Nintendo announces the 2DS

Thing doesn't flip open? Looks terrible...

Walter said:
Thing doesn't flip open? Looks terrible...


The thing looks like a door stop.

Walter said:
Thing doesn't flip open?

"That's like a baby's toy."

Strangely, I wasn't offended by this precisely because that's what it is. It's clearly so Nintendo can sell affordable 3DSes to kids so they can play Pokémon on the cheap (with Dad there using the big boy model, "My dad taught me about these"). Plus, maybe people that don't give a crap about the 3D gimmick will bite (I even like the sliced bread design, like the 3DS mated with a gameboy =). My only question is if the lack of 3D is purely a cost saving measure, or so overprotective parents don't have to worry about their children's eyes crossing before their heads split/explode. :magni: :ganishka:

Also, it gives gamers something else that doesn't affect them at all to mock and bitch about. So, a service for all by Nintendo. Ok, I've been nice, now where's the XL with the second stick?
I guess Im most grossed out by the fact that Nintendo console designs are generally elegant. This isn't. It looks like a speak and spell. Dumbing down the hardware end makes sense. But to make it look so awkward and clumsy... It's a huge u-turn in terms of visual design.
Yeah I'm not a big fan of the design either, though I'm sure it's actually great to handle and all that.