Xbox line up impressions

I thought that I’d start this topic since Microsoft did their showcase today. One thing to note is that unlike Sony none of the games shown were true Xbox exclusives because I’m pretty sure all will be on PC or launch in PC also at some point. Not that that’s a bad thing.

I haven’t had a chance to gather all of my thoughts but a few stand outs.

Halo: gameplay looks solid. I’ve never been into the story much but it could be okay. It was serviceable except for the brute chieftain talking RIGHT into the camera.

Stalker 2: I never got to play the original because bad PC. So I’m looking forward to it.

I forget the names but the new obsian and silent hill like games look cool.

Fable 4: I’m cautiously optimistic. It might as well be called Metroid prime 4 development wise to me though.
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Games that looked cool for me?

- Halo going open world.
- Fable.
- Stalker 2.
- Forza.
- Crossfire X
- Everwild
- Avowed

Especially the last one made me interested because I like FPP RPG's and one made by Obsidian in fantasy world? Maybe they would top Bethesda at making The Elder Scrolls while they've did it already with Fallout? I hope Avowed has enough budget and that team is quite the same Obsidian quality wise like the ones who made Fallout: New Vegas.

Tbh I'm probably going for PS5 this generation like I've always did because of backwards compatibility - I have collection of PS4 games - and also because of already bought Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4, and some promising series/titles that will have continuation on PS5 - but, I want to see what Microsoft has yet to reveal and maybe I'll change my decision. I'm not going to lie that Avowed and Fable makes me more positive about Xbox. Also the 14-17% to 21% more powerful specs make me positive about Xbox, especially when it comes to hitting high FPS and resolution in games - I have 4K TV. So far we're getting some nice classics back, in case of PS5 it's Ratchet, in case of Xbox it's Fable. All looks good and promising.
Especially the last one made me interested because I like FPP RPG's and one made by Obsidian in fantasy world? Maybe they would top Bethesda at making The Elder Scrolls while they've did it already with Fallout? I hope Avowed has enough budget and that team is quite the same Obsidian quality wise like the ones who made Fallout: New Vegas.

I personally don’t consider the outer worlds to be a successor to fallout. They feel too different. To me at least. Still a great game.

Obsidian certainly had a smaller budget for the outer worlds compared to what they will have for Avowed. So it should be very interesting!
The games that caught my interest are Avowed, The Medium, Crossfire, Stalker 2 and I guess Hellblade 2. It's nice to see Xbox getting their act together this generation after the Xbox One debacle.
The games that caught my interest are Avowed, The Medium, Crossfire, Stalker 2 and I guess Hellblade 2. It's nice to see Xbox getting their act together this generation after the Xbox One debacle.

I'm just glad that most, if not all, of their titles will be going to PC.
I'm just glad that most, if not all, of their titles will be going to PC.

That didn't surprise me. It makes sense because PC gaming is done overwhelmingly on Windows, but more importantly because their strategy going forward is cloud gaming. They're going to completely own that market within just a few years.