Fallout games

Which is the best in your opinion and if you pick fallout brother hood of steel I would want an expl

  • Fallout 1

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Fallout 2

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Fallout tactics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fallout brotherhood of steel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fallout 3

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Fallout new vegas

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Fallout 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fallout 76

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I've played through quite a few of them (3, NV, parts of 1-2), but Fallout 3 was the only one I really enjoyed. And most of that was just my interest in seeing how they converted the DC region (where I live) into nuclear rubble. Something about the setting in Fallout games just has never meshed well with me, and on top of that, I don't particularly like Bethesda games.
I voted Fallout 2 because, while 1 is the more concise and finished classic, 2 is the big crazy ambitious mess of a follow up that you could lose yourself in for a year, and I did (shades of RDR2). Forget just doing post-apocalyptic Fallout stuff; I worked for the mob, became a porn star, and eventually POTUS (well, I had his ID badge, anyway =). Fallout 2 isn't just the best Fallout game I've ever played, I could make a case it's the best game I've ever played, period. Having said that, unfortunately for those that really didn't get into it or Fallout 1 at the time, I don't know how accessible it is anymore. Like I certainly am not going to replay it today, and I just threw it into the GOAT (G.E.C.K.? =) conversation.

As for the Bethesdas, I don't really count those among the first two Fallout games. They're something else, like a remake or spinoff, even New Vegas though it's a nice compromise and basically the the closest thing we could get to fulfilling the original vision of Fallout 3 by the Black Isle team (I'll always be grateful to Bethesda for letting this game happen). So, I'm not bashing them either, because playing Fallout 2 I dreamed of doing it in first person and at least got somewhere close between 3 and NV. Fallout 3 is a pretty good semi-early example of an effective big budget soft reboot/requel too (before it became the norm in film as well as games). It basically recycles and reworks the major plot points and story beats of Fallout 1 and 2 into a more visually immersive and streamlined package. But it was more smoke and mirrors than the meticulously handcrafted, interactive worlds of the originals. NV brought that craftsmanship back the best it could, but was still limited within Bethesda's framework, then Fallout 4 doubled down on the cinematic experience and combat, which was fun, but that much more dumbed down when it came to immersion through consequential interactivity. At least relative to the originals, I mean I don't hold every or maybe ANY other game to these standards ("You mean I have to follow the story progression? That's like a baby's toy!"), but if it's called Fallout I do because that's what made those original games special.

1. Fallout 2
2. Fallout

3. Fallout: New Vegas
4. Fallout 3
5. Fallout 4
0. The rest
New Vegas for sure. I loved all the ways you could tangle, twist, and branch the narrative and play the various factions against each other if you so chose. I liked the political landscape you got dumped in and how nuanced it was on every front. I liked how you could be a complete dick and murder everyone who gets in your way, and can still complete the game. In my mind, New Vegas represented the direction the Bethesda formula needed to evolve in...and which they unfortunately didn't, and never will. Which shouldn't be any surprise, since it wasn't developed by Bethesda.

Fallout 2 is second. I like how open it and its predecessor were. You have no "main quest" to proceed through in a linear fashion, just maybe a trail of loose leads to follow at your discretion. It helps you feel a bit more like a detective of sorts, though you're also free to just dick around if you so choose, which might allow you to stumble upon your goal by accident. I wish more RPGs adopted that kind of formula (you'd think that the explosion of open world games would encourage that, but NOOOOOOO!). Fallout 1 is the same, but 2 is just bigger all around, and easier to get lost in.
Well my favorite fallout game drum role please fallout brother hood of steel the graphics better than any triple a title on the market right now the story don't even get me started. Gameplay amazing I gotta say it surpasse's knack one and two in some ways. Also it by far has the best linear world of fallout I ever seen unless you count tactics but even then it's a toss up. I give it a solid Nicolas cage out of Kevin spacey. By Ign :troll:

Walter said:
I don't particularly like Bethesda games.

Yeah I feel you starting not to like them either with fallout 76 train wreck and fallout 4 not quite reaching my expectations after fallout 3 and fallout nv. Also Bethesda games our plagued with bugs which might be hard for some players to overlook as they break the immersion quite a bit. One of the many reasons why I am getting a pc to get mods to have a much better experience without having to worry about too much bugs.

Griffith said:
unfortunately for those that really didn't get into it or Fallout 1 at the time, I don't know how accessible it is anymore.

0. The rest

Bethesda needs to make a remastered version of fallout 1 and 2 and not mess it up it.Could be in first person/third person but with the same choices,exploration and story it would be awesome hopefully.And definitely make the games more accessible. though there is the issues that it would take away from the classic experience.
And I am sure after reading my reasons why fallout brother hood of steel is the best game it would taken out of (0.the rest) category and be put at the number one spot where it belongs
Heh, I did not expect to see these kind of results, even with this small sample size. I thought there would be a kind of even match between the older Fallouts and 3, with the old school fans split between the first two, and the newcomers mostly flocking to the third one. Where did these New Vegas fans come from?

I know that I know :) said:
Bethesda needs to make a remastered version of fallout 1 and 2 and not mess it up it.Could be in first person/third person but with the same choices,exploration and story it would be awesome hopefully.And definitely make the games more accessible. though there is the issues that it would take away from the classic experience.
And I am sure after reading my reasons why fallout brother hood of steel is the best game it would taken out of (0.the rest) category and be put at the number one spot where it belongs

Yeah, that's the problem: they would. Remakes are never one-to-one; things are always added, subtracted, rearranged, and twisted in ways that change the whole thing entirely, and not always for the better. And Bethesda have demonstrated time and time again that not only are their writers not good at all, but they can't or they're unwilling to keep a consistent canon with their franchises.