Walter said:Hahaha, another fiend. How far along are you? I think I really got hooked for good around volume 5-6. These days I re-read the series at least once a year and always take something new away from the experience.
Well that was quick. What are your impressions on the past 7-8 volumes, now that you were able to experience them one after the other. I must admit, it's been weird following it episodically for so long. I welcome fresh perspective.Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:Augh I caught up. How could I have done this?
Walter said:Well that was quick. What are your impressions on the past 7-8 volumes, now that you were able to experience them one after the other. I must admit, it's been weird following it episodically for so long. I welcome fresh perspective.
Clawed The Bum said:One Manga I really like is Vinland Saga. Its a lot like the Golden Age of Berserk (Minus the Skull Knight and Zodd encounters so no mysterious element which was one of the best things about that arc). Its one of those Manga's that pretty much get better and better with ever episode and I really didn't like it much until about episode 35ish and so far there are only 44 episodes lol.
My sister hates anime/manga but she reads Superior which is kinda like fable (the video game) mixed with a little Berserk but with a bigger focus on love :/. I wouldn't recommend it if your a guy but it my sister is really into it so I recommend it on her behalf.
On Side note I couldn't find where to discuss this in the Vagabond section but when will we know if Vagabond is for us or not. Im 32 episodes in and it seems too much like that Rouruni Kenshin anime/manga which I don't like. I kinda liked the section where those two dudes were getting seduced by those two chicks lol that was kinda interesting but It went downhill from there for me.
Clawed The Bum said:On Side note I couldn't find where to discuss this in the Vagabond section
Clawed The Bum said:when will we know if Vagabond is for us or not. Im 32 episodes in and it seems too much like that Rouruni Kenshin anime/manga which I don't like.
Clawed The Bum said:I kinda liked the section where those two dudes were getting seduced by those two chicks lol that was kinda interesting but It went downhill from there for me.
Rhombaad said:I finished Vol. 4 last week and am waiting for my next paycheck to be direct deposited before I pick up Vol. 5. I'm really enjoying it so far and am relieved to hear that it only gets better from here.
Clawed The Bum said:Thank you I'm really looking forward to reading it now :).
Rhombaad said:I finished Vol. 4 last week and am waiting for my next paycheck to be direct deposited before I pick up Vol. 5. I'm really enjoying it so far and am relieved to hear that it only gets better from here.
Th3Branded0ne said:I won't spoil anything for you, but yeah it keeps getting better. Just let it ferment like wine, then you will taste the true flavor of it.
CowTip said:I bought the first 3 '3-volume-in-one' packs, so I'm up to volume 9. I really like it so far, but I admit I'm afraid of it becoming sort of bleach like where the whole manga is just about setting up a fight, see a long back story of bad guy, fight ends, rinse and repeat. Not that I haven't enjoyed what I've read so far, but it's going to get boring fast for me if that's all it comes down to.
I think my favorite parts revolve around Matahachi. I'm really hoping that something good comes out of his side plots.
CowTip said:I bought the first 3 '3-volume-in-one' packs, so I'm up to volume 9. I really like it so far, but I admit I'm afraid of it becoming sort of bleach like where the whole manga is just about setting up a fight, see a long back story of bad guy, fight ends, rinse and repeat. Not that I haven't enjoyed what I've read so far, but it's going to get boring fast for me if that's all it comes down to.
CowTip said:I think my favorite parts revolve around Matahachi. I'm really hoping that something good comes out of his side plots.
Th3Branded0ne said:Some of this fights were true events, so don't expect a musashi pulling a "bankai" to defeat his next opponent, he started from scratch so you get to see his progress and other's characters as well.
CocwTip said:Well, I guess by Bleach I meant more that so much time is spent on random side characters that once a battle is finished we never even see them again, yet we get chapters and chapters of their whole life story for next to no reason... to the point where the main character is just a plot device to get to the next flash back... It just gets really boring to me after awhile.
