Recent content by judeau

  1. J

    Berserk Game

    Thats the problem these days..Everyone thinks someone owes them.not.
  2. J

    Berserk Game

    I thought this was a Berserk board with people who like to discuss all things related to said topic. However, I see that this is yet another good forum gone south due to the rantings, yes I was as well, of a few immature people who feel that stealing is justified because 1) All the neat stuff...
  3. J

    Berserk Game

    You want to shoot me because I have morals and would perfer to support the hard work of the game developers instead of stealing it? Or is it your too cheap to pay 30 bucks for a used DC and 10 bucks for the game? And yes, I think most teens these days are stupid assholes and you have proven...
  4. J

    Berserk Game

    A dreamcast emu? You have got to be joking. Seriously. Explain to me how your going to play a "ROM" of a GD-ROM Image on a PC emulating DCs internal hardware...It does not exsist. Yet. If you want the lowdown on emu check out also, If you losers really want to play a game...
  5. J

    Blade 2

    Blade 2 was pretty good. The action is what it all about and it delivers in that respect. Anyone going into this thinking they are getting a deep detailed story is going to be dissapointed. It's about some uber-vampires that can go out in the daylight and hunt other vampires...of course the...
  6. J

    ...attack of the clones?

    how could he survive? Didn't Jabba say something to the effect anybody would be slowly digested for 1000 years? I would think that he would not want his enemies to come back from the if someone could escape then he would not use the pit for terminations anymore. Then again he let his...
  7. J

    ...attack of the clones?

    it seems that outside fandom that bashing Star Wars is considered cool now, much like Simpsons bashing that goes on. Anyway, Attack of the Clones title is fine by me it fits with the whole serials titles that GL used to watch as a kid..remember that SW was A New Hope, yes I know they added it...
  8. J

    Lord of the Rings

    wow, you guys sure tore this movie a new hole. If it was a direct translation of the book..why see the movie? It is an interpretation. Also, I read the books and while they are excellent I can see why certain parts were omitted. Personally, my ass feel asleep during the movie but I was entralled...
  9. J


    I have to agree on somepoints...I am only 10 hours or so into the game and the voice acting is very bad. The story itslelf is OK but Wakka is lame and Blitzball is not very fun. I wished they fleshed that out more so it becomes action oriented instead of tuenbased. The grid for powerups is cool...
  10. J

    What's the Best new Anime you've seen this year?

    Re: What's the Best new Anime you've seen this yea Hellsing is pretty damn cool. The new Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is sweet too. FLCL and Noir are not to shabby either.....
  11. J

    Shaolin Soccer!

    I picked up Shaolin Soccer in China Town SF a few months back on a whim....I have watched it about 5 times now and still enjoy it. Man Called Hero I kinda thought was boring. The Storm Riders guy in it kicks ass though.
  12. J

    Finally I have MGS2!!

    I played it alot and died alot. Must become better at sneaking around. The A.I. is better for sure but I have to wonder why no one sees Snake crawling around on the floor when there is like a hundred guys in the room. I ended up putting half the room to sleep during a speech from a...
  13. J

    my first anime!

    I watched Speed Racer, Battle of the Planets, Starblazers and Robotech before I realised what anime was. I saw a raw version of Appleseed and Akira and I was hooked on the movies...About 6 years ago I watched Crying Freeman and Lupin and that was the start of my collecting obsession.. ...I ended...
  14. J

    favourite anime song

    well, if you talking about videogame soundtracks..the Crono Cross OST is great. I also liked Lodoss War and Bebop...some of the other animes like Love Hina are kind of annoying but grow on you as you watch the show ( although the opening theme is baaad, as in not good ).
  15. J

    Other Anime

    Cowboy Bebop is great as well as Trigun, Big O and Lain.Those Who Hunt Elves is funny as hell and I enjoyed it very much. I have been watching Noir lately which is fansubbed right now and that is pretty good. They just released some battle of the planets ( old 70's anime ) that was pretty...
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