Rathtub's Arts n' Doodles

I'm finally free from my semester! That means that pretty soon (still have some things to do) that I plan to start making all the Berserk art that haven't been able to make as a result of my workload. I took some of my free time to finish up a sketch I started about three weeks ago while watching a movie in class. It's nothing super special or polished nor does it have a ton of effort put into it, just felt like drawing mr. fuzzybut.

What site do you use to upload photos? I tried using Imgur and DeviantArt but it won't load the link.

Well, it's been almost a month since I posted any art here for reasons that are pretty obvious. I've been taking a lot of time as of late to spend time enjoying myself as much as I can while also processing the really intense grief that's come with Miura's passing. Berserk was (and still is) everything to me even though I had only known it since October of 2020. Nothing is ever going to come close to what Berserk makes me feel and what it has done for me. I only got the experience that joy of a new episode twice, but I think that I was lucky enough to have experienced it at all.

I'm going to keep making fanart for Berserk, it's just going to take me time. I have so many idea jotted down between scraps of paper, my laptop, and my phone. At the same time so many of these ideas I've had have come to take on entirely new meanings with the passing of Miura, and that hurts in a very strange way. I won't stop making art for Berserk, though. I think stopping would be, for me, disrespectful to all I gained from Berserk and Miura.

I want to make a true and proper tribute someday, but I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet. So, I made this. Based on the hound Guts from Casca's dreamscape. I love the panel from episode 354 I believe where the Guts hound lets out a howl as petals fall and the trio is bathed in light. I really hope that someday that I can feel the same way that panel makes me feel about all of this. That one day I can rest and it feels like I am in a place of peace, sunspots warming my skin and a gentle breeze rustling the grass.