Video Game Soundtracks

I couldn't find another topic on this, forgive me if I've completely missed it.

What are some of your favorite VG soundtracks?

I've been re-playing the Mass Effect series, so I wanted to post this.

Mass Effect OST -

Another OST I love is the first Dark Souls

Gwyn -

Diablo 1 was one of the first games I've ever played, I can't really think of any other game that gave me the chills as much as this one. The music added a lot to the dark feeling of the game.

Diablo 1 OST -
My favorites are Chrono Trigger ( and Mega Man 2 ( or I simply can't get enough of them.
Not a bad selection at all.

There are many great video game soundtracks. I would add some of the most obvious ones: Castlevania (every game pretty much); the Zelda, Mario and Metroid series; the classic Square RPG titles; the Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 OSTs, which I feel are especially good; Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen; ICO and Shadow of the Colossus; Deus Ex: Human Revolution... The list can be very long if you try to be exhaustive.
Aazealh said:
Not a bad selection at all.

There are many great video game soundtracks. I would add some of the most obvious ones: Castlevania (every game pretty much); the Zelda, Mario and Metroid series; the classic Square RPG titles; the Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 OSTs, which I feel are especially good; Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen; ICO and Shadow of the Colossus; Deus Ex: Human Revolution... The list can be very long if you try to be exhaustive.

Exhaustive is good! I am a huge music lover.

I had forgotten about Shadow of the Colossus, what a great game, and Metroid too.

I guess I've honestly never played Castlevania or Deus Ex, I'll need to look into that, considering how many good things I've heard about those series.
Big lover of game music from as far back as I can remember.

Some of my absolute favorites include, listed in order they occurred to me:

Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Shadow of the Colossus & ICO
Super Metroid
Castlevania: SotN
Diablo II
Seiken Densetsu 3
Super Mario World
Legend of Zelda 3
Streets of Rage 2
Metroid Prime
Dark Souls

I'll probably add more as I think of them, but those are the big ones.
Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 9, SMB3, SMW, Mario 64, Zelda 3, Zelda 64, Wind Waker, Doom, Fallout 1 & 2, FF6, FF7, FF Tactics, Diablo 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect, Resident Evil 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Chrono Trigger & Cross, Sonic 1-3, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max Hit the Road, Earthbound... uhh, Nintendo? I feel like my choices are so cliche and dated. =)
So many classics already listed. Good call on Doom, Griffith, that game freaked me out as a kid. And Quake, the first one had such a good atmospheric, brooding soundtrack. So from what's not already listed -

Duke Nukem 3D ... I loved tunes for Water World and Sneaky Snake stages

Contra (have Stage Clear as my email tune)

Power Blade II ... got a lot of game time because my brother and I loved the tunes, getting to different stages just to listen. We first bought the cartridge cos we saw this guy on the cover that looked like Arnold (Commando~ish) and saw him pop on the main menu and go bonkers. Played this again in Jan after years.


Some more.
Oh how exciting. I hava about 1000 tracks in this category. Some favorites....

Diablo 1, 2 not 3
Mass effect
Legacy of Kain -Favorite
Champions of Norrath
Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance
Metroid Prime
The adventures of Batman and Robin (sega genesis)
Silent hill 1-3
Darksiders 2
Shinobi 3
Berserk (duh)
Ninja Gaiden (xbox)
Too many nintendo games to list
-Ominous sounding tracks from resident evil

And more, but off the top of my head, those stand out.
Dust force (This sound track is absolutely fucking amazing)
Sonic 1-3
Sonic and knuckles
Any Castlevania
MGS for ps1
Street fighter
Any souls game
guilty gear
I love a lot of video game music sound tracks, there are so many beautiful songs. I feel like people would probably think I'm strange if they've ever listen to my Ipod, they would hear a lot of anime, video game and rock opera music (Ayreon). A few of my favorite OSTs include: Mischief Makers, Castlevania: SOTN, Final Fantasy Tactics and Mega Man 2.

One song I'll post is from one of my favorite video games I grew up playing: Donkey Kong country 2. I love all of the DKC series, and I know some don't really care for the platforming and prefer Super Mario World, the music and ambiance in these video games are absolutely amazing, and I love David Wise and his talents.
There's quite a few games here I'm not familiar with, so I'll be looking into them when I have free time. Thanks!

