Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 76

A related but larger-scale lingering question for me is whether or not the merging of the worlds was the endgame for Causality and the behind-the-scenes manipulations that led to the big world-wide change

Wouldn't that render IOE obsolete?

The first question is how would a beherit work right now, since the God Hand in its entirety has been brought into the world with the advent of Fantasia? Where would the ceremony take place? Second, like you said, are new apostles even needed, and if so, are beherits the preferred method? One could imagine an industrial pseudo-apostle factory in Falconia where "volunteers" would receive "holy power" to better fight for the Falcon. I think we'll probably get those answers eventually, we just need to be patient.

So like a direct " bestowement " without the need of strong emotions and sacrifice? That's a cool idea.
Delta Phi said:
That said, I've always imagined the fall of Falconia being due to a more secretive resistance as opposed to another large scale campaign.

I think it's only natural if both things occur. Certain people in Falconia should be able to cast off their "sheep" mentality by the end, recognize their predicament and seize their own destinies. If it's only Guts who delivers that future to them, then I don't think it would be quite as powerful.

Feeblecursedone said:
Wouldn't that render IOE obsolete?

We don't know the role of the IoE in the current world, so I'm not making accommodations for it.

So like a direct " bestowement " without the need of strong emotions and sacrifice? That's a cool idea.

Aazealh is referring to turning humans volunteering to be turned into pseudo-apostles like Zondark, Rochine's guardians, Mozgus, etc. etc.
Walter said:
I think it's only natural if both things occur. Certain people in Falconia should be able to cast off their "sheep" mentality by the end, recognize their predicament and seize their own destinies. If it's only Guts who delivers that future to them, then I don't think it would be quite as powerful.

Ah yes, that's a good point.
Feeblecursedone said:
So like a direct " bestowement " without the need of strong emotions and sacrifice? That's a cool idea.

They wouldn't be "real" apostles though, as Walter pointed out. I just think it'd be interesting if Griffith took advantage of those apostles whose abilities naturally facilitate that. The old, sick and maimed could be offered a "second chance" and it would bolster Falconia's forces.

Walter said:
We don't know the role of the IoE in the current world, so I'm not making accommodations for it.

Somehow I don't think the Idea of Evil has schemed itself into powerlessness. But Fantasia definitely might have made It and the God Hand more attainable than they used to be. A double-edged strategy that may work in Guts' favor in the end.
Androyd said:
Do you guys anticipate continued reread podcasts now that new episodes are being released?

The schedule for recording right now is once per month. We've tried doing more, but it becomes a problem for our personal lives. And since new episodes take precedent, we probably won't be doing another re-read podcast until after this batch of episodes is complete.
Always a pleasure listening to the podcast.
And oh, Aazealh, regarding Ged's design, the guy you were thinking about when mentioning Saint Seiya was the Libra gold saint (the master at the Rozan Five Peaks and Shiryu's master) Dohko. The one who fixes the armor/cloths is actually the Aries gold saint, Mu, but they are often related in the story (plus, it's the libra cloth that has a bunch of other armor/weapon pieces) so I could see where you might have mixed them. :ganishka: :serpico:

This picture kind of embodies the design for me (the 2nd one from right being the SS guy Aaz was talking about):


Having also watched the old D&D animated series, I couldn't help but remember the Dungeon Master when seeing Ged (1st from the right). Needless to say, I also enjoyed the design choice and have so far been appreciating the character in our stay at the island. It feels very suiting to the character and place.
Arvin said:
And oh, Aazealh, regarding Ged's design, the guy you were thinking about when mentioning Saint Seiya was the Libra gold saint (the master at the Rozan Five Peaks and Shiryu's master) Dohko. The one who fixes the armor/cloths is actually the Aries gold saint, Mu, but they are often related in the story (plus, it's the libra cloth that has a bunch of other armor/weapon pieces) so I could see where you might have mixed them. :ganishka: :serpico:

Yeah I haven't watched Saint Seiya in over 25 years and I don't know their names in English, but I figured people would get who I meant. Thanks for posting those details though, I didn't even bother looking it up myself afterwards. :ganishka: