Mogen's sculptures and repaints

This is a little old, I sculpted and painted it last year but since I'm new to the site I decided to share it. I do want to get one of the new marvel legends Rhino baf to do a custom Father Mozgus to go with my figma Guts. (The face and size is perfect)



I got my hands on a second one of these Berserk armor figmas so I decided to do some painting to make it look like the time Guts fought Gurunberd. hope you guys like it.


Lithrael said:
That is pretty rad. Nice work. The sword is so gory!! It's great! :serpico:

Hey thanks a lot, yeah I wanted to make it even more gory but to sheer how to get that effect with out sculpting it on to it. :guts:
Worked on this Rakshas sculpture a week back and finished painting it up but after the newest chapter I wished I had waited. Oh well I may sell this one to do another one
Sorry that the Pic's are side ways the image upload keeps turning them that way and I'm not sheer why.


I now want to do some thing more like this.
He's got personality, I like it! :serpico: The way you did the cloak around his body kind of gives off a straight jacket feel, which I think is kind of funny as it fits his somewhat crazy personality.
JMP said:
He's got personality, I like it! :serpico: The way you did the cloak around his body kind of gives off a straight jacket feel, which I think is kind of funny as it fits his somewhat crazy personality.

Thanks alot its just how he seemed to me when he was first shown in the manga.
Ive been working on this fella for about 2-3 weeks on and off, and I kept forgetting to take pictures to upload them for you all. "Sorry" but it's Mozgus :mozgus:. As you can see, I haven't yet tackled his wings. This is mainly because I'm not yet sure how I want to attach them. I used the new marvel legends baf rhino as a base. He is somewhat articulated and stands just shy of 9 inches and looks good against the figma Guts. So what do you think? Oh and if anyone has a good idea of what type of color of paint I should use, let me know. I'm thinking an off white or light grey because of his wings/feathers.



Looks good so far, however the mouth kind of kills as it is. Would be great if you could alter it to make it more like Mozgus as well. :mozgus:
For the color, grey is the way to go.


I'm looking forward to seeing it done!
You're a real painting/sculpting machine, Mogen! It's cool to see all of your old and new projects. :ubik:

I'm especially excited about your Mozgus piece! I don't think we've seen anything like it on the board since I've been here. That Rhino figure creates a kind of uncanny resemblance. If I could suggest one thing as you continue your work, it might be to make the nose a bit more prominent. :schnoz:
JMP said:
I think it was a pretty smart idea to use that action figure as a base, the scale on it seems like it fits well. It looks good! :guts:

Thats what I thought the first time I seen the figure, thanks a lot for all the encouragement.

Grail said:
You're a real painting/sculpting machine, Mogen! It's cool to see all of your old and new projects. :ubik:

I'm especially excited about your Mozgus piece! I don't think we've seen anything like it on the board since I've been here. That Rhino figure creates a kind of uncanny resemblance. If I could suggest one thing as you continue your work, it might be to make the nose a bit more prominent. :schnoz:

Yeah that's the second head sculpt I did the first one I sculpted the nose but didn't look good maybe when I finish the wings I may try again.


Here is one of the wings for Mozgus at lest so far sculpting it from scratch.
Well Mozgus is done and painted I hope every one likes him, let me know what you think.
One small thing I kinda want to find a better way to do the wings, they turned out heavy. Or at least make a stand so he can be better be posed.





Hi dude it's nice to see your works :guts: paint berserk kits is not easy...your last work is amazing only the blood on his chest should be more bloody...Where do you find the kits? Maybe you build them?
In any case continue to show your work :slan: always a pleasure to see great job :SK:
Berserker78 said:
Hi dude it's nice to see your works :guts: paint berserk kits is not easy...your last work is amazing only the blood on his chest should be more bloody...Where do you find the kits? Maybe you build them?
In any case continue to show your work :slan: always a pleasure to see great job :SK:

Thanks for the support, just so you know the Mozgus started life as a rhino action figure that I sculpted on top of. :guts:

Somnivagrious said:
Dang dude that Mozgus turned out killer!! I bet all those feathers took eons to detail...

Thanks, they took forever to sculpt then re-sculpt when I'd mess them up. :mozgus:
Those are bloody great Mogen. Especially that Mozgus!
I know you've got your hands full at the moment but who else are you thinking of creating?
Rezin said:
Those are bloody great Mogen. Especially that Mozgus!
I know you've got your hands full at the moment but who else are you thinking of creating?

I'll just post this and say he'll be painted white and let you guess :carcus:, Should be obvious. :guts: