Vagabond's 1st week sales history

Got news of Volume 36 hitting # 2 in Japan and got me curious to sort of see how the series has done these past few years! Here's some info I could find, mind you these are first week sales estimates -

Volume 36 ranked 2nd place with 248,629.
Volume 35 ranked 1st place with 277,732.
Volume 34 ranked 1st place with 312,311.
Volume 33 ranked 2nd place with 301,993.
Volume 32 ranked 2nd place with 239,955.
Volume 31 ranked 2nd place with 288,225.
Volume 30 ranked 1st place with 299,191.
Volume 29 ranked 2nd place with 264,281.
Volume 28 ranked 2nd place with 307,352.

I can't go further back unfortunately. Anyone have access to that sort of info? Is there a way to check total sales per volume?

Steady decline since Vol 34 and 36 has the second lowest opening sales figures in this bunch. 34 came out two and a half years after 33, so the peak perhaps?
Via the wifey:

Oricon did not list sales before 2007 so there's no data for anything prior to this.

Volume 26 (#1)
(No amounts listed)

Volume 27 (#1)
(No amounts listed)

Volume 28 (#2)
(No amounts listed)

Volume 29
264,281 (#2)

Volume 30
299,191 (#1)

Volume 31
288,225 (#2)

Volume 32
239,955 (#2)

Volume 33
301,993 (#2)

Volume 34
312,311 (#1)

Volume 35
277,732 (#1)

Volume 36
387,520 (#2)
Do thank the wifey for this piece of info Uriel! The data matches with the figures in the first post. Good to see ranking info on Volumes 26 and 27.

Uriel said:
Volume 36
387,520 (#2)

Quick thing - sales figures for Vol 36 were estimated 248,629 ^_^.
Volume 37 ranked 2nd place with 243,422 units estimated sold in the first week of it's release.

Picked up my copy last night. I'll wait for Viz to release an English volume for translations so I can stick to one set of translations throughout the series.