Nintendo 3DS

Beyond the scale, there's some stuff publishers just won't attempt on a home console, because it's perceived as too niche or experimental, etc.
Aazealh said:
Beyond the scale, there's some stuff publishers just won't attempt on a home console, because it's perceived as too niche or experimental, etc.

Yep, that somehow got written out as I waxed poetic, but part of what I meant by intimacy was an added emphasis on gameplay, since that's more likely how you're going to impress people on a handheld than through graphical spectacle. As you said, if that's your focus you're just going to be making lesser versions of console games. Hmmmm, are Sony handhelds the Game Gears of their respective generations? =)
Well, I bought one. I got OoT (naturally) and Super Mario 3D Land.

As for Infinite Space, the drawback of it not being primarily a Nintendo product means that, much like Xenogears on the PS1, once out of circulatio the price can achieve God-mode status.
Johnstantine said:
As for Infinite Space, the drawback of it not being primarily a Nintendo product means that, much like Xenogears on the PS1, once out of circulatio the price can achieve God-mode status.

That's too bad, here on the game can be found new for 13€, which so cheap I almost feel like buying it again just for the hell of it.
Aazealh said:
That's too bad, here on the game can be found new for 13€, which so cheap I almost feel like buying it again just for the hell of it.

That's nice. Perhaps we could work out an agreement to where I send you the money and you ship it to me?
Johnstantine said:
That's nice. Perhaps we could work out an agreement to where I send you the money and you ship it to me?
I think they'll ship to the US, I've bought some stuff from .fr and .jp before.
Aazealh said:
Yeah I'm sure they do. Even with international shipping the price should be manageable. Here's the link.

Sweet. Thanks, Aaz. With shipping it looks to be about $40 total. I have a few other games I'm playing right now, so I might actually hold out on this one. I've read some reviews where the gameplay has a steep learning curve, so I don't think I really have the time to get into that right now.
Johnstantine said:
I've read some reviews where the gameplay has a steep learning curve, so I don't think I really have the time to get into that right now.
It does take some getting used to, but not nearly as much as reviewers seemed to harp on about. Every review I read of the game was terrible. No one gave it a chance, and it's a fucking tragedy, because IS is a true gem.

We have a thread on the game, which starts out with Aaz' review, and you can read our impressions (nonspecific) as we both played through it.

In terms of you learning the game's systems, I'd be happy to explain them and answer any questions you get along the way in the official IS thread. Similar to Dark Souls, IS is somewhat of a personal passion for me, so I'd be pretty diligent about replying.
Here's the link:

I didn't post my impressions, but I think 84 hours tells you all you need to know. Also, the learning curve isn't so bad, it's not like you can't play it until you learn everything, it just takes some time for you to discover how to play at an optimum level, like with anything. I recommend jumping in head first. Then again, I never read the instruction. =)
I played the Castlevania: Mirror of Fate demo tonight. Mixed impressions.

After the first boss, I was enjoying the combat quite a bit. You really can mix things up, and the game encourages you to experiment. It's to your advantage to quickly get inside an enemy's range, lay on a few hits and then quickly escape before an attack, and there are a number of ways to approach that. But after that area came some truly uninspiring platforming, and even a tedious timed-door element. Gross. Capping it all off was the abrupt, embarrassing ending. Those who have played it know what I mean...

The biggest fundamental problem I see facing this game is that while the visuals are impressively designed, they aren't featured well. The camera is too far away from Trevor, making him look and feel sort of like a toy soldier in a massive, empty world. I also will bet that this is going to end up being a very brief game, judging by the rate at which you chew through scenery in the demo. You plow through some very detailed areas, many of which I'm sure took quite a bit of time and effort to design. Keep in mind the demo boots up with a splash screen that calls this their "mobile engine." So, I can't imagine they can keep that pace for the duration of a 10+ hour game. I'm betting it'll be more like 4. Max.

Anyway, I walked away thinking that this seems like it could be okay, but I don't smell greatness anywhere near it. And that's too bad, because Castlevania deserves better.
The reviews are finally coming out, and it looks like it's getting a very mixed reception. Some love it, some hate it, and in both case they mention how it manages to get the 2D Castlevania vibe right while sticking to LoS' style. IGN were the harshest, giving it a dismal score. The game's closer to 10 hours than to 5 at least.

