Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 76


Staff member

Episode 76: Witch Village (Ep. 344) (1h 48m)

We kick off this ep with a flood of Berserk news, from the anime to the new game and the release of Vol 38. But we spend most of our time diving into the revelations we got in 344, including the introduction of several new characters.

It takes us a while to get to the new episode talk, so if you'd like to skip around, here are some time stamps from Luizao that should help:

01:00 — New Anime
11:45 — New Berserk Game (Berserk Musou)
18:00 — Volume 38 and Miura's new digital style
31:00 — Episode 344 discussion
31:00 — Spiritual Trees
35:52 — Elfhelm appearance
41:20 — Morda and Sub-witches
46:36 — Ged
52:46 — Ged prophecy and Puck
54:40 — Ged and the Elf King
1:01:05 — Ancient trees
1:04:24 — The purpose of the group
1:05:55 — Farnese's reaction
1:10:24 — The Blast of the Astral World/Spiritual Trees
1:13:15 — The Valley (+Hanafubuku King translation)
1:19:02 — Witch Village
1:21:27 — Schierke and her future
1:24:10 — Molda vs gravity
1:26:00 — Village demographics
1:28:30 — Ged's House
1:30:20 — Beherits in Elfhelm and SK potential
1:35:50 — How far is the group from meeting the Elf King?
1:37:28 — 'Gallery of Dreams'
1:41:07 — Casca's recovery and the Beast of Darkness

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I really miss Griffith. He hasn't been on the forum in a while and isn't on the podcasts anymore. Does anyone in the inner circle know if he's ok?
^ ditto, I miss his posts. Hope he's doing good.

Thanks for another great podcast. I'd written down notes but I'm not carrying them on me. A friend introduced me to the idea of keeping a bullet journal and as my first entry, I started to jot down observations or questions instead of what a bullet journal's main function (tasks/reminder log)!
I think Schierke will bring up that the Moon Child being sent by the Fairy King, to which he will refute any involvement, and then transition to a scene of Griffiths aerial/aquatic troops making their way to Skellig.

Great show as always.
New to the podcast, the american guy is you Walter, right? I assume the one with accent is Aaz and I have no idea who the female is. Also, yes, the highlight are definitely Morda's boobs. There hasn't been a lot of females in Berserk with big boobs now that i think about it. Aside for Slans, i dont think there's actually any.... And Morda now.
Thanks again for having me on, fellas! A pleasure to chat about all the goings-on this week.

I have to echo the sentiment that Griffith is very missed! I have a feeling that once he's back, he'll have a lot of great observations and quips to make about all the latest developments in the story. I always look forward to his commentary.

Feeblecursedone said:
New to the podcast, the american guy is you Walter, right? I assume the one with accent is Aaz and I have no idea who the female is. Also, yes, the highlight are definitely Morda's boobs. There hasn't been a lot of females in Berserk with big boobs now that i think about it. Aside for Slans, i dont think there's actually any.... And Morda now.
:ganishka: Now this guy's got priorities!
Feeblecursedone said:
New to the podcast, the american guy is you Walter, right? I assume the one with accent is Aaz and I have no idea who the female is.

I don't introduce myself, because I host every episode (and post them). But Grail and Aazealh's names are said at the very beginning, right before they both say "Hi" so that you can know their voices.

Also, yes, the highlight are definitely Morda's boobs. There hasn't been a lot of females in Berserk with big boobs now that i think about it. Aside for Slans, i dont think there's actually any.... And Morda now.

Yes, we definitely didn't have enough boob discussion.
. But Grail and Aazealh's names are said at the very beginning, right before they both say "Hi" so that you can know their voices.

Alright, will remember. Not that i felt like listening to the entire thing :ganishka:

Grail said:
Thanks again for having me on, fellas! A pleasure to chat about all the goings-on this week.

I have to echo the sentiment that Griffith is very missed! I have a feeling that once he's back, he'll have a lot of great observations and quips to make about all the latest developments in the story. I always look forward to his commentary.
:ganishka: Now this guy's got priorities!

