Walter said:
Hehe, well I guess it would be an apt description for someone who wasn't a fan of Zelda.
I agree that Zelda as a franchise hasn't been very progressive since its glory days, but its evolution is still leaps and bounds more adventurous than Dragon Quest's.
I was about to mention Zelda's story as well, having played most Zelda's and many Dragon Quest (I,IV,V,VI,VIII and IX), I felt i should weigh in. In terms of story, Dragon Quest has always been the same. Evil is looming, go and kill it! But that is the important part, the going of the killing. Sure in the end you will fight some horned demon looking thing, but getting there is where all the fun is. If it's something that DQ definitely has, is its charm, from its silly monster designs to the weird stuff that some townsfolk will say, to its little vignettes on the way to the end, the little world just really does seem alive.
Gameplay wise DQ hasn't changed much. They have made little changes here and there, mainly in regard to how a character grows, but DQ is still THE turned based RPG. Still they have managed to keep the series interesting with each entry. DQ I started it all with a single hero, II added party members, III added the class system, IV had you experience each chapter with a different character, V monster recruiting, VI a dual layered interconnected world map, VIII was massive in scope, IX multiplayer turn based RPG, X an MMORPG. All in worlds that don't take themselves too seriously, nor are they beating me over the head with some convoluted story, and it isn't holding my hand all the way through either. The appeal is being thrown into a world, and having to figure out how to make it the end, without some calculator telling how to solve a puzzle or my % chances of a plan working (oh Fi, u made me wish for a "hey listen!)
I understand that people don't have the patience for this sort of game now a days, especially when DQ has gotten a reputation for being grindy (just kill a metal slime PEOPLE!) DQ just is the classic JRPG, the combat might be simple, but it's always an adventure. Great starting points are DQ V(classic) or IX(modernized). The only tip i have for potential adventurers is to talk to all NPC's and you will be fine : ) I hope i made sense :T