
Has anyone tried Overwatch yet? the beta is open on ps4 until May 9th. If so what do you think? Maybe I am off a little but the PVP reminds me of destiny, as far as like supers/abilities and what have you. I like it. Its interesting to see blizzard take a swing at an FPS. I would put a little more time in if I could peel myself from Dark souls for more then an hour :ganishka:
Played a few rounds and it wasn't doing much for me. I imagine it would be more fun with friends. I like that there's a lot to unlock, but I don't really like the random loot drop in this instance. I assume there's a way to buy specific things? I don't know. The menus looked really polished (that probably weird to comment on, but I was particularly impressed). I also liked the cheesy fanfare soundtrack, haha.
Can't say I've played it myself, but a friend of mine is in the beta and was acting like it was the greatest thing ever.

I'm fairly interested in it. Seems fun.
It's pretty interesting, it's similar to Team Fortress 2 but it acts more of a twitchy shooter. It's highly team dependent so you actually need a good team composition along with a fairly decent team in order to win. I can't tell you how many games I lost because people just refused to switch roles or they just trickle in one by one to get picked off. The game is extremely team dependent, so if you use to other FPS games then this is a whole new ballpark.

If you like shooters like Team Fortress then you'll really enjoy the team based combat on this. If not, then steer clear from it. :isidro:
Yozuru said:
It's pretty interesting, it's similar to Team Fortress 2 but it acts more of a twitchy shooter. It's highly team dependent so you actually need a good team composition along with a fairly decent team in order to win. I can't tell you how many games I lost because people just refused to switch roles or they just trickle in one by one to get picked off. The game is extremely team dependent, so if you use to other FPS games then this is a whole new ballpark.

If you like shooters like Team Fortress then you'll really enjoy the team based combat on this. If not, then steer clear from it. :isidro:

The team aspect was one part I really enjoyed. My big turn off came from the art direction. I not a huge fan of the overly cartoony graphic style, but once I got over that it was fun. I definitely would recommend picking it up or borrowing a friends and giving it a "shot" ha zing... :carcus:
GiantSword Mufasa said:
The team aspect was one part I really enjoyed. My big turn off came from the art direction. I not a huge fan of the overly cartoony graphic style, but once I got over that it was fun. I definitely would recommend picking it up or borrowing a friends and giving it a "shot" ha zing... :carcus:

Oh yeah definitely, the art direction isn't for everyone. For me I do like the Disney like visual with the bright color palette. It's better than a lot of other FPS games which are dark and grim.
Yozuru said:
Oh yeah definitely, the art direction isn't for everyone. For me I do like the Disney like visual with the bright color palette. It's better than a lot of other FPS games which are dark and grim.

Yeah I can agree with that.
I spent $60 on it for PS4.

It's not worth $60, even with a group of friends. It's definitely fun...but very barebones at the moment. Thank goodness the DLC will be free.
I played Overwatch for 2 days and found it to be good but nothing special. I then couldn´t connect to the PS4 servers for over a week , Server Error (LC-202), and sold it for a profit on Ebay. Ask me again when the destined / more complete re-release comes out but this looks to be the least interesting Blizzard series so far, outside of Hearthstone. Zenyatta (the robo-monk) seemed to be the most fun to me.