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Welcome to Black Sun Over Midland: Berserk Homepage. This is a site dedicated to the series "Kenpuu Denki BERSERK" written by Kentaro Miura and serialized in Young Animal magazine. Even though this is inspired by our fan translation of the anime series, much of the information here, especially the background material, are taken from the manga. After all, the TV show is based on the manga series.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind before visiting the links. Many of the links listed on the left tend to be very graphics-intensive, especially the Gallery Section which contains more than 300 different pictures (Gallery 3 alone has almost 250 images!), so it helps if you have a fast system and connection. This site also looks better if you view the pages using the smallest font possible (click on "View" in Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer). In addition, you need to have the Albertus Medium font installed in your system, which you can obtain here or if you have a Mac, get it here. But more importantly, this site contains a lot of spoilers to the TV series so it might be better for you to find the TV series and watch it first and then explore this site.

As for the rest, feel free to explore this site but be prepared to be branded with the Seal. It has been known that once a person has seen Berserk, that person is considered branded as a Berserk fan for life. -_^

This site is always in a state of constant change so every time you visit, make sure that you check out the Updates page to see the latest changes and additions to the site.



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Last updated: 30 July 2002
Maintained by:
Skull Knight