

I need more sleep -_- zzz
Woohoo ^_^


Rhino has announced that it will be releasing the entire first season of original Transformers episodes in a DVD box set early in 2002!! Here is their official statement, so far: "The box set will contain the entire first season of the series and be released in both VHS and DVD. It is still scheduled for early next year, but we don't have a specific release date yet".


Today's Yamaba?
Transformers! More than meets the eye!
Transformers! Robot in Disguise!
Autobots wage their Battle
To destroy the evil forces
Of the Decepticons.....
Hopefully they won't botch the video transfer like they did w/ Transformers: The Movie ...

I would rather have Beast Wars seasons 2 and 3 on dvd, though...season1 was ass both visually and plotwise, but seasons 2 and 3 were absolutely incredible.


I need more sleep -_- zzz
I never watched those, I'm strictly an oldschool TF fan. Was the transfer as bad as the vampire hunter D release by urban vision? You need night vision goggles to watch that shit.
Yeah, I was strictly an oldschool fan too, and was pissed by Beast Wars' apparent cheezyness (Optimus Primal, animals vs dinosaurs, etc etc)...but seasons 2 and 3 of BW are much better than seasons 2 and 3 of Transformers. I mean, did you see that episode "A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court?"
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