Thank you everyone for the replies so far. I'm really glad that folks have been enjoying it.

And I forgot to do so in my earlier post, but I would like to take a quick minute to thank Lith, Gummy, and King, who took time out of their Sundays to record and made it an awesome discussion. And of course, thank you to Gobs, who did the actual recording!
Walter said:
I've got a long flight today so this is perfect timing

aiba: Glad you guys were able to get together and record again!
Nice, I hope that it served as a suitable distraction from your in-flight meal.
Delta Phi said:
Yes! My first podcast shout-out! I made an audible shout of excitement when I saw there was a new FloraCast yesterday. I just finished listening to the 2nd hour, and I really loved this episode, especially concerning Slan! Y'all covered some great topics.
Right on! If we were able to get a verbal reaction from you before you even started listening, then I think that the job has already been done.
Delta Phi said:
I'm really glad y'all were able to bring in O-Blessed-King-of-Longing. She had some great insights that complemented the regular cast really well. It sounds like everyone was having a lot of fun. It's nice to see a bridge being extended between fan domains.
Yeah, I think that King's fan experience, being a bit newer to the game and spending her time on a different website, gave her a different kind of perspective that I continuously find interesting and thought-provoking. She's also got a cool accent, which is a huge bonus to a silly American like me!
DraceYun said:
I enjoyed the discussion ladies! That was an interesting comparison between Flora and Mozgus.
Thank you! I think that the Flora/Mozgus comparison might have been one of my favorite parts of this episode.
DraceYun said:
Hopefully BKOL joins (if she already hasn't) and joins in future chats.
That would be cool, though I think that like many of us, she's very fond of her Berserk-discussion-spot of choice, and it can be hard to break a habit. For instance, I do like to reblog Berserk fanart on Tumblr, but I rarely discuss the series there, where I don't know that many people.
Griffith said:
Delightful as before, and you really brought the heavy stuff at the end. On that note it made me think about what you said about the story always being served even while certain conventions are arguably being observed, and the distinctive ways female nudity is used. Such as in the case of Slan, where despite her measurements she's by no mean's a sexual object to anyone within the story, and is in fact repulsive and kind of represents the repulsive nature of sex in general (the cannibal orgy scene, her abstract dimension of amorphous T & A).
Thanks, and yeah, Slan is actually a very funny case. Having her in the series seems to give Miura the chance to really mess with his readers. How do you think she smelled in the Qliphoth, anyway?
Griffith said:
Come to think of it, has sex ever not been horrible in Berserk? Guts and Casca apparently got a nice one in there, but that was after a traumatic false start involving childhood rape, father issues, and strangulation! Luca and Jerome seem like the most prominent example of characters actually just enjoying casual consensual sex without direct consequences.
Well, on the bright side, maybe Luca and Jerome will be able to get together again someday... if Jerome ain't dead.
Griffith said:
In general, I feel Berserk has matured into what I'd consider a more adult-themed series; it's always had nudity, violence, and at times a shocking mix of the two, but more recently I feel like there's also been more uneventful, casual nudity, such as the above mentioned bath scenes, that aren't leering but also aren't throwing any fig leaves out there. Combined with the maturity of the characters and the exploration of their relationships and family dynamic, like I said, I think it makes for a more adult-oriented series in general. Obviously, the series is also being written by a more mature Miura with evolving interests than when he was a young man, or maybe he's just been watching a lot of HBO. =)
That's a good point, and over time I think Miura's shift in focus is something I'd like to discuss more. Of course, we haven't seen anybody having sex for a long while, so maybe we'll be able to gauge things better once we hit Elfelm.
Griffith said:
So, are you going to do the Schierke pod next, or what?

She's always permeating the edges of the show.
Delta Phi said:
I'm very excited about the prospects of a Schierke-centric episode also!
The people have spoken! I think Schierke was more or less a shoo-in* for the next episode, anyway, but thank you for helping to cement the decision.
EDIT: * I had originally written "shoe-in", but Lith has since informed me of the correct spelling. Who knew that it had nothing to do with shoes!