I don't know why I forgot to post the soundtrack for the original StarCraft, it was fantastic as well.

I should probably just generalize it down to "90's Blizzard Games', I have fond memories of all of them. :serpico:
Griffith said:
Chrono Trigger & Cross

It's nice to see Chrono Cross get some love. It's one of my all-time favorite games and I like the soundtrack quite a bit. I thought about putting it on my list but in the end I decided to list only my top two.
Griffith said:
Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max Hit the Road,

Wow haven't thought about these in forever. I don't even remember the music, but these are great games so I should revisit them.

Anyway a lot of the most memorable music in video games definitely comes from those 90's jrpg's. Along with the ones already mentioned I'll throw in my absolute favorite which is the Suikoden games. The first two especially had very large and wonderfully memorable soundtracks that are still quite good today.
Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 have my favorite soundtracks by far. Outside of those two I really like the soundtracks of Diablo 1 and Streets of Rage 2 (specifically the music from the bar level) as well as Onimusha 1-3, Tenchu 1-4, and pretty much any other soundtrack that incorporates that sweet ass traditional Japanese music into their songs.
We could be talking forever about this. And although almost every soundtrack I love has been mentioned, I will also mention other sagas/games that come to mind now:

Devil May Cry (original saga)
Monster Hunter
Red Dead Redemption
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Beautiful at worst. Love at first hearing.
Undertale is easily one of the best. I also like Earthbound, the Final Fantasy Series(X-2 having some serious faves), Xenogears, Shadow Madness, the Souls Series, and Electronic Super Joy. And that's just naming a few.
I'm a huge fan of the Silent Hill soundtracks and Akira Yamaoka's work in general. His music and soundscapes are a huge reason why I'm such a fan of the series. I've probably heard at least one of his songs almost everyday since 2001 hah.

I'm also a major fan of the atmospherics of Fallout 3, New Vegas and Skyrim. I could listen to that stuff forever.
My John Carpenter musical kick, particularly the Lost Themes album, has made me realize that part of the reason the FF7 soundtrack might be so resonant with me is because of it's reliance on similar synth sounds! John Carpenter and FF7, two things I didn't previous associate but now can't separate because FF7 is the John Carpenter score of Final Fantasy soundtracks.
Shenmue 1 & 2
Streets of Rage series
Comix Zone
Mass Effect
Resident Evil Code: Veronica
Siren series
Silent Hill 1 & 2
Ecco the Dolphin 1 & 2
I started replying with my own list...

Final Fantasy VII
Shadow of the Colossus
Mass Effect
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Zelda 3
Ocarina of Time
The Wind Waker
Super Mario World
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 2

...before realizing I had already posted mine above, but was impressed by how closely I was mirroring my previous selections or vice versa. At least my choices are consistent. I guess I would add the Souls series and Bloodborne, but it's more a vibe than specifically memorable tracks I love or something. Actually, I'm trying to think of recent game soundtracks that caught my ear but I can hardly recall them (even BotW and RDR, which I loved, have largely faded). Did Horizon Zero Dawn even have music? I'm sure it did! What I do recall about the music and sound design from that game is I had to lower the volume on it to hear the dialogue. =)
Soundtracks I'd revisit (need to buy most of them):

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy IV
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario World
ESPN Extreme Games/1Xtreme (great metal/rock jams)

I hesitate to throw in Final Fantasy VII, only because I wasn't a giant fan of the game but the soundtrack is very nostalgic. There's some great interpretations of the above Mario games — I don't delve too deep into covers etc, because...nerds...but there's some impressive stuff out there.

Back in the late 90's/early 2000's I used to have tracks ripped from the games (emulation days) that were literally had no end time. I forgot the format, but you needed a plugin for Winamp in order to listen to them, but they were fantastic because they were free, basically 0kb, and the authentic source.
Franz said:
Back in the late 90's/early 2000's I used to have tracks ripped from the games (emulation days) that were literally had no end time. I forgot the format, but you needed a plugin for Winamp in order to listen to them, but they were fantastic because they were free, basically 0kb, and the authentic source.
