Learning Japanese

I was wondering where I should start if I want to learn Japanese. Are university courses a must or will alot of self-teaching be sufficient? I've heard that text book Japanese is not that helpful in the real world and in understanding anime/manga. Learning Chinese has also interested me and I understand it shares alot of the same kanji with Japanese even though spoken they are very different. So if I plan to learn both (that's a big IF) would starting with Chinese be more helpful? Any suggestions from the über translators?
First, some words of advice:


Learning Chinese has also interested me and I understand it shares alot of the same kanji with Japanese even though spoken they are very different. So if I plan to learn both (that's a big IF) would starting with Chinese be more helpful?

I can only speak for myself, but I felt that learning Chinese was actually made more difficult/confusing by the fact I was studying Japanese as well...
I guess it may be a better idea to learn one language _once you have more or less "mastered" the other one_?...
That's just my opinion, anyway...


Is There anybody out there?
Olivier - LOL



Holy Cow that thing was hilarious. Wow, I read and laughed the entire time. That was so awesome. Everyone....read it!! Whew - nothing like a whole hearty laugh. maybe we should pay attention to some of the advice seeming that some of us are anime lovers....LOL

Going to be laughing at that one for a while.


Fear the slightly white swordsman!
;D ;D

Hilarious link Olivier. *snickers*

Still... yesterday I signed up for my first 'official' japanese late night class... I shiver in horror when I think what my classmates might be like...

Seriously, how to learn japanese? I've no idea, the options here in sweden are limited since japanese are not really taught within out school system, except in the really large cities. Of which we have three *grins*. I would reccomend getting a webcourse and learning the alphabets first...


*gasp* you know how hot I am? *no.*
;D the first half has a lot of sense in it until ... it got to nonsense totally! But there's reason to what it says on the first half of that site. Yes, there WAS sense in it.

If you really want to take one of them, I'd suggest you start with Mandarin. It's the easiest out of 3, as my experience tells me...
That was a pretty funny link Olivier. Almost sarcastic to the point of discouraging.I may hold off on Chinese for awhile because the minute tonal differences in words scare me.Japanese doesn't seem to have that but then again it does have 3 forms of characters and politeness levels.
I may hold off on Chinese for awhile because the minute tonal differences in words scare me.Japanese doesn't seem to have that

Actually, it does. ^^;
But it's not nearly as important as it is in Chinese, really, so don't worry about it. ^_^


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Japanese doesn't seem to have that but then again it does have 3 forms of characters and politeness levels.

Well I caught on to Hiragana and Katakana fairly quickly, Kanji's a whole other matter entirely.

As for that link... I'm glad i didnt read that when I started :)
I love the "deer-in-headlights" analogy, that was hilarious.
No offense to any of you (this is the wrong board I'm sure). But the "anime" student really pisses me off. Rather than sitting down and learning the language, they prefer to discuss last night's episode of DBZ.

right... I'm done... great link Olivier


penis + man butt = happy homo
hahah, i am a deer in the headlights, totally. if the professor starts to ask for a volunteer, i hide myself so he won't pick me, hahah. i go to the class knowing that he is going to asking something stupid in japanese (like "here's my meeshi" or some trash) and i won't know the answer because he talks too fast. dah, just thinking about it gets me nervous (i'm a wuss).

i'm taking japa 101 this semester at gmu, it is much harder than i was expecting. i thought that the romanji would make it easier, big fucking NOPE! the hiragana and katakana aren't too bad, just a lot to memorize.

one type of person that the link left out was the japanese person that just wants an easy A. half of my class is made up of them, and it makes the non-japanese speakers look really really bad when we have trouble understanding something.

to those interested in learing: be prepared to spend a lot of time on it, i don't think its possible to pick up the language if you just spend a couple hours a week.

anyways, awesome link. peace out
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