With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
asic said:I love Nintendo gameplay but I also hate their console/game release approach.
I think that pretty well sums up the modern Nintendo home gaming experience in a nutshell. Great developers, kind of bad otherwise, right?
Walter said:I guess I'm confused what the source of all this frustration is.
Your vote with your wallet says you do though, you're just more relaxed about it. You want to buy it and play it, but Nintendo's not making it worth your while and has a mixed record of success and support for these investments long term (even short term there was relatively little to play on the Wii U). It's natural for people be wary and frustrated by this. So yeah, if one doesn't like being jerked around, don't give Nintendo a ton of cash up front for one game and an IOU with Mario's picture on it. I'd rather it be they were really trying hard to earn our money instead of it being like us paying for the privilege of playing their games. It's up to them how they want to proceed though. I don't want them to half ass games either, but it's not like they've all been worth the wait anyway. There's a reason you and Aaz didn't get Wii Us, or there was a lack of reasons to get one.
Walter said:But I'm comfortable waiting until more rational minds have weighed in on the Switch over time before I get too excited about investing in it, given the Wii U's track record.
I'm lucky in that the only game I'm interested in for Switch, and which could possibly get me to buy it, is the one game that comes out for Wii U. I'm otherwise immune and able to just look at it with the extreme skepticism that it could be the anither Wii U, and/or Nintendo's Dreamcast, rather than another Wii.
I've said before it wouldn't be a bad thing to get Nintendo's software products on a system that also supports the field, the only caveat being their innovations often drive the rest of the market to evolve and I'm afraid if they just became a software company we'd lose that, but I guess we'll see if their hardware ingenuity is really serving their games well or not going forward.