Thanks for the praise everyone, it really does encourage me to keep at it.
Tama chan said:
I also like the fact that the characters and story are well written enough where you can have discussions about what some of the characters may have been thinking at the time where it isn't necessarily implied in an obvious manner;
My opinion isn't shared by the others, but I actually found this particular volume
(really, this portion of the series) difficult to dissect in this manner. The story is so densely told, each scene so deliberately chosen for story advancement, that it leaves little room for interpretation or dissection. So I'm always exuberant when any of us stumble onto an aspect worth quibbling over.
Grail said:
It feels like you guys are getting more efficient at deconstructing important elements of each scene. Especially all those ambiguous expressions! I have a feeling that the volume 10 discussion is gonna be a doozy.
Thanks. Doing it well for me requires a bit of homework and planning, something I didn't do for this volume. That's why Aaz and Griff carry most of this show. I definitely have a lot more to say about particular volumes, and sometimes find trouble coming up with significant notations on other volumes.
With regards to the video game discussion, what a bummer about Bravely Default! The game looked great and I was actually planning on grabbing a copy (recently got a 3DS XL so I'm grabbing up a bunch of things)
By all means, give the demo a shot and see if the combat alone is enough to carry you through it. It ALMOST was for me. Glad to hear you got a 3DS XL. I found the upgraded screen real estate a revelation for that system. Totally changed the way I looked at the games. Fire Emblem looks gorgeous on it. Felt "small" to me, before.
Grail said:
I might use that money to buy an Xbox controller so that I can finally get around to finishing Dark Souls. I had no idea that those controllers were so expensive!
Yeah, those Xbox for Windows controllers run about $35 or so, and the wireless dongle is poorly constructed. I've had to solder pieces of it back together, which is a common problem with that part of the device. Still, it's the best option, since playing this game
without a controller is an exercise in self-flagellation.
Sammoniac said:
I recently started playing Dark Souls because of all the praise it got here on the forums (and podcasts). HOLY SHIT. What a game! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun in a video game. At first, I started a thief (I always play thieves in rpgs) but then, I found out that the melee combat in this game is absolutely awesome, so I started a two-handed great sword warrior.. a little like Guts. Swinging the upgraded Zweihandler brings me such a feeling of incredible satisfaction. I decided not to use shields or ranged weapons at all in my play through. So far I'm doing really fine. In fact, its almost too easy. I killed the hellkite dragon and the hydra recently and it was fucking epic. I owe it all to you guys I guess
Glad you're enjoying it. Aaz gets credit for introducing it to me (and Mass Effect, and Infinite Space...), inadvertently turning me into a crazed lunatic. As much as I've gushed about Dark Souls on the podcast, I don't think I've ever oversold it. I really could talk about that game for hours and hours...