宮本 グリフィス said:Don't worry about that, while Musashi certainly continues to fight opponents, you're getting to the precipice of a turning point. BTW, how is reading it in those large volumes?
Well, that's good, there'll be plenty more of him and his misadventures as well. What draws you to those segments? I'm curious because although I appreciate them, it's definitely the opposite for me.
CowTip said:Well, the best part about the large volumes is that since it's so easy to blow through one volume, I actually feel like I'm reading through them a little more slowly. I know it's just a self-mental thing, but it's nice having so much all together. That said, they're heavy as heck and it can be tiring holding them up for long periods of time, and also since they're paperback and so thick, I'm afraid that the binding won't hold up much through repeated readings (in my first volume, I already notice the binding weakening at the ends), but I try to treat my stuff carefully.
CowTip said:Well, it might be that I'm so early on and I don't know how things are going to go (I've done a fairly good job of avoiding spoilers so far), I feel like Matahachi is going to build up to perhaps something much more. Will he still be a sniviling coward? Maybe... but he just feels like an important character. I especially like that he's (as stated in the short Matahachi essay posted here) such a representation of how Musashi could have ended up without his courage and determination. I agree that he's so pathetic that it can drive you crazy, but the manga keeps mentioning how he has the potential to be great, he's just too lazy and cowardly to get there. I did hear that Musashi's real rival(?) shows up soon and I'm curious as to how that goes. Maybe Matahachi will just fall into the background, but personally I hope that they use his character for something important before that happens, otherwise, what's the point of us seeing his actions up until now?
CowTip said:And flashbacks or perspective changes are ok for me from time to time, just as long as the main character (Musashi) isn't relegated into predictable, boring nonsense, which you've assured me isn't the case so I feel better. I wasn't really expecting it to go that way, but you never know.
CowTip said:I'll definately be picking up more issues as money allows, though if the series is as awesome as you guys say, I'm not looking forward to the long waits between episodes like with Berserk!
CowTip said:(Also, sorry for the slight wall of text )
宮本 グリフィス said:What did you think of the focus on Musashi's training and growth during that portion?
CowTip said:I think the most compelling part of the manga in general is how un-stereotypical and surprisingly realistic Musashi's persona is. It would be so easy to just make him the noble swordsman who, while starting out weak, just climbs his way to the top, but Musashi does some of the craziest, most unexpected things when compared to the normal actions of most protagonists.
CowTip said:It's like in the first fight with Inshun where we fast forward to Musashi in bed wondering what happened, assuming that Inshun just knocked him out or something, just to find out that he panicked and ran for his life... At least to me, that was completely unexpected.
CowTip said:The overall feeling that Musashi thought he was completely bad ass and that he could follow the way of the sword even if it meant death so nobly, just to find out that he had no idea what he was really getting himself in to and to show it in such a human way (especially for a guy who spent most of his childhood alone in the mountains), it was just great. And again, their second fight builds up and again you start to think that Musashi has perhaps become a bit more noble, just to have him start smashing his wooden katana into the ground while proclaiming his victory like a little kid~
CowTip said:I'm definitely interested to see where this is going (I also loved how the first impression was that Musashi was smacking Inshun after he'd already knocked him down... my first response was: ).
CowTip said:And I haven't even gotten in to my love for Takuan. I don't see how anyone could dislike this character. It's amazing how much insight he can put into even a simple fart.
CowTip said:Though I've come across some terrible news. The next Vizbig edition won't be out until July, and who knows how far after that they're staggering their releases. I want to read more, but at the same time, I like to keep things sort of consistent for my own collections. Oh the conflict
CowTip said:Edit: Forgot that I should add some spoiler tags. Hopefully I didn't ruin anything for anyone~
CowTip said:Though I've come across some terrible news. The next Vizbig edition won't be out until July, and who knows how far after that they're staggering their releases. I want to read more, but at the same time, I like to keep things sort of consistent for my own collections. Oh the conflict