Nintendo 3DS

Aazealh said:
Earthbound's coming to the Wii U, both in the US and in Europe. It'll be the first time it's released in the EU.
My god, your region got well and truly fucked over the last 20 years...

More stuff:
New Yoshi's Island game:
Trailer for Mario & Luigi: Dream Team:

Love the graphics in Dream Team. Honestly I don't have a lot of faith in Yoshi's Island. Original is fantastic, but that DS game was painfully derivative.

Good year to be a 3DS owner. Wonder what E3 will bring...?
frankencowx said:
Dragon Quest or I quit.
Just go back and play all the others. They're all basically the same game. :ganishka: Anyway, do you really expect to hear about a new Dragon Quest game before DQX even hits the USA? Those games are generally spaced out quite a bit. You can almost guarantee the next one will be on 3DS though.
Walter said:
Just go back and play all the others. They're all basically the same game. :ganishka:

Woah woah woah. Just because every character in every Dragon Quest looks like Vegeta doesn't make them basically the same.

Walter said:
Anyway, do you really expect to hear about a new Dragon Quest game before DQX even hits the USA? Those games are generally spaced out quite a bit. You can almost guarantee the next one will be on 3DS though.

I fully expect Nintendo to deliver on their promise of supporting more third party localization, and we are already seeing that to some extent. But I can't rest until the Dragon Quest VII remake and/or Terry's Wonderland make it to western shores. Oh, and screw DQX.

Who wouldn't want to play this??
frankencowx said:
Woah woah woah. Just because every character in every Dragon Quest looks like Vegeta doesn't make them basically the same.
That's not what I meant. The character design doesn't bug me. It's the rote story and plot stuff. The game design that's been stuck in the same rut since the '80s. The sense of progression that only comes from upgrading equipment for the 100th time. Seeing the same enemies in every single game. I just find those games tedious and without much creativity.

I've given the series a very fair shot at wowing me, too. Played 1 and 4 to completion (4 is my favorite); 5 til right at the end and I got bored with it; 7 (see below); and the main quest of 9. I just do not get the appeal of Dragon Quest.

Who wouldn't want to play this??
I played about 20 hours of DQ7 on PS1. It was frighteningly painful. New graphics are not going to change that for me, personally.
Walter said:
That's not what I meant. The character design doesn't bug me. It's the rote story and plot stuff. The game design that's been stuck in the same rut since the '80s. The sense of progression that only comes from upgrading equipment for the 100th time. Seeing the same enemies in every single game. I just find those games tedious and without much creativity.

I skimmed the the past few posts and when I read this I thought you were talking about Zelda.

Because, let's face it, it's in the same ball park of that description.
Johnstantine said:
I skimmed the the past few posts and when I read this I thought you were talking about Zelda.

Because, let's face it, it's in the same ball park of that description.
Hehe, well I guess it would be an apt description for someone who wasn't a fan of Zelda.

I agree that Zelda as a franchise hasn't been very progressive since its glory days, but its evolution is still leaps and bounds more adventurous than Dragon Quest's.
Walter said:
Hehe, well I guess it would be an apt description for someone who wasn't a fan of Zelda. I agree that Zelda as a franchise hasn't been very progressive since its glory days, but it's still leaps and bounds more adventurous an evolution than Dragon Quest's.

Agreed. I love the series enough to point out its obvious flaws.

As for Dragon Quest, I can't say much since I've never played it.
Walter said:
Hehe, well I guess it would be an apt description for someone who wasn't a fan of Zelda.

I agree that Zelda as a franchise hasn't been very progressive since its glory days, but its evolution is still leaps and bounds more adventurous than Dragon Quest's.

I was about to mention Zelda's story as well, having played most Zelda's and many Dragon Quest (I,IV,V,VI,VIII and IX), I felt i should weigh in. In terms of story, Dragon Quest has always been the same. Evil is looming, go and kill it! But that is the important part, the going of the killing. Sure in the end you will fight some horned demon looking thing, but getting there is where all the fun is. If it's something that DQ definitely has, is its charm, from its silly monster designs to the weird stuff that some townsfolk will say, to its little vignettes on the way to the end, the little world just really does seem alive.

