Do you like flowers?

I live in the northern hemisphere and it's spring. If you go out, you can see many trees are blooming.

Do you like flowers? Have you grown your own plants?

This one I shot looks like peach blossoms.
I love flowers, they look beautiful in many ways, My personal favorite flower would be a daisy they look amazing but unfortunately I don't have my own set of plants:sad:.
It's basic but, it's hard to top red roses for me. Preferably with the thorns still attatched

As for growing I do take the seeds from bell peppers every now and then to plant, to then watch them sprout after a few weeks.
It's basic but, it's hard to top red roses for me. Preferably with the thorns still attatched

As for growing I do take the seeds from bell peppers every now and then to plant, to then watch them sprout after a few weeks.
Will you eat the peppers that grow? How does it taste?

I love flowers, they look beautiful in many ways, My personal favorite flower would be a daisy they look amazing but unfortunately I don't have my own set of plants:sad:.
Growing flowers is a skilled job.I've never seen a real Daisy, but the Daisy hand cream works. This flower has a peculiar aroma.
Will you eat the peppers that grow? How does it taste?

Growing flowers is a skilled job.I've never seen a real Daisy, but the Daisy hand cream works. This flower has a peculiar aroma.
They never grow as big as a normal pepper, but they still taste pretty much the same.