Recent content by Kompozinaut

  1. Kompozinaut

    Episode 376

    Every episode is another dagger in my heart, man. Seeing the Gurus literally speechless was gut-wrenching, and Daiba taking them under his wing?? Like, I just don’t understand what we’re doing here anymore. Everything just feels so sloppy from people, who I would think, should have a better...
  2. Kompozinaut

    Finally got around to watching the Memorial Edition. It was way worse than I remember it being...

    Finally got around to watching the Memorial Edition. It was way worse than I remember it being, and not even the welcomed added scenes did anything to salvage the bones of that project. The retroactive elevation the 2016 series did for the Studio 4C stuff is pretty impressive, I guess, because...
  3. Kompozinaut

    Volume 42 release

    Wow, that is a massive improvement over the original.
  4. Kompozinaut

    Volume 42 release

    Berserk by Lisa Frank
  5. Kompozinaut

    Episode 371

    God dammit. This shit is bumming me out more and more. These last two episodes have not been it.
  6. Kompozinaut

    Episode 367

    The last two episodes left me with a fairly good feeling about the project. I wasn't happy with water Griff. It's fine. But this episode really kind of put me off from the whole thing. People in the thread have posited some really interesting ideas about where Casca's story might go if she's...
  7. Kompozinaut

    It's been a while, but I just re-read the scene where Mule meets Griffith for the first time...

    It's been a while, but I just re-read the scene where Mule meets Griffith for the first time, and I got chills all over again. Millenium Falcon is just so fucking amazing.
  8. Kompozinaut

    Episodes 365 & 366

    I'm not mad at what I've seen so far, honestly. This is a close enough approximation that it's more than tolerable. But as other's have mentioned, I'm a bit more concerned with page construction and narrative flow than just the art at this point. But so far, I'm impressed. Really looking forward...
  9. Kompozinaut

    The Story Behind Your Username

    I've had a number of names on the sub over the years, but my final handle (which I've adopted on most other parts of the internet), Kompozinaut, is a portmanteau of "kompositor", the Russian transliteration of the word "composer", and the suffix "-naut", referencing exploration. I have two...
  10. Kompozinaut

    Young Animal announces a continuation of Berserk by Studio Gaga, supervised by Kouji Mori

    This is both extremely exciting and nerve wracking. Shortly after Miura's passing I had decided that they only way I would be happy with a continuation would be if Miura's close friends and contemporaries worked on the series. Nothing else would suffice. So on one hand I'm happy that Mori is...
  11. Kompozinaut

    Dark Horse Releases "Deluxe" Berserk Edition

    Probably the Berserk wiki :troll:
  12. Kompozinaut

    Elden Ring (New From Soft Game)

    Ah, well that explains a lot of the vibes I keep getting in this game.
  13. Kompozinaut

    Elden Ring (New From Soft Game)

    Yeah, I recall soaking myself with water pots to run across lava in DS2. Cool that this kind of stuff is back!
  14. Kompozinaut

    Elden Ring (New From Soft Game)

    I have found the whip. So as tradition dictates, I will begin plotting my Belmont build and playthrough.
  15. Kompozinaut

    Elden Ring (New From Soft Game)

    Not gonna lie, the inclusion of mounted combat is really doing it for me. I haven't played BotW, but riding around a huge world on a trusted steed was one of my favorite parts of Shadow of the Colossus, only in this game there is way more to do. Plus, I'm getting to live out a bogatyr fantasy...
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