people and his makers. You know what, just... just go. Leave the galaxy. Go. Maybe they need a problem-fixer in Andromeda, i don't know. But everything is already fine here. WITHOUT YOU.

And that's what was going through my head, when talking to the Catalyst.

Now for the awesome endings.
First time i played this, i didn't use the extended cut. That's how my friends told my i should do it, to see the difference. Well, it didn't really change that much for me. The biggest thing that had bothered me was the Mass Relays exploding, that was akward, especially if you have played The Arrival in ME2. So that was nice to see that they explained that better in the extended cut, with the Mass Relays just being damaged.
But aside from that, all decision are bad. No matter if it's extended cut or not.

The control ending. I never did that. Watched it later on youtube. The whole thing was out of the question for me. So you choose to become, what you were always fighting against? Interesting.
It's nice that i'm writing this in a Berserk forum, because this way i can ask a question which came up on my mind, when seeing this ending. To the people who used this ending, would you also enjoy it if Guts would become a God Hand? Seriously?
So you become the immortal Catalyst God-being. You are, if i use warhammer terms, now the God-Emperor of the galaxy. Nice. But aren't you, well, pretty much a dictator now? Well of course not, Shepard is an honest man. And what in a hundred years, a thousand? What happens, when you have "lived" 10 or 20 times as long as an Asari. If i would take that "universal rule of synthetics will always kill their makers"-garbage for granted, that would mean that Shepard becoming the Catalyst never really solved this "problem". I just switched places with the Catalyst. And now? What if this problem will show up again and again? Will i eventually come to the same conclusion as the old Catalyst? I mean, he/it spent ages looking for a solution, and he/it was the all knowing god-child, right?
Yes, it is unlikely that this would happen. But is it 100% impossible? No.
So much power shouldn't be in the hands of one person.

But granted, the sequence itself, especially with extended cut, look really cool.

Synthesis. The "Space Magic" ending. This was actually the one i used first, and when i didn't have the extended cut installed. Yes, i said space magic, because that's how it feels to me. What the heck is going on now? Is iron no longer a mineral or steel an alloy? Has it now become a living breathing organism, because of some green energy wave? And another funny thing. Throughout the game, Javik tells me we how his cycle lost, because they were all more or less the same, and that our strongest point in this cycle might be our diversity. That's what the whole trilogy told me, by having a mixed crew of all forms of aliens (well unfortunately no Elcor, Hanar or Volus) working together. And what do i do in Synthesis? I destroy this diversity, magically making everyone in the galaxy into Husk 2.0, without asking them.
All in all a pretty stupid message, if you ask me.
Oh, and what would prevent organic-synthetic beings from making new synthetics, who would then again, according to the Catalyst's golden rule, again make war with them.

And be honest, the green eye thing looked really ridiculous, hehe.

Destroy. The red renegade wave of vengeance. That's what i used after installing the extended cut, and i guess that's what i would use again, when i will replay the series some day. It's disappointing, that i can't send those genocidal machines to hell with a big satisfying Guts smile, without losing my friend EDI and the Geth at the same time. But compared to Control, which i find dangerous, and Synthesis, which is crazy space magic with a stupid message for me, the Destroy Ending seems to be the only one working for me. Or lets say, the least bad one for me. And no, it wasn't about having Shepard survive, i didn't care about that, would have been fine for me if he would sacrifice himself in that one too. Well, but if i would take the Catalyst garbage serious, this Ending also wouldn't solve the great big problem.

Nice endings. Maybe in the future, people might use the term "Mass Effect ending", when refering to a game or movie ending, which has logical flaws contradicting with major elements of what the people have seen and experienced before.

Well, that said, i enjoyed pretty much everything else in this game. It really was awesome, and i wish i had played it sooner :D
Mordin, oh Mordin my love, singing "Krogan queen" for Eve/Urdnot Bakara. Or literally every scene with Wrex. Or being reunited with Grunt, even for just a short mission. And that mission, wow.. wow, really, i didn't realize it when i picked up the datapad from that dead Krogan soldier. But then i remembered, that Asari on the citadel, talking about her husband being Krogan, fighting in battle. And then when i gave the datapad to her and realized it was that damn Krogan poet guy! And that was her... he was her, that... argh! I had brought them together on Illium in ME2. That moment really hurt.
Or the story of that traumatized Asari Commando in the Huerta Hospital. That story alone was heartbreaking. But then, when Joker told me about his family, them being farmers on some backwater planet... took me a moment, but i almost fell from my chair. Ok their might be a lot of 15 year old farm girls on that planet with the same name, it's not necessarily the same girl the Asari killed, but still...
And i do think i almost had tears in my eyes during the Rannoch scene "Does this unit have a soul?" "Yes..." Such a strong moment.
Well, there were also disappointing things like the Rachni. Really? That's all i get? From the first game onwards, i knew there would be some scene at the end of the trilogy, when "everything pays off", all the people you helped in the galaxy coming to your aid, yes i already imagined a scene with fleet after fleet emerging from lightspeed. And i thought i would have a damn organic hive fleet like the Zerg or Tyranids at my command. Billions of Rachni, and dozends of living dreadnaught-size ships, fighting together for the races they once had a galactic war with.
But what did i get? A textmessage, they help building the crucible. Wow, thanks.
And the last mission on earth... that one felt like it was taken from a WW2 game with scifi weapons, or from Gears of War. It was just boring somehow. Nothing really worth remembering.
Oh, and the Purgatory... probably the lamest Club in the galaxy... at least in the Darkstar Lounge i could drink until the radiaton alarms went off, haha. Ok, waking up next to Aria was also fun, embarrassing, but fun.

Oh, and by the way
Griffith said:
Well, I did sell it pretty hard. I'm just glad you finally played it and enjoyed it. I would have liked your take on ME3 though, basically if you'd hate it or not, but oh well. Still, don't you want to join in the fun of ragging on it because it didn't end like this:


But I only ever made paragon "decisions." :judo:

It DID end for me like this :ganishka:
Well ok, without Mordin of course...

I can only encourage everyone to buy the Citadel DLC.
One of the best scenarios i ever played in Mass Effect. It's not just about the Party at the end, that some people might have heard about. The whole missions that come before that, this awesome "buddy-movie"-feeling. And one of the most dangerous enemies Commander Shepard ever faced.
It's the kind of goodbye i wanted to have from my crew. Not via some holo-screen down on earth. The DLC is probably nothing for someone, who just played the third game, but for people who enjoyed the whole series over the years, it's really the best way to have a last salute to everyone, before leaving the Mass Effect Universe behind.

Well, and if you don't want to buy it or don't have ME3 anymore, i recorded a video of it *shameless self-advertise* don't hang me, hehe, i'm no "lets player", its just one video i made for myself and my friends