Here are a few reviews:

And a recap of the main ones out so far:

Not sure what to do with my preorder...
Yeah that IGN review really killed it for me.. think I'll move preorder to... Monster Hunter? =/

I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, I played the demo though and didn't really see what all the fuss is about.
frankencowx said:
Yeah that IGN review really killed it for me.. think I'll move preorder to... Monster Hunter? =/

I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, I played the demo though and didn't really see what all the fuss is about.

Monster Hunter is a particular experience, very old school in design (have to learn patterns and win through repetition after understanding how to get the monsters), but can also be very pleasing if you "get it". As for me, I'm still on the fence but I think I'll stick with Mirror of Fate and see how it is for myself. I'll let you guys know.
frankencowx said:
Yeah that IGN review really killed it for me.. think I'll move preorder to... Monster Hunter? =/

I've never played a Monster Hunter game before, I played the demo though and didn't really see what all the fuss is about.
I played the demo, thought it was rather confusing, but I think it has potential once I grasp everything. Did you "beat" the demo, by chance?

Aazealh said:
I think I'll stick with Mirror of Fate and see how it is for myself. I'll let you guys know.
I appreciate you being our canary of sorts in this instance :guts:
I did not beat the Monster Hunter demo, I didn't give it enough time to really learn the controls. I heard it plays a lot better with the circle pad?? I've got an XL now so I can't use my old one, unless I use one of those strange designs Griffith posted earlier :???:
frankencowx said:
I did not beat the Monster Hunter demo, I didn't give it enough time to really learn the controls. I heard it plays a lot better with the circle pad?? I've got an XL now so I can't use my old one, unless I use one of those strange designs Griffith posted earlier :???:

The series grew in popularity on the PSP, where people learned to play using a crazy style, but yeah I'd rather do it with a second stick. What a mistake it was not to include it by default in the XL...
Nintendo held a direct conference today,

Some of the upcoming titles shown were:

-localization of Bravely Default for EU/NA 2014
-Mario Party 3DS. Winter 2013
-Donkey Kong Returns in May
-New Layton for 2014 - Layton and the Azran Legacies??
-New Zelda 3DS - Some type of spiritual successor to Link to the Past? Winter 2013
-Shin Megami Tensei 4 - July 16

frankencowx said:
-New Zelda 3DS - Some type of spiritual successor to Link to the Past? Winter 2013
Sounds both interesting and scary at the same time. I wonder how they're going to do that. I'd rather it be a spiritual successor to Link's Awakening, since no Zelda handheld has beat it yet.
frankencowx said:
-localization of Bravely Default for EU/NA 2014
'bout goddamned time for Square-Enix to confirm that... That being said, not sure I have it in me for another JRPG that's not Infinite Space 2.

-New Layton for 2014 - Layton and the Azran Legacies??
Supposedly the FINAL Layton game. Except of course for Layton X Ace Attorney.

-New Zelda 3DS - Some type of spiritual successor to Link to the Past? Winter 2013
Very, very interested. It's more than the spiritual successor though. Iwata calls it 神々のトライフォース II (Triforce of the Gods II). So it's Zelda 3: 2. Interestingly, Reggie says Holiday 2013, but Iwata said early 2014. Guess we're getting it first..?

Walter said:
Very, very interested. It's more than the spiritual successor though. Iwata calls it 神々のトライフォース II (Triforce of the Gods II). So it's Zelda 3: 2. Interestingly, Reggie says Holiday 2013, but Iwata said early 2014. Guess we're getting it first..?


Oh wow. Im so stoked! I even just bought a 3ds a couple weeks ago (mostly for Luigi's Mansion 2).

Dar Klink said:
Sounds both interesting and scary at the same time. I wonder how they're going to do that. I'd rather it be a spiritual successor to Link's Awakening, since no Zelda handheld has beat it yet.

This would be fantastic too. Now I wanna go bust out my game boy color.
Sarcomere said:
This would be fantastic too. Now I wanna go bust out my game boy color.
You can actually get Link's Awakening on 3DS for about $5 on the eShop. I played through it again recently on my 3DS. Still holds up very well after all these years.
The two Oracle of Ages/Seasons games are also coming to the 3DS' Virtual Console, which is nice I guess. And Earthbound's coming to the Wii U, both in the US and in Europe. It'll be the first time it's released in the EU.

Walter said:
Very, very interested. It's more than the spiritual successor though. Iwata calls it 神々のトライフォース II (Triforce of the Gods II). So it's Zelda 3: 2. Interestingly, Reggie says Holiday 2013, but Iwata said early 2014. Guess we're getting it first..?

Interesting. Let's hope it holds up to the legacy. Though in any case it's always better than the NDS Zelda titles.