Recent content by vee209

  1. V

    Berserk Character studies

    I've just done a clay model study of Ganishka for my painting.
  2. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Thank you Gobolatula and IncantatioN for the comments. Here is the unedited version - will start working on the detail now. Still have the top parts to do.
  3. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Hi everyone. Many thanks for the comments. I'm now working on an oil painting of Ganishka on 60cm X 80cm canvas. The biggest Berserk paintig I've tried so far :ganishka: I started with the underpainting so you can still see the lines. I tried Burn / Dodge on photoshop for highlight and shadows...
  4. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Joe Chip and m: thnak you very much. glad you like the pics. Bekul: It's pencil on paper (2B-9B).
  5. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Thank you Aazealh. Trying to draw Berserk characters with their faces looking up is quite problematic to me - especially with proper shading. I still get them wrong most of the time. I'm a little happier with Isma's second pic..
  6. V

    Berserk Character studies

    I tried a pic of Isma today.
  7. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Lith: Thank you very much for the advise. I decided to give it a go with a new drawing. See what you all think.
  8. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Or something in between, perhaps? Guts in later chapters seem to have longer hair and it gets quite messy, i suppose.
  9. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Truder: Many thanks for pointing out the hair issue and the diagram. I think you're right about that. I've done the correction here.
  10. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Hi everyone. Sorry i've been away for so long. I've done a new pencil sketch of Guts this time. :guts:
  11. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Thank you, Bangkok seems to get back to normal now. No more explosion, at least. :ubik: Here is a new oil colour of Luka. It turns out to be a lot tougher to paint than the last one with the limited palette(Titanium white, Cadmium red, Yellow Ocher, Ivory Black).
  12. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Sorry I've been away from the forum for such a long time. I've now moved to Bangkok, completed several exams and now applying for a new job. Life in Bangkok wasn't too easy in the past month - as you probably saw it on TV - I think I can now tell the difference between giant Chinese fire...
  13. V

    Rakshas Mask

    That's a great mask! The eyes are fantistic!
  14. V

    Berserk Character studies

    Jaze1618 - try to look for Ubik's face. It's a very rough sketch (far from perfect) so it can be a bit tricky. Aazealh - many thanks for the suggestion. I will try to do a more refined version if possible. Just got a friend who came by with a camera so i took a photo of this unfinished...
  15. V

    Berserk Character studies

    I did this rough sketch after I came across some books on Dali's art. Still a lot of room for improvement, I do admit. Hope you can make out what it is. :rakshas: I did these two last weekend, although they ar not related to Berserk but i hope you like them...
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