Gameplay wise DQ hasn't changed much. They have made little changes here and there, mainly in regard to how a character grows, but DQ is still THE turned based RPG. Still they have managed to keep the series interesting with each entry. DQ I started it all with a single hero, II added party members, III added the class system, IV had you experience each chapter with a different character, V monster recruiting, VI a dual layered interconnected world map, VIII was massive in scope, IX multiplayer turn based RPG, X an MMORPG. All in worlds that don't take themselves too seriously, nor are they beating me over the head with some convoluted story, and it isn't holding my hand all the way through either. The appeal is being thrown into a world, and having to figure out how to make it the end, without some calculator telling how to solve a puzzle or my % chances of a plan working (oh Fi, u made me wish for a "hey listen!)

I understand that people don't have the patience for this sort of game now a days, especially when DQ has gotten a reputation for being grindy (just kill a metal slime PEOPLE!) DQ just is the classic JRPG, the combat might be simple, but it's always an adventure. Great starting points are DQ V(classic) or IX(modernized). The only tip i have for potential adventurers is to talk to all NPC's and you will be fine : ) I hope i made sense :T
Walter said:
That's not what I meant.

I know I was kidding. =S

Walter said:
The character design doesn't bug me. It's the rote story and plot stuff. The game design that's been stuck in the same rut since the '80s. The sense of progression that only comes from upgrading equipment for the 100th time. Seeing the same enemies in every single game. I just find those games tedious and without much creativity.

For some reason everything you've listed appeals to me, but only in the confines of Dragon Quest. I love the traditional turn based mechanics, and all the nuances from old sound effects to recurring baddies (I much prefer DQM to pokemon). Any other series and I probably wouldn't be able to stand it. Maybe its because I've been playing DQ since I was about 6. It's a personal affliction I guess.
Walter said:
That's not what I meant. The character design doesn't bug me. It's the rote story and plot stuff. The game design that's been stuck in the same rut since the '80s. The sense of progression that only comes from upgrading equipment for the 100th time. Seeing the same enemies in every single game. I just find those games tedious and without much creativity.

Theres a sense of progression from exploring more of the world, and learning new skills and spells. With each entry they create new monsters, but there are some super star monsters that always make an appearance (slime, golem, dracky). I suppose they don't stray too far of the path, but because that is the appeal. DQ is suppose to be the rock of JRPG's, it's suppose to be the one you can always come back to and feel at home. There's only been 10 entries in 25 years, it's not as if they are just shoveling out them out every year. Many people have compared it to comfort food. You can spend a couple of years playing all these other RPG's with there emphasis on story and new gameplay styles, but then a DQ and you can use it as a palette cleanser.
Slime_Beherit said:
You can spend a couple of years playing all these other RPG's with there emphasis on story and new gameplay styles, but then a DQ and you can use it as a palette cleanser.
My first J-RPG was Lunar on Sega CD; second was Final Fantasy VI. So, I was raised on these games providing a great story and characters, or at least have interesting battle systems that are dynamic or evolve over the course of the game. But most DQs have neither an interesting plot (it's so whimsical that there's rarely any meat to it whatsoever), nor an interesting or evolving battle system (a group of slimes approaches; a group of Slime Kings approaches). Some games in the franchise are better about this than others. DQV at least kept things interesting in the battle system and plot. There was an actual story to tell in that one, and the ability to recruit monsters was great. But I can't think of a single other game in the franchise where as much effort was put into either category. DQIX was a complete slog.

So I just don't understand the ABSOLUTELY HUGE appeal of the games in Japan. It's partly why I'm being so vocal about it here. I've always been curious about what makes the series popular aside from the obvious nostalgia addiction. And I appreciate you sharing your background on the franchise Slime.
No problem Walter : ) I do agree, V is the most complete package and is probably my favorite. As for why it is a juggernaut in Japan, i would also have to concede that its all nostalgia. The NSMB series hasn't been very creative, but every time one is released, it breaks the million sold mark within the week. Though by that logic, I don't understand why Zelda has been in a steady decline in Japan.
Slime_Beherit said:
Though by that logic, I don't understand why Zelda has been in a steady decline in Japan.

