TellTale and their games (The Wolf Among US, The Walking Dead)

Before i say anything i just wanted to say HEY! i just joined today, it's nice to meet you all! :serpico:
So anyway i was just sitting around pondering what kind of topic to start in order to introduce myself and then i happened upon this video game board and i figured i'd make one about TellTale and their games since i'm a big fan of their Walking Dead game and as of this moment i'm sitting around waiting, ripe with anticipation for their newest title "The Wolf Among Us" it will unlock on steam in a matter of hours.

So anyway, are any of you fans of TellTale's games new or old!? if so then feel free to share some experiences with their games :)
And are you also looking forward to The Wolf Among Us? and maybe even the next season of The Walking Dead? :carcus:
I played through The Walking Dead and thought it was pretty good, for an adventure game. It didn't BLOW ME AWAY like it did for some people though. Some storytelling elements were fantastic, but other bits were tedious, boring.

I think Telltale is in an interesting spot with Wolf Among Us. They can either continue this streak of greatness or fall on their faces. I've never read more than the first TPB of Fables, so I'm not terribly interested in this newest game. I'll wait to hear what others say.

Best of luck to them!
TWD was fun,I remember I bought first ep last year and then around christmas on xbox sale got all other ep's for half price and played through it in one go. I liked it ,it was pretty story driven which wasn't all that bad. Though when I started it for 2nd time making different choices,those result werent all that different as I expected. But overall it was great.
I also picked up The Wolf Among Us yesterday on XBLA ,I haven't completed first ep yet ,though I have played it for about an hour(Daamn Yoouu Great Lord Nito). I liked it so far ,it was visually pretty nice and mechanics seem a lot smoother than TWD. It felt like a pilot episode for noir show. I haven't read original graphic novel ,but I might pick it up and season pass for just 14.99$ too. Anyway ,if you liked TWD ,you will definetly enjoy this too. TWD Season 2 is around the corner too.
I finished the first episode of The Wolf Among Us and i must say that i am really looking forward to seeing where they go with this!
At first i didn't find the fantasy characters living in New York all that appealing to me, but after playing it i gotta admit that this is a truly facinating take on the fantasy characters most of us know from our childhood! so far i would recommend it!