Big priorities :iva:
Feeblecursedone said:
Not that i felt like listening to the entire thing :ganishka:

Or listen to it at all? Seems like you skipped the intro, then were confused about who was speaking, went straight for the episode talk, and peaced out after the 30 seconds of boob talk. That sequence of events may have affected your enjoyment of our high quality podcast recording.
Walter said:
He just kinda disappeared from the Berserk world.

Hey! I mean, HEY THERE! :guts: :schnoz:

Skeleton said:
That's a real shame to hear.

You're telling me! :ganishka:

Sorry I haven't been around much, I just needed to prioritize some "IRL" stuff, which naturally, at least if you're me, leads to breakdowns elsewhere. Still, Wally and Aaz dedicate so much of their own valuable time, effort and resources to keeping this place lively that this hardly seems worth noting, but thanks to those that are. Anyway, still following Berserk, the board and the pod and enjoy talking to my friends here on and off it (I liked that part most of all in case anyone thought it was the re-reads, shhhhh don't tell =).

Walter said:
Yes, we definitely didn't have enough boob discussion.

I knew you'd miss me! Fortunately, it looks like Feeble-curse-done is ready to step in and pick up the slack.
Griffith said:
Sorry I haven't been around much, I just needed to prioritize some "IRL" stuff, which naturally, at least if you're me, leads to breakdowns elsewhere. Still, Wally and Aaz dedicate so much of their own valuable time, effort and resources to keeping this place lively that this hardly seems worth noting, but thanks to those that are. Anyway, still following Berserk, the board and the pod and enjoy talking to my friends here on and off it

Glad to know you're still checking things from time to time! I thought maybe you had done what we'd often joked about: Step away from Berserk for a few years, then come back and plow through a volume or two in sequence, instead of the trickle we currently get (while simultaneously coming to your own fresh conclusions about events instead of the general consensus that evolves from episodic discussions and the podcasts). While that continues to be tempting, I just don't think I'd be able to stop myself from wanting to know every morsel of Berserk information as soon as it's known — particularly with where we are in the series.

Hi, I'm Walter, and I've been addicted to Berserk since 1999. That's the first step, right? :void:

(I liked that part most of all in case anyone thought it was the re-reads, shhhhh don't tell =).

Re-reads are tough, time-consuming, and never as entertaining or breezy to record as new episode discussions — no doubt about it. But this train won't stop. People seem to really like them, and at this point, I'm committed to catching up to the releases.
Hi I'm Walter and I've been addicted to Berserk since 1999

Gee, how old are you? I didnt even know Berserk existed until like ... 2007? :farnese:

Fortunately, it looks like Feeble-curse-done is ready to step in and pick up the slack.

Count me in when boobs are involved. Big, small, medium, round, hanging, i dont discriminate at all.
Walter said:
Re-reads are tough, time-consuming, and never as entertaining or breezy to record as new episode discussions — no doubt about it.

I've personally found the re-reads no less entertaining than any other podcast you guys have made, but I'm sure you'd manage to make an episode where you only read the phone book entertaining. :serpico: More than that, I find the re-reads quite valuable, as I always come away with something new when listening to them.

Walter said:
But this train won't stop. People seem to really like them, and at this point, I'm committed to catching up to the releases.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is grateful for all the time and effort you have put and will continue to put on this project. Thank you and keep them coming! :daiba:

On a different note, it was really good to hear from Griffith again; as others have said, he's been missed.
Feeblecursedone said:
Also, yes, the highlight are definitely Morda's boobs. There hasn't been a lot of females in Berserk with big boobs now that i think about it. Aside for Slans, i dont think there's actually any.... And Morda now.

... :schierke:
Thanks for this guys. Really great breakdown.

Something you guys mentioned about the 'Gallery of Dreams' made me speculate on what we might see. We'll almost certainly see a series of Casca's memories, including the Eclipse, and her previous time with the Falcons. Do you think we might get a montage of memories we haven't seen before from the Golden Age, similar to how we recently had Guts boyhood arc. This could be done to re-frame the way we look at some characters such as herself, Guts, and Griffith? It seems like there's some opportunities to use this beyond simply curing her.

Also do you think Farnese might try and sabotage the ritual so that things remain the same so that she 'has a chance' with Guts?
ApostleBob said:
Do you think we might get a montage of memories we haven't seen before from the Golden Age, similar to how we recently had Guts boyhood arc. This could be done to re-frame the way we look at some characters such as herself, Guts, and Griffith? It seems like there's some opportunities to use this beyond simply curing her.

There's no "boyhood arc". Just three episodes featuring a flashback. Anyway, we might see some things we hadn't seen before, but nothing as expansive as what Miura did with Guts I think. There is enough material we already know about to deal with, and maybe that will be shown in a new light in the process.

ApostleBob said:
Also do you think Farnese might try and sabotage the ritual so that things remain the same so that she 'has a chance' with Guts?

No way.
ApostleBob said:
Do you think we might get a montage of memories we haven't seen before from the Golden Age, similar to how we recently had Guts boyhood arc.

There's really no telling, but I expect these to be glimpses of past events — not necessarily full-on sequences. And in that respect, these memories could be from scenes we haven't necessarily seen before, similar to how Miura has chosen to show the Falcons in recent (and previous) scenes of memories. But at the same time, I expect we'll also be getting first-person perspective views of the big moments that we are familiar with.
ApostleBob said:
Do you think we might get a montage of memories we haven't seen before from the Golden Age, similar to how we recently had Guts boyhood arc. This could be done to re-frame the way we look at some characters such as herself, Guts, and Griffith?

I really hope so! Like Walter and Aaz said, I can't picture us getting us anything expansive, but a tidbit here or there in the form of images would be great.

ApostleBob said:
Also do you think Farnese might try and sabotage the ritual so that things remain the same so that she 'has a chance' with Guts?

I think the thing to keep in mind here is Farnese's unwavering dedication to her friends, especially Casca and Guts. Something petty like sabotaging the ritual might not be above the likes of old Farnese, but I think new Farnese is a pretty stand-up gal! :slan:
Grail said:
I think the thing to keep in mind here is Farnese's unwavering dedication to her friends, especially Casca and Guts. Something petty like sabotaging the ritual might not be above the likes of old Farnese, but I think new Farnese is a pretty stand-up gal! :slan:
Agreed, while Farnese definitely has a lot of anxiety to process though about the (almost guaranteed) upcoming change in the group relationship dynamics, Farnese I think has shown, despite her budding feelings for Guts and bubblings of jealously/slight resentment towards Casca that she still very much cares for both Guts AND Casca (and the rest of the group) and recognizes the unfairness and tragedy of Casca's state (even if she doesn't know the explicit details of how Casca got in that state). I think it would be very unlikely and arguably out of character for Farnese to deliberately try to sabotage/prevent Casca from being mentally healed.
Thx for using my "yoda/Mr Miagi" reference for Ged. I might not have been credited for it but it was reply #2 in the episode thread. :slan:

(And I'm not serious saying that, though I did say it.) :ganishka:

Good podcast guys. I'm off to finish it now.
Griffith said:
You're telling me! :ganishka:

Sorry I haven't been around much, I just needed to prioritize some "IRL" stuff, which naturally, at least if you're me, leads to breakdowns elsewhere. Still, Wally and Aaz dedicate so much of their own valuable time, effort and resources to keeping this place lively that this hardly seems worth noting, but thanks to those that are. Anyway, still following Berserk, the board and the pod and enjoy talking to my friends here on and off it (I liked that part most of all in case anyone thought it was the re-reads, shhhhh don't tell =).

Griffith! It's great to see you around here again, my friend! Meatspace issues definitely trump cyberspace issues (and I hope that stuff ends with the best possible outcome), but you're sincerely missed. The world's a lot darker without this sense of humor:

Griffith said:
I knew you'd miss me! Fortunately, it looks like Feeble-curse-done is ready to step in and pick up the slack.