Zelda was actually never a super strong series in Japan. The earlier titles sold pretty well, so it's not as overlooked as Metroid, but it never achieved anything close to Dragon Quest status.
frankencowx said:
Slime you're forgetting Koichi Sugiyama.

He is a fantastic composer, although his recent compositions could be accused of not being very creative either. His best work was on IV and from there things have been rather iterative. I dunno maybe i was just disappointed by X's score.

Aazealh said:
Zelda was actually never a super strong series in Japan. The earlier titles sold pretty well, so it's not as overlooked as Metroid, but it never achieved anything close to Dragon Quest status.

Oh wow, if Vgchartz is anything to go by, i guess it really isn't. After OoT the sales every series only managed to do half of OoT. It's almost as if they were disappointed with OoT. I guess it's strange to see one Nintendo's key franchising being a mega hit here, and not in it's own territory.

And not even Dragon Quest can do DQ status anymore :troll:

DQIX did 2 million in 2 days (4 mil to date), and DQX only managed to do 400,000 in it's first week (600,000 to date). I guess Japan doesn't like it you change the series too much :T
Slime_Beherit said:
And not even Dragon Quest can do DQ status anymore :troll:

DQIX did 2 million in 2 days (4 mil to date), and DQX only managed to do 400,000 in it's first week (600,000 to date). I guess Japan doesn't like it you change the series too much :T

I was not excessively surprised by the numbers; making it a MMO was pretty risky. If they go back to the basics next I'm sure it'll sell like hotcakes.

Walter said:
13 minutes of footage from the new 3DS Zelda:

Looks good, but I hope it'll have more "soul" than what we see here. The level design is nice, but by itself it's not enough to make it work for me.
Aazealh said:
Looks good, but I hope it'll have more "soul" than what we see here. The level design is nice, but by itself it's not enough to make it work for me.

The music is what kills it, seeing the original trailer I imagined this dungeon having a far more exhilarating score. The optimistic view is that if a labyrinth of this design only deserves basic Zelda 3 dungeon music, then imagine what one with a grander soundtrack must look like. Of course, they could just be drearily wed to Zelda 3 orchestral remixes, however inappropriate. =)

Though, I've been looking forward to this game ever since Miyamoto teased it by saying they basically had to take advantage of the 3DS with a Zelda 3-style title. The fact that they're doing it so literally is already beyond my expectations, I just hope it's not set it up to disappoint for that very reason. Direct sequels made over 20 years apart have a spotty track record at best, even in the gaming medium. Still, seeing classic Link after all these years... :guts:

Best case scenario: Mario 3D Land for Zelda.
Johnstantine said:
I watched the gameplay finally. It looks boring and uninspired.

Maybe, though one could say that about any random 10 minute clip of Zelda dungeon crawling taken out of context. Actually, the wall walking does look pretty inspired, I only fear that it's the only such unique mechanic they'll introduce. Anyway, a few minutes of old school overhead Zelda gameplay video can hardly capture what's great about those games; I was never a big fan of watching someone else play Zelda.
Griffith said:
Maybe, though one could say that about any random 10 minute clip of Zelda dungeon crawling taken out of context. Actually, the wall walking does look pretty inspired, I only fear that it's the only such unique mechanic they'll introduce. Anyway, a few minutes of old school overhead Zelda gameplay video can hardly capture what's great about those games; I was never a big fan of watching someone else play Zelda.

The wall walking doesn't feel inspired to me. It's like I'm playing Paper Mario. And I have a pretty good feeling that it's going to be the only unique mechanic that they actually do introduce. I was always afraid that Zelda would become a victim of the retro revisit, and now this has just confirmed that.

Aazealh said:
Yeah, I don't think it's really fair to judge it on that alone We'll see.

I wish that were the case with me, but I couldn't help it. When I read the initial press release I was pretty much expecting what I saw in the video. I was never big on the overhead view games, though. So it's not like I was ever their target market.
A new Metroid-inspired Batman game for 3DS and Vita from the team that led Metroid Prime: