All praise Grail
I know there are some other music threads where people just list all their favorite heavy metal bands but I want to actually discuss the music. I love music and I'm sure some of you do too. I remember CnC saying a while back he was listening to the new arcade fire album Neon Bible which is amazing. I started listening to the arcade fire wayyy before they exploded into mainstream radio play and it's nice to see them grow in popularity. But I must tell you that if you haven't heard their old cd Funeral you just haven't heard the arcade fire at their best. Before anybody I knew personally was aware of arcade fire I was already listening to funeral and it was one of the greatest cd's ever. I highly reccomend it, at least listen to the last song called in the back seat . So has anyone else been blessed enough to have heard funeral? And what else are you listening too? I love being turned on to new music. I just ordered the reissue of another one of my favorite albums of all time the microphone's glow part 2. http://www.krecs.com/Shop/product_info.php?products_id=3350 beautiful album.