X360 - w00t I won! I got it!!

"I work in the electronics section at walmart, I am personally taking the day off work so that I may wait in line myself to get one of these. I will be waiting in line for 23 hours before the release date"

This guy has his priorities straight. If you research the winning bidder, you'll see that he sold his daughter into prostitution to make the paypal payments, and he loves Halo too.
Seriously though, I'd give anything to play Kameo 2 and Project Gotham Racing 3. I'm sure it'd be an incredible, unforgettable experience. :schierke:
Waited from 930PM to 830AM at Best Buy last night, in the rain with temps around 20-30 Degree and bad winds. At work now , going on 28 hours no sleep with my Premium Bundle sitting on my bed with PGR3 waiting. Was it worth it? When I boot it up tonight with in car view, I damn well bet it will be.
grendelrt said:
Waited from 930PM to 830AM at Best Buy last night, in the rain with temps around 20-30 Degree and bad winds. At work now ,  going on 28 hours no sleep with my Premium Bundle sitting on my bed with PGR3 waiting. Was it worth it? When I boot it up tonight with in car view, I damn well bet it will be.

Why would anyone willingly stand out in the rain in 20/30 degreee weather for a video game system they probably preordered? 28 hours... BAH! Try 96 + then talk!
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
Why would anyone willingly stand out in the rain in 20/30 degreee weather for a video game system they probably preordered? 28 hours... BAH! Try 96 + then talk!

Couldnt preorder, every single store near me sold out back in like May. I tried hehe. I also tried CC preorder that started Friday at 2pm and got screwed. Tried Walmart for midnight launch, thye had people in line at 7am for a 12am launch (I was at work). So willingly, barely lol. All said and done, I will lose one nights sleep for the next 4 years or so of enjoyment I will get out of my 360 :P
i went to future shop(biggest electronic franchise in canada) at 11am this morning, and they told me the systems are all sold out at 9am.

anyway, i try call of duty in the store, the graphic is amazing, some serious sh%t....
I seriously hope this guy gives the bitter a regular Xbox spraypainted in silver. What a waste of money.
hmmm, i check out the xbox trailers for kameo and madden... i just dont see the big deal... it just doesnt seem like a next generation console... when playstaion and dreamcast came out it was like a frickin break through... then there was ps2 and it was like nothing i have ever seen... now we have xbox360... and granted, things are getting much more shiney, but im just not impressed...

just to make my bias clear, im a playstation man... better games
Congratulations to all X Box 360 owners.
They started lining up at the Best Buy by my house at like 7 pm last night, tents and everything. I always wonder why people would want to wait outside when they could have preordered and gotten one at midnight. To each their own I guess. Heres a short convo I had with one of the fellas at Best Buy last night.

Me: "Whats coming out, PS3?"
Guy camped out: "No, X Box 360"
Me: "Oh, that sucks"
Me: "I heard MGS4 was coming out for X Box 360"
Guy: "No, thats for PS3"
Me: "Oh, that REALLY sucks"

I'm such a ball buster
Perfect Dark Zero is getting good reviews. But I still don't see the point at buying this thing at launch. Wait for the PS3 to come out or something, or at least when it goes down in price...
Lucky :p.

I literally stood out in 41degree weather for two hours (Waitied in the car before that) with about 12 other people at my local k-mart only to be told "sorry we didn't get any."

They wouldn't even let us put our name on the list to have first dibs when they do get them in....which really pissed me off.
Im with CnC, Perfect Dark Zero looks good but besides that only game ive seen ill want for X-box 360 is Dead or Alive 4. So ill be waiting for this one till good games come out or it lowers in price.
You do realize pre orders were shorted all over the nation, most EB/Gamestops/etc didnt get anywhere near the amounts they had pre ordered for first shipment.

handsome rakshas said:
Congratulations to all X Box 360 owners.
They started lining up at the Best Buy by my house at like 7 pm last night, tents and everything. I always wonder why people would want to wait outside when they could have preordered and gotten one at midnight. To each their own I guess. Heres a short convo I had with one of the fellas at Best Buy last night.

Me: "Whats coming out, PS3?"
Guy camped out: "No, X Box 360"
Me: "Oh, that sucks"
Me: "I heard MGS4 was coming out for X Box 360"
Guy: "No, thats for PS3"
Me: "Oh, that REALLY sucks"

I'm such a ball buster
grendelrt said:
You do realize pre orders were shorted all over the nation, most EB/Gamestops/etc didnt get anywhere near the amounts they had pre ordered for first shipment.

It's really hard to like XBOX360 when the name itself implies redundancy.
Walter said:

It's really hard to like XBOX360 when the name itself implies redundancy.
lolz ur such a nubcakes!!111 Teh 360 is going to be teh bests kthxbye
Walter said:

It's really hard to like XBOX360 when the name itself implies redundancy.

Nintendo Revolution (one if its definitions) iplies the same thing.

They should call the non-harddrive version XBOX 180. It would make more sense.
I was a fan of XBOX Next. that was catchy, baby...
omg.... They were selling around 600 just 24 hrs ago. This is just simply insane. My friend was going to buy one for 400 at best buy and then sell it on ebay. Damn.....
CnC said:
Perfect Dark Zero is getting good reviews. But I still don't see the point at buying this thing at launch. Wait for the PS3 to come out or something, or at least when it goes down in price...

I love you, man

grendelrt said:
You do realize pre orders were shorted all over the nation, most EB/Gamestops/etc didnt get anywhere near the amounts they had pre ordered for first shipment.

If you act in time you will get one. If you wait for the last minute to preorder
I assume that person is not a fan and does not deserve one. I could've preordered the 360 like 900 times but why would I do that?

But anyway.....



Look what we've created.

PS: Thug Life.
CnC said:
Wait for the PS3 to come out or something, or at least when it goes down in price...

I agree, that's what I'm doing. I'm waiting until next year to buy the XBOX 360 when there'll be plenty of good games out, not just a ton of shitty launch titles (Perfect Dark aside). That and considering what the PS3 is probably going to cost, I'll need the lower price if I decide to pick up the XBOX 360 at all.
This is becoming insane... People paying so damn much for something that is going to go down like 100 in price in 6-12 months...