Rathtub's Arts n' Doodles


you can call me Rattie!
Hi, SK Forums! I'm pretty new to Berserk (got into it October 2020) but I absolutely fell in love with the series and have been pretty much obsessed with it ever since. I'm also new to this forum and posting in a forum format, so if I'm a little clumsy at first please forgive me.

I'm an art student who loves to draw and doodle, so I figured I'd share my stuff here! All I've got for now is a doodle of Serpico enjoying a hot drink (some Serpicocoa, if you will.) The scratch marks were generously donated by my cat, who knows fully well he is not allowed on my desk.

Hi, SK Forums! I'm pretty new to Berserk (got into it October 2020) but I absolutely fell in love with the series and have been pretty much obsessed with it ever since. I'm also new to this forum and posting in a forum format, so if I'm a little clumsy at first please forgive me.

Welcome! Yeah, forums are a little antiquated nowadays... Don't mind us old folks. :flora:

I'm an art student who loves to draw and doodle, so I figured I'd share my stuff here! All I've got for now is a doodle of Serpico enjoying a hot drink (some Serpicocoa, if you will.)

Haha, I think we're all waiting to see some of that relaxing now that the group's in Elfhelm. :serpico:
Welcome to the forum, Rathtub! A very cute first contribution, thanks for sharing! I think the cat scratches give it character. :ganishka:
Thanks for the welcomes Grail and Aazealh!
Haha, I think we're all waiting to see some of that relaxing now that the group's in Elfhelm. :serpico:
Indeed. I really love the quieter moments in Berserk. Hopefully the gang can get a little more relaxation in before things get too crazy.
February has rolled around, and love is in the air. Perhaps you want to have a gift or letter delivered to your lover, but you're too shy or the distance required intimidating. Lucky for you, Falconia's first-class fleet of airmail deliverers is the solution to your very problem! No need for you to walk across the massive expanse of the capital, simply drop of your package with us it will be delivered the same day, possibly within minutes! You can rest assured knowing your delivery will be swift and secure.

**Falconia Mail inc. assumes no liability for property damage, injury, or loss of life.**​


Just a silly little doodle before I went to bed the other night after the idea came into my head. (also apologies for the double post)
Just dont tell Zodd he looks adorable, he will probably kill you. God i wanna rub his belly!
The most intimidating, yet most oddly adorable mail carrier Falconia has to offer. It really is a shame that apostles like Zodd and Irvine are absolutely covered in fluff that makes the idea of giving them a belly rub very tempting, but is ill advised at the potential cost of losing a limb (or life.)
The most intimidating, yet most oddly adorable mail carrier Falconia has to offer. It really is a shame that apostles like Zodd and Irvine are absolutely covered in fluff that makes the idea of giving them a belly rub very tempting, but is ill advised at the potential cost of losing a limb (or life.)
Worth it...
Happy Valentines Day, SK Forums! Even though my schoolwork leaves me hardly any time to draw anything for myself, I decided to work hard enough to create something in time for this holiday! I had really missed using my markers after having to mainly focus on making digital stuff for classwork, so I decided to revisit my "roots" so to speak and decided to make a colored traditional piece.


It's nothing particularly special, just a silly and fun cheeb of Irvine as a cupid of sorts. Let's hope that arrow is purely magical, and won't decapitate any unfortunate souls this holiday :ganishka:

This was a challenge to do. I probably started an initial sketch five times or so before I got one to stick. And even when the sketch was finished, I kind of recognized that I had beat up the original so badly that putting inks on it wouldn't be worth it because no amount of erasing would get rid of the pencil, so I transferred it to a new piece of paper via my little light table and finished it from there.

B/c I made the decision to draw Irvine in his new outfit, I just ripped the color scheme from his old one and slapped it onto the new one. I tried to match colors while retaining a sense of harmony to the best of my abilities. I also just guessed his hair color as black, and it seems to be a pretty popular option among artists (I'm not sure if we've ever gotten an official coloring from Miura that shows his hair color??)

Working on this made me realize how much I miss not being able to draw things for myself, but alas I have very little free time. I'd love to maybe put out two more things in color here before the semester ends along with other little doodles and ideas I've had, but I'll just have to see.

Also a bonus glitter shot, because while slathering a drawing of a Berserk character with glitter is wildly inappropriate, it's appropriate for this holiday.

Looks very cute! He'd be a pretty formidable matchmaker if he shot people five at a time like he does in the manga. :isidro:

I also just guessed his hair color as black, and it seems to be a pretty popular option among artists (I'm not sure if we've ever gotten an official coloring from Miura that shows his hair color??)

There's no official color picture of him in his human form without his hat, but yes his hair seems to be black.
Looks very cute! He'd be a pretty formidable matchmaker if he shot people five at a time like he does in the manga. :isidro:
Thankies! Making five people fall in love at once would be a pretty impressive feat, and hopefully a little less terrifying than when he's firing real arrows.
Gorgeous! Great job, Irvine doesn't get much fanart, particularly in traditional media, so this is a treat! And I like the glitter. :slan:
Gorgeous! Great job, Irvine doesn't get much fanart, particularly in traditional media, so this is a treat! And I like the glitter. :slan:
Thank you! Irvine's my fav, so I'm hoping to give him him some much deserved attention in some upcoming art.
*David Attenborough voice* Here we see the majestic stag wolf after securing it's prey. A most gruesome scene indeed, the unlucky deer trapped between it's mighty jaws. It has now...acknowledged our cameraman. It's long, horse-like tail swaying back and forth like that of a dog, it seems to desire recognition for it's work.

Well? Aren't Cha proud of him? Between that wagging tail and puppy-dog eyes, I'd be hard pressed to resist giving him some pats.

Just a cute and silly doodle to distract me from the fact that my laptop is actively trying to self-destruct.

(Also apologies again for the double post)

Who's a good boy, oh did you just kill a lyme disease filled beast? Man, if there was an apostle that i would love to see join Guts and crew, that would be Irvine. Besides Guts D&D crew could use a range attacker.
Who's a good boy, oh did you just kill a lyme disease filled beast? Man, if there was an apostle that i would love to see join Guts and crew, that would be Irvine. Besides Guts D&D crew could use a range attacker.
In his defense, the Lyme disease adds flavor. If there is going to be an apostle defector in Griffith's crew, it's probably going to be Irvine, but that's reliant on some factors and my art thread isn't the place for my dozens of theories about Irvine. Unless they're in art form, of course :guts:
I'm finally free from my semester! That means that pretty soon (still have some things to do) that I plan to start making all the Berserk art that haven't been able to make as a result of my workload. I took some of my free time to finish up a sketch I started about three weeks ago while watching a movie in class. It's nothing super special or polished nor does it have a ton of effort put into it, just felt like drawing mr. fuzzybut.
