Recent content by Markaveli

  1. Markaveli

    DVD, how does it work?

    Well, if it won't play R1 DVDs, it's not region free. Simpel as that. You can check for a code to use on your friends DVD player, to play region 1 DVDs. Be aware, they don't have codes for ALL DVD players. If you want to play them on your PS2, you can get yourselfe a Region-X...
  2. Markaveli

    Behelit Necklace/DragonSlayer Pack

    Weird... Isn't the one sold with the Dragonslayer metal? And how big really is it? I've only seen a very small picture of it, while still in the case. And I'm not interested in an actual size Behelit, that'd be too much. ;) Thanks for the info though.
  3. Markaveli

    My impressions of Grandia 2

    I agree with you 100%. The story is pretty lame, but the gameplay is great. Especially in battles!
  4. Markaveli

    Question about a Gatts action figure/statue I take it this is the one? edit: Damn, I'm slow.... :-/
  5. Markaveli

    Behelit Necklace/DragonSlayer Pack

    Hey, some time ago I came across a little set wich featured a Behelit Necklace (small one, made from steal) and a miniature DragaonSlayer. But lately I can't seem to find them on eBay anymore, and I'm interested in having the Behelit necklace (not for wearing, just for 'having' :p). I've seen 2...
  6. Markaveli

    New Berserk models from Art of War. (pics)

    Woah, they look awesome. Especially all the ones with Guts in them... The only one I don't like is the Griffith with the deformed head ;) (Where you only see his upper body/head)
  7. Markaveli

    New Game!

    ... when you go out, and support fellow Berserk fans in finding proffesional help. ;) (Just kiddin')
  8. Markaveli


    I just called you a baby because you ACTUALLY MADE A TOPIC because you had more then 50 posts.... and 2 stars... So THERE, I'm not a baby. :p Seriously, I've never understood why people find 'post-counts' so interesting.
  9. Markaveli


    You fucking baby. (;))
  10. Markaveli

    New Game!

    That was an instant classic. I never thought I'd find a 'pre-thought-dub-outtake' would be funny, but I laughed anyway. :)
  11. Markaveli

    Berserk DVD VOl.2

    Heh, it just got to my notice they call Rickert "Ricket" on the DVDs... (Sub and Dub version...)
  12. Markaveli

    New Game!

    ... when you'r trying to make funny comments in a "You know you've seen too much Berserk when..." on a Berserk Message Board. (:()
  13. Markaveli

    European FFX

    Uhhh... Olivier, did you play the Japanese version? I don't remember anything like them saying he's made of Pyreflies in the PAL version!? (Some goes for the underwater breathing thingy.)
  14. Markaveli

    Blade of the immortal??

    C'mon people, Trigun is not that bad. I only hate the fact that Vash sometimes acts like an idiot, and the ending was kinda.... don't know, lame. I thought it was a helluva lot better then Hellsing though, but I just have someting againts episodic animes. And Hellsing has no plot.
  15. Markaveli

    Blade of the immortal??

    This guy reminds me of someone... By the way, wasn't this topic about Blade of the Immortal!? About other anime, after Berserk everything was a dissapointment for me, but I'm checking out Argento Soma and Crest of the Stars now, they both seem to be quite good. Didn't see enough to give any...
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