Recent content by Modianesque

  1. Modianesque

    Dark Horse Releases "Deluxe" Berserk Edition

    Isn't that one-shot was released as a bonus in tankoubon version too?
  2. Modianesque

    The Story Behind Your Username

    In high school, i was the only male student in a Literature gifted class. I felt really lonely and struggled to fit in at the time. One day, my teacher gave a book as a present because she saw how sad and lonely i am. That book is "Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier", written by a...
  3. Modianesque

    Dark Horse Releases "Deluxe" Berserk Edition

    They misspelled Berserk Prototype and ComiComi Manga School prize. And as far as i remembered, "Noa" was published in a special edition of Weekly Shounen Magazine called Fresh.
  4. Modianesque

    Find the panel

    Volume 18, episode 141, "Demon's Road (1)", when Guts, Puck and Isidro have to dealt with the breaking wheels! And here you go:
  5. Modianesque

    Episode 364 This is an official statement about the future of Berserk, from YA #18....
  6. Modianesque

    Episode 364

    WE cannot wait. :farnese::farnese:
  7. Modianesque

    Status of Berserk's Pre-publication

    Maybe April then :sad:
  8. Modianesque

    Episode 362

    OMG this episode freak me out so much :chomp::chomp::chomp:
  9. Modianesque

    SKnet: 20 Years Later

    I have known for 6 or 7 years, but just created an account a few days ago. It's hard to believe that is one year older than me =)) I'm trying to expand my knowledge about Berserk recently. And every thread, every Podcast helps me a lot. Berserk is not really popular in Vietnam...
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