SkullKast 128: Human City (Vol 28-3)


Staff member

Episode 128: Human City (Vol 28-3) (1h11m)

In the final sequence of Volume 28, we enter Vritannis, and the group sees the amassed forces of the Holy See. We adore every detail of the densely packed city—or as much as we can cram into one hour, at least. But the heart of this sequence is Schierke grappling with a civilization she resents.

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These continue to be a joy to listen to. I get excited every time I see a new one pop up in my Podcasts app. Thank you for your ongoing dedication.
I have some free time and was thinking about hopping right into the "Berserk Returns" episode but don't want to skip this one and forget! I'm sure it'll be quite the back to back listening experience. :guts:
I like when Grail mentioned “Where’s Waldo” when you guys spoke about all the little details in the scenes depicting city life. I got those vibes as well as the “I Spy” book series I used to view as a kid.