Re: SkullKast: Episode 92
Archer1215 said:
But I don't think the entire purpose of that scene was for Guts to realize that he couldn't travel alone and protect Casca from himself. I think the point of that scene was to Guts have the closest brush with his dark side that he's ever had and to realize just how dangerous he could be to the people close to him if he loses control.
I don't think what we're saying is in disagreement. The above is what I meant by the "desperate situation" when it was just he and Casca, and as for the danger he presents, that's how he could "lose everything."
My idea was that the party becoming aware of Casca's assault would serve as a segue into them learning about Guts' struggle with the Beast of Darkness.
Segue has to be the key phrasing because I don't think Casca's dream world is the time to be broaching the Beast conflict within Guts.
I also highly doubt his struggle with the Beast of Darkness is over just yet (in fact, his last internal "dialogue" with it suggests he knows those dark feelings will rear their head again in the future).
Yes, but it also gave a pretty specific framing for when it would come back. The Beast hinted that it will resurge after his friends are killed, not that it will kill his friends.
[quote author=]The Beast of Darkness: But since they are with you, the more they are related to me, the more these idiots get to expose themselves to the jaws of death.
The Beast of Darkness: And they will be crushed, torn and ripped apart soon
The Beast of Darkness: ...Just like that time (the Occultation)
The Beast of Darkness: Cherish them
The Beast of Darkness: Only to lose more
The Beast of Darkness: At that time, nobody will be able to stop me/you
The Beast of Darkness: I will swallow you entirely[/quote]
The foreshadowing surrounding the Beast is very ominous, and I am almost certain it will be something Guts and the party have to deal with in the future. Which is why I thought them learning about the assault and confronting Guts about it would be a good way to advance that subplot
Again, I'm not sure I follow you here. What do you mean by confronting Guts about it?
Is this going to be like an Intervention episode?
Going back to the scene itself, I think it is also significant that not even Puck--who has seen Guts do terrible things before--was present for Casca's assault. He was even conveniently given a different reason for Casca's distrust of Guts when he was possessed by spirits and strangled her so he wouldn't suspect any other reason (not to imply that was the only purpose of that scene).
That's a good point. Miura manufactured a reason for Puck not to grapple with that scene, which could be a clue that it will be dealt with eventually. Or — it's just a scene meant to be between Guts and Casca.