Dragon's Dogma

Played the demo last night. The menus invoked Dark Souls for me, however, that was the only thing that did as combat in this game isn't nearly as precise. It felt very hack and slash. The character creator was awful, the dialogue boxes were a little annoying to me and every time I hit an enemy it seemed like there was an ever so slight hiccup. Anyone catch that? Also, I climbed on top that Lion-Goat thing and half my character got lost inside him for a minute.

All that being said, I think I'll give the game a try. I hated Demon's Souls and Skyrim when first played them; I now love both in an extremely unhealthy way. So, unless I hear universally bad things, I'll give Dogma a chance.
Breed1Ghost said:
Demo was easy since the char you were playing was of high lvl I watched the live stream the game is hard as hell it could even be stupid hard like demon/dark souls if you really don't pay attention.

Actually, all characters are set on level 20 in the demo. I highly doubt it's gonna be as punishing as demon's/dark souls can be. Again, it's looking more like (a evolution of) Monster Hunter or Phantasy Star Online.

Proj2501 said:
The menus invoked Dark Souls for me, however, that was the only thing that did as combat in this game isn't nearly as precise. It felt very hack and slash.

In Dark souls, your character's movements are severely limited when Dragon's Dogma give you full control of your character's movement like an action game. So it's no surprise that this gameplay isn't as precise.
Aside from the (dark) fantasy themes, i don't think the comparison is relevant.

Will you play on PS3 or 360 ?
Ryouma said:
In Dark souls, your character's movements are severely limited when Dragon's Dogma give you full control of your character's movement like an action game. So it's no surprise that this gameplay isn't as precise.
Aside from the (dark) fantasy themes, i don't think the comparison is relevant.

Will you play on PS3 or 360 ?

You didn't have full control of your character's movements in Dark Souls? I thought I did. Hmm. From what I've seen from the demo, there's a undeniable air of Demon's/Dark Souls. Hopefully, combat is slightly smoother in the finished product. Comparison is slightly relevant as I think Capcom's hoping to emulate From Software's success.

I'll be playing on 360 so I can harass Aaz for his pawns (and to harass him in general). :ganishka:
Ryouma said:
Again, it's looking more like (a evolution of) Monster Hunter or Phantasy Star Online.

Which, all things considered, isn't surprising at all.

Proj2501 said:
I'll be playing on 360 so I can harass Aaz for his pawns (and to harass him in general). :ganishka:

I'll be waiting~ :casca:
Proj2501 said:
You didn't have full control of your character's movements in Dark Souls? I thought I did. Hmm. From what I've seen from the demo, there's a undeniable air of Demon's/Dark Souls. Hopefully, combat is slightly smoother in the finished product.

From my perspective, in Demon's/Dark Souls, combat moves are extremely sluggish, slow, methodical (to the point of irritation). In Dragon's Dogma, as you said, it's more about hacking and slashing. It's fast, and there's a more action-oriented feel to it :serpico:

Proj2501 said:
Comparison is slightly relevant as I think Capcom's hoping to emulate From Software's success.

Capcom released the first Monster Hunter in 2004. Director Hideaki Itsuno said that Dragon's Dogma is a game he had been dreaming about making since his school days. The game production started in 2008.
Demon's Soul was released in 2009. So Capcom wishes to emulate MH success, its own success. I highly doubt Demon's Souls could have really influenced the game's production.

Proj2501 said:
Which, all things considered, isn't surprising at all.
Right but I never said it was. It's even obvious when you knew those titles.
Ryouma said:
From my perspective, in Demon's/Dark Souls, combat moves are extremely sluggish, slow, methodical (to the point of irritation).

The combat is methodical, but so it is in Monster Hunter. And I wouldn't call it sluggish either, especially since it varies depending on what weapon and armor you wear.
I need to preorder this game. I enjoy beaten the crap outta the monsters it reminds me of the old school DnD beatem ups from capcom more then any other game.

Proj i think the combat hic ups you were talking about may be from the slow down of the game trying to make you look cool while beating the snot outta what enemy you come across or the demo is really flawed. It seems like the game slows down and the camra pans in sometimes while you are attacking this may mean you scored a critical hit maybe? just thought of it but I am not sure.
Dragons Dogma trailer with Forces.


The dude who made it has some good retrospective videos too.
This game comes out on my birthday. :guts: and it looks like a pretty good game to boot! I played the demo for 360 and I really enjoyed it. The animations are rather good, and the monster designs are pretty neat too. Tried to create my best Guts with a Caska pawn...they looked surprisingly close!
Truder said:
Dragons Dogma trailer with Forces.


The dude who made it has some good retrospective videos too.
Gotta say, game looks pretty fucking cool. I really hope Capcom can pull this off. And it's true that there are some similarities between this and Berserk, even independent of the special costumes. So that aspect will be fun.
Aphasia said:
Tried to create my best Guts with a Casca pawn...they looked surprisingly close!
In the character creation mode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsMketrLUmc&feature=related (at 1:29)

both the 3rd male and female preset models are supposed to be Guts and Casca. The male has a shut right eye, a scar across his nose and wields a greatsword just like Guts.

And the female.. well she's dark skinned and has short hair :casca:

I'm sure you who've played the Demo have noticed.
GameTrailers Dragons Dogma Review:
I'm on the fence with this game. It would be nice to have it on full coop multiplayer. I'll just sit here and read what you guys have to say about the game before I make my decision upon purchasing or not.
I am enjoying this game so far. I think its damn good, I just found the berserk inspired gear but I am lacking the funds to buy them. I have Griffiths sword though and it puts my upgraded sword to shame.

Don't have enough time to elaborate but if anyone has any questions i think i can answer them sometime on sat or sun since I'm about to go away for a trip
I've been playing this pretty much nonstop since it came out. A very fun game, but I think I'm starting to lose interest. Hopefully Capcom will create some decent DLC. What they have been promoting is a cheap scavenger hunt that I can only hope will lead to a big pay off in the end. Plus there is a gargantuan blank section on the left side of the map...new area(s)?
I am not to sure did not beat the game yet but that would be awesome. I really want to fight the UrDragon I want awesome gear lol.

Just got enough money to start enhancing the Berserk inspired armor will be wearing it soon.
Have they patched any of the numerous technical problems with either version of the game? Because as much as I want to roam around Fantasy Land and smash things with Guts and a Mystic Knight Danny Elfman pawn, the framerate and screen tearing looks atrocious. Watched a stream a while ago where the screen was tearing literally every two seconds while in the main city hub, and that's pretty inexcusable.
No patches and I don't think Capcom has addressed it. I could be wrong. The screen tearing isn't as bad as I've seen in some games and I really don't notice it but every once in awhile. That's not to say that I don't find it annoying, I just think it's a small bump in a fun game.
MrWeatherby said:
Have they patched any of the numerous technical problems with either version of the game? Because as much as I want to roam around Fantasy Land and smash things with Guts and a Mystic Knight Danny Elfman pawn, the framerate and screen tearing looks atrocious. Watched a stream a while ago where the screen was tearing literally every two seconds while in the main city hub, and that's pretty inexcusable.
Maybe you were watching him play the xbox 360 version of Dragons Dogma, apparently its worse than the PS3 version