Happy Valentines Day, SK Forums! Even though my schoolwork leaves me hardly any time to draw anything for myself, I decided to work hard enough to create something in time for this holiday! I had really missed using my markers after having to mainly focus on making digital stuff for classwork, so I decided to revisit my "roots" so to speak and decided to make a colored traditional piece.
It's nothing particularly special, just a silly and fun cheeb of Irvine as a cupid of sorts. Let's hope that arrow is purely magical, and won't decapitate any unfortunate souls this holiday
This was a challenge to do. I probably started an initial sketch five times or so before I got one to stick. And even when the sketch was finished, I kind of recognized that I had beat up the original so badly that putting inks on it wouldn't be worth it because no amount of erasing would get rid of the pencil, so I transferred it to a new piece of paper via my little light table and finished it from there.
B/c I made the decision to draw Irvine in his new outfit, I just ripped the color scheme from his old one and slapped it onto the new one. I tried to match colors while retaining a sense of harmony to the best of my abilities. I also just guessed his hair color as black, and it seems to be a pretty popular option among artists (I'm not sure if we've ever gotten an official coloring from Miura that shows his hair color??)
Working on this made me realize how much I miss not being able to draw things for myself, but alas I have very little free time. I'd love to maybe put out two more things in color here before the semester ends along with other little doodles and ideas I've had, but I'll just have to see.
Also a bonus glitter shot, because while slathering a drawing of a Berserk character with glitter is wildly inappropriate, it's appropriate for
this holiday.