Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 1

Thanks for all the praise guys. I'm just as excited as you guys are for the next episode. We're probably recording Friday. Hoping 327 lands before then... :daiba:

Handmade_lion said:
Should there be a thread where we can exclusively submit questions to be answered on the podcast?
You can just post them in this thread. I'll only ask that you bold questions so it'll be easier for me to scan through the thread and see them later on.
I didn't have time to listen to the entire Podcast (what I did hear, I liked!), but I just wanted to say is that Aaz sounds nothing like how I imagine him sounding in my head. :badbone:
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I didn't have time to listen to the entire Podcast, but I just wanted to say is that Aaz sounds nothing like how I imagine him sounding in my head. :badbone:
That seems to be the consensus. To be honest, Walter was a bigger surprise for me! I was expecting him to sound like Paula Deen, talkin' 'bout Berserk, y'awwwl! But no, he sounds pretty normal. Slightly disappointed. :judo:
Grail said:
That seems to be the consensus. To be honest, Walter was a bigger surprise for me! I was expecting him to sound like Paula Deen, talkin' 'bout Berserk, y'awwwl! But no, he sounds pretty normal. Slightly disappointed. :judo:
:ganishka: I haven't had a strong southern accent since I was in grade school. Though it does tend to come out more when I'm drunk.

Though I do still use "ya'll" regularly, because it has an incredible economy to it that "you all" simply lacks.
1.Which volume has over exceded expectations? (Off course, this is a personal question that you 3 can toggle :slan:).

Outside Berserk related topic:
2.Most memorable moments in SK.NET
Awesome podcast! Thoroughly enjoyed listening from start to finish. Looking forward to the next one to hear everyone's thoughts on the G.H.
Nomad said:
1.Which volume has over exceded expectations? (Off course, this is a personal question that you 3 can toggle :slan:).

Outside Berserk related topic:
2.Most memorable moments in SK.NET
Great questions. I'll add them to the list. I know we all have our favorites. But I'm not sure we can get to everything we have planned for this week though. :sad:
Walter said:
Great questions. I'll add them to the list. I know we all have our favorites. But I'm not sure we can get to everything we have planned for this week though. :sad:

The second question doesn't need to be answered straight in one segment. You can always add more and more as your podcasts go. Even better, if you end up having guests, it's always a nice icebreaker. But these are relatively straight forward questions that Im sure members will enjoy listening.
I was finally able to listen to the podcast. Wonderful job guys, it was great listening to you talking about Berserk. I honestly can't wait for the next one to drop.
Heyho! Great Podcast. Everything has been summed up by the posts before. so i'll make it quick and get some questions for your next podcasts.

Tell us which potential development in the manga would break your heart, personally. Just to ask which relationship/interaction between person(s) or which sole person is so important to you that you really don't want to lose him/her/it. And of course the big why you have so much love for them.
I'd like to ask the three admins what in particular first drew them to Berserk and why have they followed it for so long? What is it about Berserk that keeps people like myself so deeply invested in the series?
Oburi said:
I'd like to ask the three admins what in particular first drew them to Berserk and why have they followed it for so long? What is it about Berserk that keeps people like myself so deeply invested in the series?
Good question. So good in fact that it's actually already on our list :ubik:

Me and the others are preparing for the podcast tomorrow, making sure the audio doesn't blow this time. We've also got a new, original intro song that I think you guys are really going to like.
Can't wait to hear the new intro and the podcast ^_^ ... this excitement is as much as waiting for a new episode hah.

With so much of your time invested in the Berserk world, does it sort of encroach your personal space and time with your families? Do your homes shout Berserk as you walk in?!

What were your most surprising Berserk moments so far? I read predictions of the Mods coming true and do you feel a sense of boredom because of your ... how do I put it ... vast intellect in the matter/ story? (I can't express my thought process very clearly with this question)

That first question is a bit of a personal question the more I think about it, you're welcome to skip it if it's so.
Walter said:
But I'm not sure we can get to everything we have planned for this week though. :sad:

That's just too bad. Guess you're just gonna have to do a podcast next week and the week after, right???? :guts:

Th3Branded0ne said:
Could it be something by Nomad??? Looking foward to it :guts:

That was my original thought and I hope so too!

Dar Klink said:
also, I have to start formulating complicated questions for you guys to answer on air, I don't want you to let your guard down for a moment. :troll:

I know right?! Questions like...

How many sodas is Walter drinking a week now?
How many forum members has Aazealh made cry?
How long is Griffith's hair currently?

I really hope that you guys have a chance to address all the questions asked so far, they're making me curious! Here's my addition, which was inspired by Incantation's earlier one.

What's the greatest length you've gone to to secure some precious Berserk merchandise? Was it worth it? and what's the weirdest piece of Berserk merch that you own?

Granted, this might be better if saved for a podcast with more than one or two big collectors. I always like to get into the head of people who collect a lot of Berserk-related memorabilia though, so I'd love to see this question addressed sometime. :serpico:
Finally got the time to listen to the whole thing. That was very cool and interesting to hear you guys! :guts:
Oh and next time, please make statues reviews... from Art of War for example! :troll:
What is your favorite illustrations of the Berserk series? Wether it be, covers, individual panels, or full pages, etc.

If the new Berserk films, prove to be successful outside of Japan, what type of new merchandise, would you want to see? (Calendars, a new artbook, cards, a video game?)
Kentaro Miura is without a doubt a very talented artist. We all have been very carefully following his work over the last couple of years. In the Interview and in the letter you guys sent him he talks about his future works and that when Berserk ends he will start something new. So my question is :

Is there something you would like to see Kentaro Miura draw, or is there a genre in particular that you wish he'll start telling his new story.

I know that this question has nothing directly to do with Berserk but i felt i had to contribute in some way to this project. I was thinking some days ago that it would be very nice to see some kind of Sci-fi adventure coming from Mr. Miura since i enjoy Sci-Fi in general (correct me if i'm wrong but i think some of his earlier works were in the Sci-Fi field).

Again, sry for the mistakes. English is not my native language.