The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Groovy Metal Fist said:
Was Skyrim patched today? For some reason, I can run on higher settings and a better frame rate now.
Yes, though the specifics of the update seem a little nebulous at this point:
So I'm over 50 hours in and at level 31 and yet I haven't don't any guild quests/ main quests/ or even those other bigger objective quests. I have spent most of those 50 hours doing those seemingly pointless miscellaneous jobs for random fold (I got the achievement for doing 50 and that was like 20 hours ago). However I don't mind at all. This is how i like to play. I like to keep people happy with me and build many relationships and it also helps with exploring and getting to know the cities and the land better. Some of the bigger quest Ive ran into accidentally have led to some very interesting encounters.
Once I was confronted with a Daedric Lord and another I was forced to play mind game with none other than Daedric Prince Sheogorath :guts:.
That made me happy. But I am taking it slow and even though my character is extremely powerful I still find there to be some challenges, and since I haven't started the big quests yet I can only imagine how intense things are going to get.
Joe Chip said:
Not bad, but it's no river of cheese wheels!
I bought Skyrim this morning and i'm an hour away from being able to play it! I am most definitely excited!

You can be a real dick in this game if you set your mind to it. The girl in the background was still crying as I used her dog's head as an anvil.
I've got around 70 hours on the 360 version and I can only remember one part that lagged and that was when something glitched on me. I restarted that area and had no lag. I don't know about ps3 but after all the time I've put into it I haven't had any lag problems. I would say go for it. Also ill be able check on you progress :-)
Ok, ok. I can see myself getting into this game.

What struck me at first, and this is only from having played Demon's and Dark Souls back to back, is the difficulty. Now, I'm positive it gets harder later on, but I've been conditioned to dying right out of the gate. This isn't a Souls game, I know, I just have to get used to that fact.

Secondly, is it alright to steal from, well, EVERYONE? Are there any repercussions from doing so? I was offered to help myself at someone's home and I cleaned them out. That cool in Skyrim?

Lastly, I know I should play this First Person. But 3rd is tempting. It doesn't matter I know. How is everyone else playing?
Proj2501 said:
Ok, ok. I can see myself getting into this game.

What struck me at first, and this is only from having played Demon's and Dark Souls back to back, is the difficulty. Now, I'm positive it gets harder later on, but I've been conditioned to dying right out of the gate. This isn't a Souls game, I know, I just have to get used to that fact.
I think that Skyrim is incredibly easy. But it really depends on how you play the game, what character class, etc. As an archer, I can just about one-shot most enemies in the game. Sometimes it takes up to 3 arrows. For dragons, between 10-12 shots. Basically things die quick when you have an enchanted bow, and perks weighted towards archery.

Secondly, is it alright to steal from, well, EVERYONE? Are there any repercussions from doing so? I was offered to help myself at someone's home and I cleaned them out. That cool in Skyrim?
If you're caught stealing, a number of things could happen. They could just take the item back, no harm done, or they could try to kill you (people are SERIOUS about their cabbage!), and they could also place a bounty on your head after which the guards will come for you. In either of these last two scenarios, if you kill every witness, the bounty will be removed, and you will stroll along a free man without a rap sheet.

Lastly, I know I should play this First Person. But 3rd is tempting. It doesn't matter I know. How is everyone else playing?
First-person for me. Third-person feels very awkward and clumsy, but I know of many people who are playing it like that.
Proj2501 said:
What struck me at first, and this is only from having played Demon's and Dark Souls back to back, is the difficulty. Now, I'm positive it gets harder later on

It gets easier as you progress. The fun of Skyrim is in exploration. You don't really need any skill to play the game.

Proj2501 said:
Secondly, is it alright to steal from, well, EVERYONE? Are there any repercussions from doing so? I was offered to help myself at someone's home and I cleaned them out. That cool in Skyrim?

You were offered to take the stuff, so it wasn't stealing. When you steal, you'll be told, and the consequences will be made clear quickly enough. :slan:

Proj2501 said:
Lastly, I know I should play this First Person. But 3rd is tempting. It doesn't matter I know. How is everyone else playing?

First person of course.
Proj2501 said:
Ok, ok. I can see myself getting into this game.

What struck me at first, and this is only from having played Demon's and Dark Souls back to back, is the difficulty. Now, I'm positive it gets harder later on, but I've been conditioned to dying right out of the gate. This isn't a Souls game, I know, I just have to get used to that fact.

Secondly, is it alright to steal from, well, EVERYONE? Are there any repercussions from doing so? I was offered to help myself at someone home and I cleaned them out. That cool in Skyrim?

Lastly, I know I should play this First Person. But 3rd is tempting. It doesn't matter I know. How is everyone else playing?

The difficulty system is flat out broken. I played the game as a mage. The game is somewhat easy in the introduction. Then when the world opens up and you wander around, you will find many monsters that you will either have to kite for 5 minutes or guzzle upwards of 6 health potions at a time to defeat. You can pause the game to use as many at a time as you want, so there is no timing involved; they are just bonus hit points. As the game goes on, some of the monsters do get swapped for higher level ones, but the game gets gradually easier as time goes on. Once you max out your enchanting ability you can make it so that you can cast healing and destruction spells at no mana cost. When you couple this with the ability of destruction spells to stun an enemy, then the game ceases to be a challenge at all.

There is no consequence for stealing so long as you don't get caught stealing or trespassing. You will know if you get caught because an npc will get angry or a bounty will be placed on you.

Third person is useful for seeing an enemy behind you. It's best for kiting. Otherwise, first person has more precise aiming and is generally more fun to play. Being staggered in first person is much more intense than being staggered in third person.

I appreciate the changes they made from Oblivion, but they still carried over the game's largest flaws. The difficulty is broken, the combat system has huge exploits, and the inventory system is a nuisance. If you want the game to be fun, don't focus on enchanting, alchemy, or smithing; it breaks the game.
Guts and the Dragonslayer mod for Skyrim:


Too bad about that hair though :ganishka: The site has a ton of other awesome designs. I'm really impressed.
Too bad they couldn't add an eyepatch that just looked like a "closed eye." Though I'm sure there's a reason they couldn't do that.

It looks awesome nonetheless. What detail.